Showing posts with label Astrology. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Astrology. Show all posts

Wednesday, 1 February 2023



A manifold quality of time brings vibrancy and creativity in February. It is a good time to try out new ways and behaviours, to explore personal boundaries and redefine them if necessary. On the 1st of the month, the Aquarius Sun, still in trine to Mars in Gemini, forms a sextile to Chiron in Aries. Talk about the things that trouble you, even if it's hard, and be willing to listen, even though some stories may be unpleasant. Some old wounds may finally heal now, if only they are allowed to become visible.
These days there are ample and often unexpected opportunities to change entrenched patterns of behaviour, especially on February 4, when the Sun squares Uranus in Taurus. A spirit of optimism is in the air!

Mars and Venus
An alert mood and active affirmation of life can be felt at the Leo Full Moon on February 5. Uranus squares the Sun and Moon. Romantic Pisces in Venus squares Mars at the same time. It is an intense time for lovers and for those who want to be. New, surprisingly profound encounters can occur now.
Existing partner relationships could be greatly intensified. But be sure to take yourself as well as your counterpart seriously, and do not avoid possible conflicts. Only those who stand up for themselves will be able to reap the fruits of this time. Suppression could result in open revolt now.

Mercury and Pluto
Mercury meets Pluto on February 10, one day before it enters Aquarius. Be careful with any agreements or contracts during this time! Check thoroughly to make sure all information is known and agreements are being honoured. Some information channels may go crazy for a moment now, and ugly news may well surface.
The following days are somewhat contradictory. Venus makes a conjunction with Neptune on February 15. You can hardly imagine a more romantic mood, and some would love to lose themselves in wonderful dreams. However, the Sun meets Saturn in Aquarius on February 16, making it clear once again that even the most wonderful and grandiose dreams do not come true by themselves.

On February 18, the Sun enters Pisces. It is the last sign in the zodiac and brings with it the themes of unity, merging and letting go. The New Moon in Pisces follows two days later, on February 20. Venus enters Aries on the same day. Artistic people in particular could accomplish great things at this time. A trip to a concert or the theatre could now turn into a stellar moment.
The time is also ideal for meditation and contemplation. Self-discipline is conducive. When the Moon meets Neptune on February 21 and Mercury squares Uranus, words could be found for emotional experiences that have not yet been communicable. Beware, however, of talking things to death, especially on February 22, when Mercury and Mars trine each other.

Monday, 2 January 2023



Pluto in Aquarius
Personal and social developments are in a sense never fully concluded. Life is a big river, and mostly we can only see much later which events and decisions were decisive for the subsequent path. Nevertheless, in 2023 we will still have to find answers to the important questions of our lives and times.
This year, we will be dealing with completely new issues, because in March Pluto enters Aquarius for the first time since its discovery in 1930. Saturn also changes zodiac signs during the same period, moving from Aquarius into Pisces. More on this can be found in the monthly preview of March.

Venus and Pluto
The year 2023 begins with a rather intense constellation right away: Venus and Pluto are in conjunction on the last degrees of Capricorn on January 1. Mars and Mercury are retrograde, and the Sun squares Chiron a day later.
Perhaps it's just the aftermath of exuberant New Year's Eve celebrations, but perhaps we also need to have a serious talk about desire, about money, security needs, and about wishful thinking and reality.
However, the serious mood takes on a more relaxed note as early as January 3, when Venus enters Aquarius. Unexpectedly, creative solutions could now appear as if out of nowhere. Dare for once an experiment with uncertain outcome, it could be well worth it.
Especially on January 5, when the Capricorn Sun trines Uranus in Taurus, you can surprise yourself and others with unconventional solutions.

The Cancer Full Moon of January 6/7 could also bring surprises. The Sun, Mercury and Moon are in harmonious aspect to Uranus, and in some places the old story about human freedom is being told, sometimes quietly, sometimes a bit louder.
The following days lose nothing of their lightness, as playful Venus in Aquarius is in trine to wordy Gemini Mars. Make sure that words are followed by deeds.
Towards the middle of the month, the quality of time changes noticeably. Mercury makes a square to Chiron on the 11th. On the 12th, Mars ends its long period of retrograde motion (since October 30). On the 15th, Venus squares Uranus, and on the 18th Mercury also turns direct again. At the same time, the Sun is conjunct with Pluto.
An acceleration of events is to be expected. New or previously unknown information could lead to a reassessment of the situation. The excitement could be quite great, both in private life and on the political stages of this world.

