Saturday, 2 May 2020

Daily 3 Card Spread 2nd May 2020

The Daily 3 Card Spread 2nd May 2020

1st Card

Any recent influences that may impact on the day.
This card stands for the person asking the question if it is a man, and so it is the person card for men. If the person asking the question is a woman, the card represents her present or future partner, i.e. the man she feels closest to.
Friend, husband, significant other, boyfriend, love. Also action, aggressiveness, logic, will-power.

2nd Card

This is the DAY CARD which reflects the present situation and implications over the whole day or 24 hours.
13 - CHILD
This card symbolizes your own child. It stands for a new beginning, but it can also express that a matter is small or that a person has a childish, naive disposition. Furthermore it can stand for children, teenagers, your daughter, your lady lover or a young woman.
Naive, young, playful, a child. Trust, friendliness, children.

3rd Card

Card 3 reflects on both cards 1 and 2 and may provide answers to any outcome over the coming days.
Recent influences: Any recent influences that may impact on the day.
16 - STARS
Another card of luck! Depending on the questions asked, it indicates that a matter will succeed. It is the card of success. It also stands for intuition, spirituality, psychic powers and astrology.
Cosmos, Universe, the point of life/being, the laws of the universe, spiritual aspirations, the melancholy of dreams, eternity, the call of angels.

Friday, 1 May 2020

Daily 3 Card Spread 1st May 2020

The Daily 3 Card Spread 1st May 2020

1st Card

Any recent influences that may impact on the day.
The park stands for places open to the public, for society and any place where a lot of people come together. This can be a concert, a hospital or a fair. Depending on the questions asked, this card is an indicator that many people are involved.
Creativity, meeting, party.
Society, connection, peace from thoughts and worries, multi-levelled feelings, get-togethers, gathering places.
Social network, the public, nature of the crowd.

2nd Card

This is the DAY CARD which reflects the present situation and implications over the whole day or 24 hours.
11 - WHIPS
The whips card brings arguments, i.e. scathing disagreements. If the card lies next to card 10 (SCYTHE), there is an increased danger of accidents.
Cleansing, two/dual, consequences, call to cleanse the soul, arguments, heated debate, strife.
Strife and conflict, arguments.
Self-discipline, self-punishment, feelings of unworthiness

3rd Card

Card 3 reflects on both cards 1 and 2 and may provide answers to any outcome over the coming days.
25 - RING
The ring is the classical card for partnership, marriage, a relationship or a connection if the card lies on the right of the person card. If the card lies on the left however, it can indicate that a relationship is going to end.
Karma, group work, monotony, cycles, connections, contracts, protection.
Marriage, partnership matters.

Thursday, 30 April 2020

Daily 3 Card Spread 30th April 2020

The Daily 3 Card Spread 30th April 2020

1st Card

Any recent influences that may impact on the day.
At the place where the mountain appears there is a blockage. An obstacle has to be overcome and nothing is working at the moment. The card can also be an indicator of a powerful enemy.
Obstacle, danger, block, frustration, coldness, hard work.
Large, momentous.
Fixed, long-lasting or permanent.

2nd Card

This is the DAY CARD which reflects the present situation and implications over the whole day or 24 hours.
This card stands for your home, the place where you feel comfortable, a secure place. In combination with card 17 (STORKS) it denotes moving house.
The home, fruitful projects.
Stability, the home, family ties, responsibility.

3rd Card

Card 3 reflects on both cards 1 and 2 and may provide answers to any outcome over the coming days.
34 - FISH
The fish is the classical card for money. Everything to do with finances and money is indicated by this card. It can also stand for a businessman.
Intellectualism, material success and wealth, also: instability, excess, drugs, alcohol.
Excess, luxury, wealth, money.
Trade, exchange, sales, business matters.

Wednesday, 29 April 2020

Liz Greene - a link to

The Current Quality of Time
By Liz Greene

This link is to Liz Greene's newsletter on

The full details are in my post dated today.


