Colour and the Tarot

Colour and the Tarot

Colour is an integral part of our existence. Everywhere we look we find it in our clothing, furnishings, natural settings, and even our personalities. Colour is revealed in our daily speech in terms such as "a blue mood," "green with envy," "he saw red," or the calling of a person "yellow" to imply that he is cowardly in some way. The world would be a pretty drab place if we only perceived varying shades of black, white, and grey, it would be a monochromatic view.

From an esoteric perspective, Colour is actually a vibration of light and what we see is a reflection of that essence, revealed in a wide variety of hues that can add flavour to our visual perceptions. We can perceive the shades of Colour reflected through the rainbow or nature's prism, as well as in the energy field that envelopes our bodies. Even those who are visually impaired are able to perceive the vibratory rate of Colours, whether in their mind's eye or through the sense of feel, sound, or smell.

The psychological preference for certain Colours is evidenced by the traditional meanings we associate with the shades, such as when brides wear white, mourners wear black, and authority figures wear blue or black. The reasons we subconsciously select one Colour over another may have psychological implications that transcend conscious awareness, because Colour carries archetypal elements dating back to antiquity. Therefore, since Tarot is comprised of seventy eight pictographs, which include Colour as a means to convey their message, it is important to develop an awareness of the power this perception wields in order to more accurately interpret the cards.

Red is the first Colour in the light spectrum that can be seen by the human eye. It is representative of survival instincts, action, and security. As a rule, red represents our sex drive because it governs the sexual organs. A lesser known fact about this colour is that it actually rules a person's ability to feel secure with himself and is associated with the base of the spine. Because red has so much energy that it possesses the will to succeed it is associated with 7, Chariot. When used negatively, such as when too much aggression or rash behaviour is evident, complications can occur and it is in these occasion when 16, The Tower is employed.

Orange is the second Colour to be seen in the spectrum and represents liveliness and happy memories. Because of its vibrancy, many young people are drawn to the warming influence it projects. Orange governs the kidneys and brings about an emotional release of energy by those who wear it. Because orange deals with our ability to procreate, the fertility of 3, The Empress is involved, influenced by the vibrancy of orange.

Yellow is considered to represent the intellect because it is associated with mental imagery. It governs the solar plexus and, like the Sun, is a vibrant life force. It is happy, lively, and promotes a sense of self confidence to help us cope during stressful situations. 19, The Sun, which encompasses its love of life, is representative of this Colour.

Although when jealous one is said to be "green with envy," this Colour is actually a hue used principally for healing because its calming, soothing properties help to promote health and well-being. Green governs the heart and is therefore associated with love and harmony. Because we strive to maintain equilibrium even under the most extreme of circumstances, 14, Temperance influences this Colour.

Pink is a Colour of love, compassion and femininity. It co-governs the heart with green and represents understanding and admiration. Pink is often associated with happy memories because it brings us in touch with good times of long ago. An element of love would be involved in any emotional endeavour, so 6, The Lovers is representative of this Colour.

Turquoise is a Colour of deep compassion and inner healing, and relates to our ability to love ourselves as well as others. Turquoise governs the thymus and is therefore related to the immune system of the body. When we love unconditionally we often must love those whose lifestyles are completely different from our own.
For this reason we must let go of preconceived notions if we are to grow and develop on our path to becoming celestial beings. 12, The Hanged Man is an apt archetype to govern turquoise. As we learn to love those who do not necessarily live their lives the way that we would prefer, we will ultimately gain much knowledge of others as well as ourselves. For this reason 2, The High Priestess, and 5, The Hierophant represent turquoise.

Blue is universally considered to be the friendliest Colour in the spectrum and people who wear this shade are seen as approachable and socially aware. Because blue governs the throat, it corresponds with our ability to communicate with others. When we have colds and sore throats this may be an indication that we need to be more conscientious about how we relate to others. Because blue is so amiable and eager to express itself, 1, The Magician carries with it the tones of this Colour.

Purple has long been considered the Colour of royalty, dating back to a time when the monarchy was thought to have a direct link to God. Purple is associated with the brow, or third eye, and represents insight, wisdom, and our ability to see beyond what is considered the normal span of visual perception. The archetype of 4, The Emperor carries with it the universal influences of purple. This is a useful card to reflect on when important life decisions need to be made.

Magenta is a mixture of red and purple, and is considered to represent universal harmony. It governs the crown of the head and deals with our ability to transcend the here and now to experience a sense of higher cognition. This Colour is strong, bright, and carries with it a sense of vivacity. Because we all actually possess the ability to tap into the universal store of knowledge, 9, The Hermit helps us to find the answers to the probing questions within ourselves.

Indigo is a mixture of blue and purple, and contains much depth, dating back to the attire of early spiritual leaders. Because this Colour is associated with the crown, it is considered to be one of the most inspired Colours in the spectrum. When we are attuned to our crown Chakra we will ultimately possess the knowledge that we need to progress along our path. It is for this reason that there will be occasions when we will live under the vibrational influences of 21, The World and conclude a part of our lives, or simulate the activities of 0, The Fool and begin an entirely new venture.

Lavender is a calming Colour that is approachable and puts others at ease. When we are tense due to the stresses in our lives it is useful to meditate on 8, Strength to help maintain harmony during difficult times.

White is a combination of all the Colours within the light spectrum. It is considered to be a Colour of truth, knowledge, and illumination. 17, The Star is representative of the infinite knowledge that flows through white. White embodies clarity and understanding, which will ultimately bring good fortune as we attune to its universal harmony, so 10, Wheel of Fortune is indicative of this Colour.

Brown is a combination of the three primary Colours: red, yellow, and blue. It is an earthy, practical Colour that is sincere in nature but may be considered to be a bit too conventional for some. Because 15, The Devil is concerned with the earthly events of here and now, its most positive aspects are reflected in this Colour.

Black is considered to be the absence of Colour and is often misunderstood. On many occasions this hue represents unresolved, thwarted ambitions that have resulted in disease, and at other times it symbolizes a profound forgetfulness, as in cases when people lose sight of their purpose in life. Although this Colour has been given much bad publicity throughout the ages, deep velvety black can actually bring about an intense sense of healing that cannot be penetrated by the other Colours and it is for this reason that many people in mourning choose to wear it. 13, Death represents this colour's apocalyptic nature, while 20, Judgement calls into play the deep inner healing that is necessary to transform our being. 18, The Moon disables our ability to clearly remember all that has been and all that ever will be so that we can evolve ourselves without outside intervention.

Gray is a combination of white and black, and has the unusual distinction of being a combination of all Colours and absence of Colour at the same time. Gray indicates that balance must be achieved when two opposing viewpoints are at play to influence an outcome either positively or negatively. It is for this reason that 11, Justice vibrates the essence of gray.

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