On January 20, the Sun enters Aquarius. A day later, there is a New Moon, still in close connection with Pluto in Capricorn. Venus simultaneously forms an exact conjunction with Saturn in Aquarius on the 22nd. Uranus ends its retrograde phase on the same day. The mood could be quite tense during this time.
Be careful not to let fears get the better of you, and be aware that old, repressed stories may now be shaping actions. Refrain as best you can from putting yourself and others under stress, and instead practise serenity.

Venus enters Pisces on January 27, Mercury squares Chiron in Aries at the same time. The contraction of the last few days now dissipates somewhat, and at best we remember that we always have a choice between conflict and peace, at least on a personal level.
This realisation can give us a veritable boost in our efforts to make the world a better place at the end of the first month of the year, when the Sun trines Mars, and Mercury trines Uranus on the 30th.

Saturday, 26 November 2022




The first days of December point to an enjoyable time that can bring good results, provided we don't overdo it. Sagittarius Venus and Gemini Mars form an opposition on December 1, harmoniously joined by Saturn in Aquarius. Mercury, still close to Venus, forms a square to Neptune on December 2. Small dreams, as well as big ones, want to be seen and heard now, and it's a good time for pleasurable pursuits of all kinds.

However, the realisation of more complex projects may prove difficult. Mars is still retrograde until mid-January, and so unfortunately more often than not talk is cheap. However, seriously planned and executed projects could, despite a tough start, point the way ahead at a later date, supported by Sun trine Chiron.

Neptune in Pisces turns direct on December 4, squaring Venus and Mercury in Sagittarius. Longings and quiet forebodings can now drift through the soul's landscape like wisps of fog, making it difficult to concentrate on the essentials.


On December 6, agile Mercury enters realistic Capricorn. A few hours earlier, it forms a square to Jupiter, which is in the last degree of Pisces. The dreams and visions of these past few days must now be checked for their validity in real life.

The Gemini Full Moon of December 8 is in exact conjunction with Mars. The big words heard here and there should be taken with a pinch of salt, but this should in no way prevent you from taking concrete steps yourself.

Venus squares Jupiter on December 9 and enters Capricorn on December 10. Now increasingly good conditions prevail for the concrete implementation of projects of all kinds. Only on December 14, when the Sun squares Neptune, should you exercise caution and avoid taking risks. On this day, the energy level is quite low for some, and great achievements are hardly possible.

Mercury and Venus square Chiron in Aries on December 15 and 19, respectively. Mercury also makes a trine to Uranus on the 17th. Renewing and transforming forces can now make themselves felt in close relationships, which offer great opportunities if they are used carefully. Some things that have remained unspoken so far can now be communicated and in this way may trigger a healing process. However, be mindful in doing so.

Sun and Jupiter

This year's winter solstice is under the proverbial lucky star. The Sun enters Capricorn on December 21/22 as it does every year, but this year Jupiter also changes signs at the same time. It enters Aries on December 20 (for good).

Thus, the Sun and Jupiter form a square on the first degree of Capricorn (stability) and Aries (new beginnings) during these days. The quality of time is positively charged and conducive to bold and decisive action.

Venus forms a trine to Uranus at the same time, signalling openness to new experiences. This life-affirming energy during the time of the solstice imprints itself on the following months as an unmistakable signature.

The Capricorn New Moon of December 23 still occurs within Jupiter's sphere of influence. At the same time, Chiron ends its retrograde and turns direct. In the darkness, we may receive the light for the time to come. Christmas could thus provide us with a welcome respite at the end of a challenging year, giving us courage and confidence for the months ahead.

On December 29, Mercury conjoins Venus, just before their conjunction with Pluto in Capricorn. Mercury, however, now begins its phase of retrograde, which lasts until January 18. Venus, on the other hand, will spend the turn of the year in conjunction with Pluto. Extroverted natures can now celebrate boisterous parties again. More quiet minds, however, may find this transition into the new year an enriching, contemplative experience.

