Saturday, 14 August 2021

Card for today, 14th August 2021

Rider Waite card No 18, XVIII Moon
Astrological Correspondence: Pisces
Keywords: imagination, dreams, emotion, competition (the dogs), illusion
Description: The Moon in all its phases represents the world of dreams, illusions, and the subconscious. Traditionally the symbol of the feminine, the card's meaning encompasses the maternal, the Great Mother, womanhood, and cycles. The Moon is an ambivalent card, its imagery signifies the difficulty to see things clearly: inspiring and lacking courage, enchanting and bewildering, deceptive and receptive - all sides of the same coin. Signalling fluctuating moods and uncertainty we must pay attention to our dreams, confront our subconscious and deal with the issues that come to the surface in order to progress to a higher level of awareness. Being able to put our imagination and creative talents to good use is an added bonus.
Upright Associations: Psychic & intuitive awakening, dreams, strange experiences, madness. Female power and rhythms, self deception, fear.
Negative qualities, such as ambiguity, confusion, hidden fears, deception, can be a cause for failure.
Reversed Associations: Fear of entering the unknown, disappointment, guilt. deceptions. Hidden difficulties, suppression, time to move towards openness.

Friday, 13 August 2021

Card for today, 13th August 2021

Rider Waite card No 26, V of Wands
Wands: Five
Astrological Correspondence: Saturn in Leo [For more information click]
Keywords:  conflict and chaos, arguments and verbal battles, tension, strain, delays and difficulties
Description: The Five of Wands indicates that events beyond our own control are working at cross-purposes to cause delays, difficulties, and tensions. It may well appear that the persons involved believe they have the situation under control, but forces outside of their sphere of influence are actually calling the shots.
Upright Associations: Rivalry and competition, legal battles, courage in a time of struggle. Competition, creative struggle, working with a group.
Reversed Associations: Arguments, legal proceedings, discord in discussions or negotiations. Questioning actions, disillusionment, betrayal. Need for time and patience. New maturity.

Thursday, 12 August 2021

Card for today, 12th August 2021

Rider Waite card No 56, VII of Swords
Swords: Seven
Astrological Correspondence: Moon in Aquarius [For more information, click]
Keywords: dishonesty, deceit, slander, cunning.
Description: The Seven of Swords is at the best of times a card of superficiality, and at its worst, deceit and slander. When this card appears, we should never expect sincerity or friendship. The best attitude to take is to be courteous and polite, but guard secrets and thoughts diligently because people will tend to either twist words spoken or take credit for other's ideas. Direct confrontation to an opponent will not work. You have to be cunning and use all your willpower to defeat an enemy. Perhaps you have to sacrifice something in order to succeed. Your efforts may not be whole-hearted.
Upright Associations: Insights, strategy, sudden desire &/or impulses, intelligence. Animal cunning, tactics, manipulative, taking advantage of situations. Evasiveness, stealth, ownership.
Reversed Associations:  Good advice, easement in pressures &/or problems. Pessimism, return of lost or stolen items. Dishonesty, deceptions, clarity, constructive criticism.

Wednesday, 11 August 2021

Card for today, 11th August 2021

Rider Waite card No 38, III of Cups

Cups: Three

Astrological Correspondence: Mercury in Cancer [For more information, click]

Keywords: celebrations, parties, reunions.

Description: Three of Cups indicates happiness and good times in the form of parties, theatre, and other types of outings. This is generally a positive and happy card that brings forth lots of fun. Happiness and reunions. Parties and meetings which lead to love affairs and lots of flirtation. In some cases this card can indicate pregnancy or birth. Ills are healed and harmony achieved. Attendance at weddings or christenings is likely.

Upright Associations: Celebration, a happy conclusion, discovery, friendship, bonding. Raising energy, mutual agreements, cohesiveness.

Reversed Associations: An achievement, exaggeration, extremism, an orgy. Personality conflicts, envious communications, isolation, over indulgence. Inability to connect or agree.

Tuesday, 10 August 2021



Also in the month of August we have to deal with the challenging tension of Saturn and Uranus. These are complex problems that are visible at the core of society's self-image. The forces of renewal are often at odds with what we hold dear. Although we know that only open hands can receive, we fear letting go. And so at this time, we bounce back and forth between the longing for new developments and the fear of allowing them to happen.

