Swords: Five
Astrological Correspondence: Venus in Aquarius. [For more information, click]
Keywords: defeat, loss, failure, conflicts.
Description: The Five of Swords indicates a verbal argument of sorts. The querent seems to have the upper hand, but it is definitely not a pleasant situation. This is also a card of walking away from a person or situation that is no longer useful in our life. Defeat in battle, a conflict will go against you. Cut your losses and swallow your pride. You may have to back-track and start again. The course you are on will bring nothing but misery. You must accept that a change of direction is necessary.
Upright Associations: Defeat, loss, failure, negative thoughts and attitudes. Winning at the expense of another. Communication problems, arguments, humiliation, insensitivity.
Reversed Associations: Mourning, a funeral, distress, remorse. Clearing the air, truth at any cost. Dejection, vengeance, vindication, end of slander.