Wednesday, 30 December 2020


 THE CURRENT QUALITY OF TIME for Dec 2020 and into 2021

After a difficult year, the longing for better times is probably greater than ever. We find ourselves in a phase of great social change. There will hardly be a way back to an "old" normality. But the year 2021 will offer us many opportunities to make visions concrete and lay the foundations for a new beginning. It will be under the influence of Saturn and Jupiter in Aquarius and the aspects that the two social planets form in the course of the year to the revolutionary Uranus in Taurus. It is a time of renewal, in which some things could develop quite differently than expected. We are all called upon to courageously face the demands of the time and to shape the new actively and with common sense.

Jupiter, Uranus, Aquarius already in January, there are astrological aspects that will set the tone for the whole year. At the beginning of the month, it is Mercury who lives up to his function as messenger of the gods. On January 5, he is in conjunction with Pluto, on January 8, he enters Aquarius and then between January 9 and 13, he forms a square to Mars, a conjunction with Saturn and Jupiter, and a square to Uranus. In these days, repressed or secret stories could come into focus. Some of them may be sufficiently explosive to have a significant impact on the events of the following weeks and months.

In the days around the Capricorn New Moon on January 13, the quality of time becomes increasingly intense. The Sun and Moon are in conjunction with Pluto, Mars in Taurus forms a square to Saturn. On the 14th, Uranus in Taurus ends its long period of retrograde motion (since August 2020). Like a stone that has started rolling down a mountain slope, certain events can no longer be stopped. It is a confrontational time, in which true strength can show itself, but also many things could become difficult.

Jupiter, Uranus, Aquarius In the second half of the month, events accelerate under the influence of Uranus aspects. The first and most important of these is the square with Jupiter on January 17. It is the beginning of a phase of sudden and unexpected events and a development with an uncertain outcome, but which usually brings a turn for the better. Mars is in conjunction with Uranus from January 18 to 22, together with the Moon (on January 21) and Lilith, and then forms a square with Jupiter on January 23. The Sun, which is in conjunction with Saturn in Aquarius on the 24th, then forms a square with Uranus on the 26th. It is a time with revolutionary potential and surprising events. It could be the beginning of a phase of fundamental and lasting shifts in power that will decisively shape the further development of the year. There could also be breakthroughs in the technological field, but also possible malfunctions with consequences. The World Wide Web is particularly exposed in this respect, as its birth horoscope ( is experiencing its first Saturn return during this period and is now being tested for its inner stability.

At the end of the month, perhaps a first conclusion can be drawn, which gives us a glimpse of where the further development could lead. On January 28, there is a Full Moon in Leo. The Sun will join with Jupiter (on the 29th), Mars will be in conjunction with Lilith and Uranus and in square with the Full Moon axis, and Venus in conjunction with Pluto. Those who had the will and power to create precedents can now stand in the light for a moment. But the voices of those who feel they have lost should be heard, for further schisms could lead to serious problems later in the year. Moreover, on January 30, Mercury begins his retrograde phase, which lasts until February 21. During this period, the events of January must be consolidated and reviewed.