Thursday, 28 July 2022



Mars, Uranus, node in Taurus
We can expect plenty of excitement in the first few days of August. Mars, Uranus and the Moon's Node form a conjunction in Taurus during the first two days. Expect the unexpected, shakeups and proverbial or even real tremors during these days. Fortunately, the Sun is in a harmonious aspect with Jupiter in Aries. This time may well bring sudden breakthroughs and energetic progress for the better. However, what was already poorly established before could now collapse. In any case, the events of these days will have a great impact on the further events of the year and will affect many. At this time, foolish actions taken in the heat of the moment are dangerous and can have serious and lasting consequences.

Mercury enters Virgo on August 4.

It now becomes more apparent what has actually happened in the last few days. However, it is too early for a final judgment. Mars squares Saturn in Aquarius on August 7, which could put a strain on frustration tolerance. Venus in Cancer simultaneously makes a trine to Neptune in Pisces, an opposition to Pluto in Capricorn on the 9th, and then enters Leo on the 11th. The mood swings back and forth between compassion and sarcasm before we finally remember our own dignity. The Sun forms a trine to Chiron in Aries on the 8th and a square to Uranus and the Moon's Node on the 11th. For a moment there is room for maneuver, which should be used decisively, especially if there is an opportunity to address misunderstandings or old hurts. Some old issues can be cleared up and closed now.

Full moon in Aquarius

The climax of this time is the Aquarius Full Moon on August 12, which is conjunct Saturn and square Uranus and the Moon's Node. This highly charged quality of time is intense and challenging. However, with courage and determination, its creative potential can be liberated and utilized. An important step in a collective "birthing process" is now taking place, and as with a real birth, there is now only one possible direction of movement: forward. Stability now means surrendering to the flow of development while remaining focused. On August 14, when the Sun opposes Saturn and Mars reaches a trine to Pluto, the difference between real authority and authoritarian behavior could become clearly visible.


The second half of the month is clearly marked by the activity of Mercury, the messenger of the gods. It trines Uranus and the lunar nodes on August 16, opposes Neptune on the 21st, and trines Pluto on the 22nd. Mars enters Gemini on August 20, and the Sun enters Virgo on the 23rd. Life continues, and dealing with day-to-day matters allows no delay, although much improvisational talent is now required. There is lively communication, although not everything that is proclaimed now will necessarily be true. Especially in the days of the New Moon on August 27, nerves could be raw. Mars is square to the New Moon, Venus forms a square to Uranus at the same time as well as an opposition to Saturn (exact on the 28th). Personal claims may have to be put aside, and sensitivities - one's own as well as those of others - may have to be endured.