X of Swords
Keywords: ruin, betrayal, loss.
Description: The Ten of Swords is the card of ultimate betrayal. This card indicates that hope for outcomes are not likely to transpire and a sense of loss will come. When this card is the answer to a question relating to a partnership, it is best to have only minimal dealings with the person referred to because, at best, disappointment is likely to be the outcome of this liaison. This is the worst card in the pack. Lost, cold and loveless this card shows the lowest point in fortune. However, since this is the worst it can only get better, improvements must surely follow. The only way from here is up
Upright Associations: Misfortune, plans in ruins, defeat and failure. Hitting rock bottom, betrayal, the end of a cycle. Depression, dispelling false beliefs, overkill. A new day dawns.
Reversed Associations: Temporary success, drastic change, great pain, heartache, sadness. Improvements, turning a corner, opportunity for liberation.