Saturday, 14 August 2021

Card for today, 14th August 2021

Rider Waite card No 18, XVIII Moon
Astrological Correspondence: Pisces
Keywords: imagination, dreams, emotion, competition (the dogs), illusion
Description: The Moon in all its phases represents the world of dreams, illusions, and the subconscious. Traditionally the symbol of the feminine, the card's meaning encompasses the maternal, the Great Mother, womanhood, and cycles. The Moon is an ambivalent card, its imagery signifies the difficulty to see things clearly: inspiring and lacking courage, enchanting and bewildering, deceptive and receptive - all sides of the same coin. Signalling fluctuating moods and uncertainty we must pay attention to our dreams, confront our subconscious and deal with the issues that come to the surface in order to progress to a higher level of awareness. Being able to put our imagination and creative talents to good use is an added bonus.
Upright Associations: Psychic & intuitive awakening, dreams, strange experiences, madness. Female power and rhythms, self deception, fear.
Negative qualities, such as ambiguity, confusion, hidden fears, deception, can be a cause for failure.
Reversed Associations: Fear of entering the unknown, disappointment, guilt. deceptions. Hidden difficulties, suppression, time to move towards openness.

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