Saturn, Pluto, Jupiter
The war in Ukraine leaves no doubt: We are in a phase of profound social transformation. The Saturn-Pluto conjunction in January 2020 and the Saturn-Jupiter conjunction in December of the same year can be understood as the starting point. Both constellations point to fundamental shifts in power structures. While it was to be expected that this would not happen without major upheavals, the shock of a war in Europe with many civilian casualties is nevertheless great. We have to find our way in a new chapter of a story in which we are all entangled.
Aries, Chiron, Mercury
The Aries New Moon on April 1 is conjunct Mercury and Chiron. The deep wound that may now become visible also has to do with experiences far in the past. It is important to allow the grief and pain to be expressed, for acceptance of the hurt is a prerequisite for true healing. Many voices are now calling for peace to be made. However, Mars conjoins Saturn in Aquarius on April 5. Much ideological harshness, ignorance and delusion could become apparent. Where this tough facade of supposed superiority becomes brittle, powerlessness is revealed. Venus enters Pisces on the same day. She points to the path of uncompromising compassion.
Jupiter and Neptune
Compassion is also indicated by the conjunction of Jupiter and Neptune, which becomes exact on April 12. This encounter is the conclusion and new beginning of a roughly 12-year cycle whose themes include hope, longing and faith, as well as illusions, delusions and listlessness. People with a spiritual practice could have extraordinary experiences during these days and experience a deep reconnection to divine presence. Beware, however, of projecting your personal spiritual experiences into the world. Indeed, as Mars also enters Pisces on April 15, a depressing experience of powerlessness and disillusionment could follow. Especially during the Libra Full Moon on April 16, as well as the following days, it will again be about asserting worldly power. Both the Full Moon and the Sun's entry into Taurus occur in square to Pluto in Capricorn. It is likely that during these days personal interests will be enforced firmly and without consideration.
On April 30, a second New Moon takes place - this time in Taurus. It is in wide conjunction with Uranus and is joined by a solar eclipse (visible only in southern South America and Antarctica). Mercury enters Gemini, Venus is exactly conjunct Jupiter and close to Neptune. Pluto turns retrograde on the same day (until October 9). A conjunction of Jupiter and Venus - the major and minor fortunes - is considered one of the best astrological aspects ever for lovers. Eclipses are powerful energetic events that can openly reveal for a moment what lies in the dark. The simultaneity of an eclipse with a conjunction of Venus, Neptune and Jupiter is very rare. Therefore, it is difficult to say anything more precise about this quality of time. Surrender to life with confidence during these days, but observe what is happening with open eyes and don't forget to use your common sense. The only miracle to be taken seriously at this time could take place in the depths of your soul.