History of Modern Philosophy

 The History of Modern Philosophy


Alfred William Benn

This book is a brief, but cogent discussion of Western philosophy-- from Francis Bacon and Giordano Bruno through Descartes, Spinoza, and Leibniz, Hume, Berkeley and Kant, the German idealists and Hegel, and ending with such nineteenth century luminaries as Mill, Spencer, and Nietzsche. Enchanted with Copernicus, Bruno goes to the stake for positing an infinity of inhabited worlds. Descartes, a professed skeptic, manages to justify everything the Jesuits taught him at La Flèche, while Spinoza, in mystical awe, envisions a pantheistic cosmos in which thought and extension are one and the same thing--God. The British philosopher, A.W. Benn, presents each thinker biographically and within the context of his philosophical predecessors and contemporaries. (Pamela Nagami, M.D.)

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What I found interesting was that, starting with the first chapter, the periods of evolutionary philosophy started to change from one culture to another and back again so did Tarot and playing cards evolution. So as the great philosophers battled to change the human mind and thoughts so scholars and writers of the Tarot followed and changed too.

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