Friday, 28 October 2022



A prominent lunar eclipse on November 8 shapes the quality of time for this month. The Moon is conjunct Uranus and square Saturn. It is very likely that significant, collective developments can be observed during this time. Some issues that have been uncertain so far will now be decided in favor of one side or the other.

The eclipse is heralded a few days earlier by a passionate Scorpio Venus forming an opposition to Uranus in Taurus on the 5th and a square to Saturn in Aquarius on the 7th. The difference in these qualities could trigger great creative processes on the one hand but could also lead to disagreements in relationships. Be forgiving of yourself and others during this time.

Image: ScorpioAt the Full Moon on November 8, the Sun, Mercury, and Venus on the Moon’s South Node in Scorpio are opposite the Moon and Uranus on the North Node in Taurus. Saturn in Aquarius squares this axis, forming a triangle of tension.

The concurrent lunar eclipse will be visible in parts of northern Europe, Russia, North America, parts of South America, Asia and Australia. On a collective level, some events in the days leading up to and following this eclipse can be understood as catalysts for sustainable development.

The eclipse occurs at the end of the long phase of struggle between Uranian renewal and Saturnian contraction that has repeatedly led to stalemates and divisions. Now an entirely new dynamic could come into play that clearly shifts the balance of power to one side.

Image: Moon, UranusThe conjunction of the eclipse Moon with Uranus in Taurus points to changes in material foundations and values. So, weigh things carefully these days, especially in financial investments. But if your goals are clear, take action.

The square of the Sun and Saturn becomes exact on November 11. The path to follow becomes clearer now, and it is advisable to take the first steps decisively and not wait for a miracle.

From the middle of the month the quality of time brightens considerably. The Sun, Venus and Mercury are in the last degrees of Scorpio and form a trine with Jupiter in Pisces one after the other, Venus on the 15th, Mercury on the 16th and the Sun on the 21st. They each enter the sign of Sagittarius one day later.

Pluto in Capricorn is in on the midpoint of the trine. Progress can now be made that was unthinkable only a short time ago, and it is advisable to make good use of this window of opportunity, especially for talks in conflict situations.

Communication remains challenging as retrograde Mars in Gemini squares Neptune in Pisces during the days around November 19. Exchanges with others now need special attention to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings.

Image: SagittariusOne day after the Sun enters Sagittarius, there is a New Moon. Mercury and Venus are in close conjunction, Jupiter ends its phase of retrograde on November 24. The confident mood of the last few days is now strengthening, and perhaps some are already dreaming that everything will back to the way it used to be. But for real healing to occur, the wounds that have been inflicted in recent months must become visible.

Between November 24 and 26, when the Moon, Mercury and Venus form a trine to Chiron, we have the chance to do so. On November 29, Mercury is in opposition to Mars, and unexpected information could cause a stir. Saturn, which forms a harmonious trine to Mars the day before and a sextile to Mercury the day after, may act as a mediator here.

Thursday, 29 September 2022




The month of October starts with a friendly constellation: Venus, the lesser benefic (good fortune), is in opposition to Jupiter, the greater benefic (greater fortune), on October 1. However, don't let your senses be clouded by all this good fortune, because Mercury in Virgo, which is usually rather sober, forms an opposition to Neptune in Pisces on October 2 and could misjudge the situation. A realistic view also proves helpful further on in the month, because the quality of time in October is changeable to stormy. For the last time, the square between Saturn in Aquarius and Uranus in Taurus comes into effect now, although the aspect does not become quite exact anymore. The greatest convergence occurs on October 4 with an accuracy of half a degree. This strong tension characterizes the quality of time until around the end of the month and once again makes the conflict between individual expectations and collective responsibility visible. Painful compromises and losses will be hard to avoid.


In the days around the Full Moon of October 9, uncomfortable moments could mount up. The Moon is in conjunction with Chiron in Aries. This Full Moon brings with it a hefty dose of restlessness and impatience. Misconceived heroism, aggressive action, or naive adventurism could do considerable damage at this time. Venus is also involved, reaching the opposition to Chiron on the 10th. Consciously take time for yourself during these days and try to keep stress levels as low as possible with relaxation, yoga or exercise.

