Lenormand Piatnik 191415 Extended deck

Example using the Piatnik Extended deck.


With extended text from the Complete Lenormand Oracle Handbook by Caitlin Matthews.

A short spread to get a quick answer by looking at the immediate past and immediate future of your client. You can use 5 or 7 cards for this spread.

Card Placement meaning

FOCUS CARD: This is either the card to be focused on or the significator.

The storks denote changes. This can be moving house or a new beginning. If it stands for a person, it symbolizes a Kindhearted woman.
Process of self cleansing, the stork brings to the card after it what the card before it represents. The changing power of love.
Change, house move.

Extended Notes


Stork brings change and movement, as well as rest­lessness. It often expresses itself as birth, migration, or relocation, as well as a need for spring cleaning or to make preparations for a change. The direction in which the Stork is flying may indicate the nature of the changes, so look to the card that follows. It governs things that are seasonally periodic like migrating birds or fish, or the return of the Easter fun fair or any annual festival. Stork is a court card and we can see the Queen of Hearts as a warm, sympathetic woman who likes to nurture or care for others. Stork’s appearance can welcome changes and improve things, but sometimes it just brings change by itself. Stork's movement is contrasted with Anchor’s stability. Stork as “migrating or moving away” also contrasts with a reading of Garden as “gathering together.”

Effect: Neutral.

Nouns: Migrant; alteration; birth; nurture; season.

Adjectives: Changeable; moving; improving; restless.

Verbs: Alter; relocate; return; ameliorate; transfer; care; nurse.

Adverbs: Periodically; seasonally; restlessly.

People: Nurse; foster parent; midwife; migrant; immigrant; nomad.

Timing: March.

Lenormand Universe: Destined Movement.


Stork + Rod: Continual changes; aggravated by movement; repeated return.

Stork + Dog: Birth companion; faithful return; compliant with the changes.

Stork + Fish: Financial changes; a fluid movement; transactional changes.

Stork + Tree + Mountain: Moving for a long time to reach the border.

Stork + Child + Lily: New winter season stock; elder becomes a grandparent.

Tree + Mountain + Stork: Health hold-ups improve.

Stork on House of Cross: Moving through or beyond crisis.

Card Placement meaning

Past events: This card is the recent past that has led to the question being asked.

31 - SUN

31 - SUN This is a very positive card! It stands for success, energy, willpower and optimism. When asked if something will succeed, this card should always be interpreted as a positive reply. Optimism, happiness, success. God, Creation, Good, Success, hot, positive, willpower, aura, the absolute.

Extended Notes

31 - SUN

The Sun brings vigor, energy, and vitality into the reading.  It signals a welcome relief of difficult conditions and brings to the cards a light that helps you find your way. This cheery brightening up of things can come with a sense of success or achievement.  Next to challenging cards it dilutes them as the Good Fairy god­mother does in the case of the curse upon Sleeping Beauty; it doesn’t take the challenge entirely away, but it will limit the severity somewhat. Sun can be electricity or voltage as well, so Birds + Sun could be an electric radio or recording device. Sun gives us daylight and summer, as well as consciousness. As complementary opposites, Sun and Child (day and innocent) make a pair with Moon and Fox (night and guilty). 

Effect: Fortunate. Sun warms things up and brings happiness.  

Nouns: Warmth; light; day; confidence; summer; relief; electricity; conscious; holiday; goodwill; idealism; success. 

Adjectives: Cheerful; sunny; ambitious; south; bright; everyday;  propitious. 

Verbs: Enlighten; gain; warm; electrify; recreate; heat; sheer; miti­gate. 

Adverbs: Cheerfully; warmly; daily; confidently. 

People: Optimist; electrician; comedian; charismatic person.

Timing: Summer. 

Lenormand Universe: Luck of Life. 


Sun + House: Domestic happiness. 

House + Sun: Summer house. 

Sun + Tree: Recovery of health; growing warmer; tree lights. 

Sun + Coffin: Solstice; eclipse; happiness ends. 

Sun + Birds: Talking about a holiday; sound and light display; nervous of sunburn. 

Sun + Cross: Critical heat; a bomb; spiritual mitigation. 

Sun + Key + Snake: Confidence is the key to sophistication. 

Sun on House of Ship: Success lies abroad; a holiday abroad.

Card Placement meaning

Current events.: Current events that have led to the question being asked.


35 - ANCHOR This card stands for work, job, training and stability. If you have questions regarding your work and your job, look at the cards around it. Stability, success, security. Gravity, lifestyle, relative security in work or relationships.

Extended Notes


Anchor is the card of stability and dependability. It is immovable and so it talks about fixtures and things that remain unchanged. This can extend to situations staying the same, or it can signal a return to normal. There is also something about An­chor that is routine and as a description of a person it can mean someone is reliable to the point of being a little dull. Some Lenormand schools use it as a work card, as it speaks to the hard­ working or persevering ethic. It can stand, by extension, for the livelihood on which your security is founded, although the actual cash is represented by Fish. Traditionally, the anchor represents hope and faith, meanings that derive from the steadiness lent by the anchor to the ship in rough waters. 

Compare Anchor’s opposite card of Stork, which is all about change and movement, or Clover, which is as bubbly, light, and carefree as Anchor is heavy and serious. 

Effect: Neutral. Nouns: Stability; maintenance; standards; permanence; safety; standards; hope; livelihood; routine. 

