74 - Four of Coins
A Gift: Small gift. Return of a favour.
Upside down: Fence, Closure. Limited movement. Closed environment.
73 - Five of Coins
Lover: Troubled business or love relationship.
Upside down: Lack Of Order. Economic difficulties. Worries over love.
72 - Six of Coins
The Present: A Very Confusing situation.
Upside down: Ambition. Extravagant project. Fragile illusions.
71 - Seven of Coins
Silver: Recovery of loaned or invested money.
Upside down: Worry. Worry over a recently started project.
70 - Eight of Coins
Young Brunette: Encounter with an affectionate young woman. Favours.
Upside down: Usury, Relations with dubious people.
69 - Nine of Coins
Result: Realization of a work without complete satisfaction.
Upside down: Deceit, Cheating. Payment problems.
68 - Ten of Coins
House: Housing which increases in value.
Upside down: Games of Chance. Good opportunity taken advantage of immediately.