When Mars in Gemini squares Neptune on October 12, you may feel tired and hopeless. Still, try to stay focused and beware of self-pity, because it's not all over yet. The Sun is in trine to Saturn on the 12th, trine to Mars on the 18th, and square to Pluto on the 19th. Venus follows on its heels about a degree apart before the two form a conjunction in the last degree of Libra on the 22nd. Mercury makes an opposition to Chiron at the same time (exact on the 20th). With a realistic, sober attitude, much can be accomplished during this time and long-held plans can be implemented.


On October 23, Saturn ends its retrograde phase while trining Mercury. Venus and the Sun enter Scorpio at the same time. Everything feels a bit clearer, more urgent and also more intense now, especially during the Scorpio New Moon on October 25, which is accompanied by a solar eclipse (see below). The time of false friendliness is now over, and you should be ready to show your true colors. Power-conscious people can act accordingly now, especially on October 27, when Mercury forms a trine to Mars and a square to Pluto, just before entering Scorpio on the 29th. Jupiter also changes signs around this time, going retrograde from Aries back into Pisces. From October 28 to December 20, it will once again support the unifying aspect and perhaps bring the theme of "peace" back to the forefront. At the end of the month, Mars begins its retrograde phase on October 30, lasting until January 12, 2023. The phase of great conquests is thus over for the time being. Now it is important to secure what has been achieved, but also to critically question the goals you are fighting for.

Sunday, 28 August 2022



Retrograde September

In the month of September all planets from Jupiter to Pluto are retrograde. Social developments are slowing down a bit now, and there is a welcome window of opportunity for integration. Take time for a careful analysis of what has happened in recent weeks and months before making further plans. Mercury in Libra forms an opposition to Jupiter in Aries on September 3 and a trine to Mars on the 4th. The quality of time brings us a positive and realistic mood. It is a good time for negotiations of any kind. However, since Mercury begins its retrograde phase on September 10 (until October 2), these should reach a conclusion before then if possible. On September 5, Venus moves from fiery Leo into the somewhat more discreet sign of Virgo. Consequently, love is now expressed with slightly more restraint, but the intensity of feelings may even increase, especially in the middle of the month when Venus squares Mars in Gemini on September 16. Words work wonders during these days, and a harmless flirtation could quickly turn into something more.

Full Moon

On September 10 there is a Full Moon in Pisces. The Moon is close to Neptune and in sextile to Uranus in Taurus, the Sun trines Uranus (exactly on the 11th). The essential things are happening now right in the hubbub of everyday life, and those who find access to the stillness within themselves can receive important impulses. This strong receptivity remains active for a few days, and especially on September 17, when the Sun is opposite Neptune, your own boundaries might become all too permeable. Pay more attention than usual to your mental and physical boundaries and start supporting your immune system in the days before. On September 23, the Sun enters Libra, passing retrograde Mercury on its way back from Libra into Virgo. The following day, Venus forms an opposition with Neptune in Pisces. Some may feel somewhat confused by the abundance of conflicting information these days. The deep longing for unity could now lead to acts of compensation.

Saturn and Uranus

Although the Libra New Moon of September 25 brings a rather optimistic mood, it also marks the beginning of one of the most tense times of this year. The New Moon occurs in opposition to Jupiter, which forms a semisquare to both Saturn and Uranus (midpoint), thus activating the square between Uranus (renewal) and Saturn (security), which becomes (almost) exact for the last time in this cycle during the early days of October. The square will not be totally exact anymore, but with an orb of half a degree (on October 4) it is quite within the range of effectiveness. We unfortunately know the corresponding themes well enough from the three squares in February, June and December last year. A trial of strength between preserving and renewing forces is to be expected this time as well, although it is usually not clear who belongs to which pole.

On the 26th, the Sun reaches the exact opposition to Jupiter, and at the same time retrograde Mercury is conjunct Venus and trine Pluto in Capricorn. It is a powerful constellation in which much can be gained but also gambled away. True pioneers now dare to take a courageous first step and thus prepare the ground for others. However, some self-proclaimed revolutionaries could now turn out to be banal loudmouths without vision. Try to distinguish genuine enthusiasm from manipulative exuberance and consider carefully whether or not appearances are deceptive. In these days, you may have to act without really having a basis for decision. Trust your instincts.