Adjectives: Stable; keeping; unchanging; reliable; serious; hard working; coastal. 

Verbs: Secure; ground; rely; anchor; persevere; make safe; settle.  

Adverbs: Securely; dependably; reliably;  hopefully. 

People: Settler; founder; maintenance workers; security person;  news anchor; pedant; safety officer. 

Timing: In the next few months; very slowly. 

Lenormand Universe: Secure Service. 


Anchor + Clover: Upturn stabilizes; fortunate connection; making light of routine. 

Anchor + Ship: Yearning for stability; travel insurance; foreign protection. 

Anchor + Tower: Immoveable; official position; institutional secu­rity; stable government. 

Anchor + Mice: Diminished standards; worries about safety. 

Anchor + Book: Discreetly unchanging; educationally persevering.  

Anchor + Key: Unlocking the chains; key-holder security; essential standards. 

Anchor + Tower + Lily: Commitments lead to a lonely old age.  

Anchor on House of Mountain: Maintained remotely; alienated by security.

Card Placement meaning

Current Future: What is to come soon.

5 - TREE

5 - TREE
Rooted, grounded.
Growth, Health, energy. Expansion.
This card's topic is health. If it is next to the person's card, it can be an indication of health problems. The card also stands for all of life itself.
Knowledge of Good and Evil, Life, Health, time, development.

Extended Notes

5 - TREE

Tree stands for health and well-being, growth, and even life itself. It is not a card you want to see in the vicinity of Mice or Coffin, as then it shows diminished vitality. It can mean the begin­ning of a downturn in health in Tree + Mice, or a serious health condition with Tree + Coffin. Because Tree can also stand for long lasting, it can represent memory in systems like seeds, blueprints, and DNA, as well as boredom, ennui, and extended time. It also shows up as ancestral or genetic memory, in this context. Tree covers the systemic family tree of many generations or ancestors, although House is the nuclear family unit in a dwelling and Lily means family well-being. Tree covers all networks and systems and can indicate the well-being of a group or system as much as of the body’s own system. Tree as “growth" contrasts with Mice as “decay,” while Tree is ordinary, everyday well-being to Moon’s celebri­ty fame.

Effect: Neutral. Nouns: Patience; DNA; well-being; blueprint; time; 

ancestral memory; network; life; system; ancestors.

Adjectives: Slowly; boring; long-lasting; healthy; genetic; living. 

Verbs: Grow; slow down; endure; heal; extend; bear; systematize. 

Adverbs: Healthfully; lastingly; patiently; memorably; systemically.

People: Patient; doctor; therapist; tree specialist; extended family; 


Timing: Very slowly.

Lenormand Universe: Destined Connections.


Tree + Scythe R: Tree surgeon.

Tree + Scythe L: Health danger.

Tree + Fox: Lying about your health; misdiagnosis; deceptive health.

Tree + Heart: Loving patience; emotional period; favorite tree.

Tree + Stars: Shamanism; wisdom of ancestors; clean bill of health.

Tree + Mountain: Blocked growth; a long delay; a clogged network. 

Tree + Tower + Birds: Nervous about going to hospital.

Tree on House of Dog: Rooting about; faithful to the ancestors.

Card Placement meaning

Near future: Possible prediction of what is to come.


At the place where the mountain appears there is a blockage. An obstacle has to be overcome and nothing is working at the moment. The card can also be an indicator of a powerful enemy. Obstacles, danger, block, frustration, coldness, hard work. Large, momentous. Fixed, long-lasting or permanent.

Extended Notes


Mountain signifies something we can’t get over easily, so it often shows itself as a blockage, obstacle, delay, or limit that we have to negotiate. It sometimes represents a pile of work you have to do or a delay for a trip you are taking. When it appears over the head of the querent, it indicates a burden that weighs heavily.  When Mountain comes to the right of a card it operates as a block, so Bear + Mountain can make you feel powerless or obstruct your plans. Because it stands for borders, this card can also appear as border control or customs. Mountains can describe being remote or feeling alienated. It can also mean enemy. When describing a per­son, Mountain is dour and gives little away. Compare Cross with Mountain: Cross is something that cannot be worked around but only undergone or faced, while Mountain can be overcome with effort or strategy. Mountain stands for inland, contrasting Anchor for coastal. Mountain stands for national compared with Ship’s overseas or Stars’ universal. 

Effect: Challenging. 

Nouns: Obstacle: estrangement; boundary; limit; enemy; weight; introversion; distance. 

Adjectives: Remote; hermetic; inimical; heavy; national; inland; sequestered; impassive. 

Verbs: Separate; remove; block; delay; alienate; rusticate; border; concentrate. 

Adverbs: Remotely; limitedly; boundaried; distantly. 

People: Hermit; explorer; mountain climber; skier; solitary; recluse.  

Timing: Delayed; far off. 

Lenormand Universe: Fateful delay. 


Mountain + Snake: Complicated delays; jealously estranged; treacherous enemy. 

Mountain + Birds: Nervous about border control; talking remotely.

Mountain + Dog: A far-off friend; separated from your companion. 

Mountain + Moon: Keeping remote from the limelight; honorable retirement. 

Mountain + Ring + Fish: A delayed financial agreement. 

Mountain on House of Letter: Check your visa for the border!

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