What card deck should I choose?

What card deck should I choose for this reading?

I always take 3 specific card decks with me when doing one-to-one readings. They are Rider Waite, Haindl and Art Nouveau decks. I use the RW deck as an all purpose deck which can be used for almost any kind of question and spread. The Haindl pack are quite elaborate and have many symbols on them such as Runes, I Ching, Astrology and Kabbalah along with their general meanings. The Art Nouveau deck are quite a small deck and easy to handle and so I tend to use them more for the client than for specific spreads.

Always try to find out what the client wants before choosing the deck or decks for the reading. If you know the question beforehand then you will be prepared for the reading. Once I know the question and exactly how much the client wants to know I can then choose the deck for that type of reading. If they ask for a general reading I would choose the Rider Waite deck and use the Celtic Cross spread. If it becomes more complex because the client requires more information then I would use my focus area sub spread of 4 cards placed round a card being questioned, leaving the Celtic Cross still laid out and choose individual cards from the main spread to focus on. This gives me further scope to investigate further into the question at hand.

If the question is quite a difficult one to answer or has several more questions which are part of it I would probably use RW deck again but use the Haindl deck on the focus area. If the client is asking or requiring a psychic reading I would only use the Haindl deck because of the symbolism that they have, also the meanings are more insightful unlike the RW deck which tend to be general.
Tarot reading is not easy! It is a very complex art both to study and learn. I have read cards for over 40 years now, I have also used many other forms of divination and I am still learning. It's like anything in life. Learning, understanding and gaining experience is a long and difficult journey, mistakes will be made, lessons will be learned but most of all, experience only comes with time.

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