To communicate with Tarot cards you have to understand their language just like when you travel to a foreign country where they speak a foreign language, if you don't speak or understand what is being communicated to you it becomes quite difficult to carry on any kind of conversation. The Tarot has a quite unique way of conversing with people because it uses a language much older than any spoken word and this is known as symbolism. The human race has been using symbols to communicate since the dawn of man and woman. In fact symbols are more a part of everyday languages and cultures than ever before. 😉 Exactly.
When we lived in caves thousands of years ago and hunted with our bare hands we used symbols to show others what an animal looked like by drawing them on the walls of our caves and a hand print to show our future generations that this is where we came from. Symbolism has been used to describe every living thing on this planet and it goes much deeper than pictures and drawings on walls or paper, drawing in the sand or carved into stone and wood, our senses are triggered by symbols, through our eyes and into our imagination, subconsciousnesses and even our intuition.
So to understand and communicate with the Tarot cards we first need to understand its language of symbols and how they interact with us through our senses of sight, instincts, emotions and intuition. What are these cards with colourful pictures trying to convey to us or should I say, the Tarot reader who is attempting to translate the meanings into a language that the person who is asking the question can understand. The Tarot reader or "Tarotist" will have generally spent several years studying the Tarot, learning and understanding the meanings and testing themselves so as to achieve a very high standard so they will be able to perform an accurate reading for their client.
Some further clarity on the subject of Symbolism...
Most Tarot decks available today are remarkably similar, except for the many variations that appear on some of the more modern day cards. The reason Tarot takes a parallel line of reasoning from one Tarot master to another is that, a universally understood esoteric system of symbolism was used to produce the symbols on the cards. Each card has been intricately designed and drawn to include its true meaning through the use of symbols, which are universally acknowledged through our unconscious minds. These symbols, when fully understood, will give the Tarot reader the necessary tools to perform an insightful reading merely by studying the depictions on each card.
Of course, after several years of careful reflection of this oracle, each card will begin to develop its own meaning for each person. After each picture has been studied and thoroughly understood, it is only necessary to think of the card to obtain a clear understanding of the situation at hand.
As you progress in your understanding of the esoteric symbolism of the Tarot, you will likely begin to use your intuition more when interpreting the cards. These feelings you get will eventually help you gain greater inner knowledge of the esoteric meaning of each card.
The Tarot has traditionally been considered to be of Western European origin, so themes associated with this culture will generally prevail in the cards. Other cultures, such as the Japanese and Native American, have become familiar with this type of divinatory tool and have consequently developed their own decks that reflect themes particular to their own cultural awareness.
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