Sun and Saturn So it is at the beginning of the month, when on August 2 the Leo Sun together with Mercury is exactly opposite Saturn in Aquarius. Venus forms a trine to Uranus in Taurus, Mars in Virgo squares Lilith. Now, cold words of power could also be spoken and calculated dominance shown. The good will formed in recent weeks could now turn into defiance in many places. There is a lot of calculating and arguing over details, and as so often this year, the different camps are unwilling to come to an agreement.

On August 7, the day before the New Moon, the Sun is in hard tension with Uranus. Venus in Virgo reaches an opposition to Neptune in Pisces on the 10th. Mercury forms an opposition to Jupiter in Aquarius on the 11th and enters Virgo just a few hours later. Romantic dreams with no connection to reality could vanish into thin air now, in love as well as money matters. Grandiose promises should be met with extreme caution during this time.

Uranus retrograde On August 20, Uranus begins its retrograde phase, which lasts until January 2022. Mercury, along with Mars, is in trine to Uranus, and the Sun is in opposition to Jupiter. It is a good time to start projects that require not only courage but also diligence. The retrograde phase of Uranus (as well as that of Saturn) calls for the consolidation of the experiences made in the last months, in personal as well as in social life, because the third and last square of Saturn and Uranus follows at the end of the year, which will once again tie up many of our resources.

Virgo On 8/22 there is a second Full Moon in Aquarius, on the last degree of the sign. A few hours later the Sun is already in the sign of Virgo. Venus, which has moved into Libra on August 16, is in a friendly trine with Saturn on August 23, as is Mars in Virgo with Uranus in Taurus. Mercury forms an opposition to Neptune two days later, and Venus opposes Chiron on the 26th. If you are brave enough, you can take a look at the naked reality during these days. Afterwards, what is necessary can be done soberly and pragmatically.

Card for today, 10th August 2021

Rider Waite card No 71, VIII of Coins
Coins: Eight
Astrological Correspondence: Sun in Virgo [For more information, click]
Keywords: learn and evaluate, new skills, specialist, artisan.
Description: With the Eight of Coins, we must learn new skills. In this process we are likely to make mistakes before a high level of expertise is achieved. An alternate meaning is that we must set limits on the work we are willing to do. When unscrupulous individuals sense a weakness, they will try to exploit it for their own gain. This tendency is especially prevalent in a depressed economy.
Upright Associations: The profitable use of one's skills. Talent, enthusiasm, dedication, receiving your reward. Steady progress, overtime, loving your work.
Reversed Associations: Greed, trickery, cutting corners, talented but it needs fine tuning and practise. Exploring options &/or goals, lacking concentration, tired, stuck, overworked.

Monday, 9 August 2021

Card for today, 9th August 2021

Rider Waite card No 9, IX The Hermit
The Hermit
Astrological Correspondence: Virgo
Keywords: awakening, enlightening, shedding light, the "key" to a situation, crisis, isolation
Description: The Hermit card symbolises meditation, reflection, and solitude. As one of the cards resembling old age it also represents bearing the light of wisdom, looking into the unconscious, observing dreams. There is an emphasis on peace and patience, by which maturity is reached, and a striving to connect to the higher spiritual self. The Hermit also depicts the spiritual leader, the taskmaster who leads with purpose, conscience, and wisdom. A mature person, the Hermit symbolises deliberation about which path to follow, reassessment of achievements and goals, and taking the time to reflect and plan.
Upright Associations: Counsel sought and taken. Forethought, discretion, prudence. A wise mentor.  A time for reflection. Seeking self knowledge, self awareness and acceptance.
In a negative environment this card can resemble excessive isolation, lack of communication, intolerance, crisis and doubt.
Reversed Associations: Secrecy, lies, fear of the occult. Appearing to have it "together", handling difficult circumstances with ease. Wisdom spurned, overdependence on others.

Sunday, 8 August 2021

Card for today, 8th August 2021

Rider Waite card No 55, VI of Swords

Swords: Six

Astrological Correspondence: Mercury in Aquarius. [For more information, click]

Keywords: travel, movement, feeling more secure, safety.

Description: The Six of Swords indicates moving away from difficult times. There is a feeling of pain or melancholy associated with this card because much hardship was endured before the decision to move was made. Movement away from danger. Discretion being the better part of valour. Travel in company, being with others in the same circumstances. Immediate problems will be solved. A positive direction to go in.

Upright Associations: Movement, travel, leaving behind difficulties &/or dangers. A shared journey towards the solution of current problems. Healing, transition, smooth sailing.

Reversed Associations: Announcement, declaration, of love, delay in your change of fortune, your situation is improving slowly. Rough waters, fear of unknown, refusing to move &/or change.