Daily 3 Card Spread 29th April 2020

The Daily 3 Card Spread 29th April 2020

1st Card

Any recent influences that may impact on the day.
This card represents the woman asking the questions and is therefore the person card for women. If the person asking the questions is a man, the card symbolizes his present or future partner, i.e. the woman he feels closest to.
Friend, wife, significant other, girlfriend, love. Also intuition, passiveness, instinct, patience.

2nd Card

This is the DAY CARD which reflects the present situation and implications over the whole day or 24 hours.
This card brings luck and hope, if it is close to the person card. If it is close to card 6 (CLOUDS) however, you won't be lucky.
Hope, good luck and wealth. Lucky happenstance.
Hope, Simplicity, Luck, all things Natural.
Magical, Opportunity, positive vibrations
Denotes speed and quickness (the antithesis of the slow/gradual MICE)

3rd Card

Card 3 reflects on both cards 1 and 2 and may provide answers to any outcome over the coming days.
The clouds card always points to an unclear, unfathomable situation. It is essential to look closely at the cards around it. The light side of the card brings an improvement, the dark side a deterioration of the situation.
Obstacles and unpleasant events.
Secret worries, doubts, fears and weakness, negative period of time.



Saturn-Pluto During recent weeks, we have all had ample opportunity to experience the workings of the planetary qualities firsthand, especially those of Saturn and Pluto, which formed a challenging conjunction on January 13 this year. The quality of time is now imbued with their themes. In a flash, Saturnian limitations were established: Curfews, border closures or ʹsocial distancingʹ are now part of everyday life. The archetypal Saturnian figure of the Hermit is symbolic of the secluded life inside oneʹs own four walls that many have to endure these days. But also the themes of Pluto, lord of the underworld, are ever present. We are confronted with archaic fears of death, and we may feel compelled to do things we never wanted to do. Even though it is currently hard to predict how things will develop, it is very likely that the consequences of this crisis will occupy us for a long time to come. But donʹt let yourself be drawn into Plutoʹs hypnotic spell too strongly but have the courage to turn your gaze away from the horror again. The planets continue to follow their cycles and bring new topics with them.

Venus The month of May is strongly influenced by Venus themes. She is currently in the communicative sign of Gemini. We long for lightness and ease in our lives again. On May 4, Venus forms a square with Neptune. The longing for exchange and for clarity in relationships is great. This is a good time to make new connections and open up new channels of communication. Be creative and dare to show yourself from new and different sides. However, the longing can hardly be completely fulfilled, especially during the time of the passionate Full Moon on the Scorpio-Taurus axis on May 7. On May 13, Venus begins her retrograde phase, which will last until June 25. The square with Neptune therefore remains active for most of the month. It could be worth your while to take a closer look at the nature of your longing. Unsatisfied neediness could tempt us to remain in a passive attitude, either feeling victimized or making constant demands on others, instead of using our longing as a blueprint for actively shaping our own life.

Two more planets will turn retrograde this month: Saturn on May 11 (until September 29), and Jupiter on May 15 (until September 13). With Pluto already in retrograde since April 26, all three planets involved in the events of recent weeks are now moving backwards through the zodiac. Much of what has happened all too quickly since then must now be carefully fathomed and corrected if necessary. Mutual recriminations are to be expected. Mars enters the sign of Pisces on May 13, which, on the one hand, gives hope that such disputes will be conducted with a certain degree of leniency. On the other hand, it may sometimes be difficult to get to the heart of the matter. Unclear or even clandestine actions could have consequences at a later stage.

Gemini On May 20, the Sun enters Gemini, followed by a Gemini New Moon exactly trine Saturn in Aquarius two days later. Mercury forms a conjunction with Venus, both of them squaring Neptune. The airy themes of Gemini are now emphasized even more strongly. Ideas are exchanged and a certain lightheartedness may arise here and there. On the downside, there could be quite a bit of trickery and a general tendency toward verbosity. Yet, there is another important Gemini theme - trade -, and it is quite possible that some restrictions will be lifted and small trade may get a chance to recover and develop again.

Tuesday, 28 April 2020

Daily 3 Card Spread 28th April 2020

The Daily 3 Card Spread 28th April 2020

1st Card

Any recent influences that may impact on the day.
The park stands for places open to the public, for society and any place where a lot of people come together. This can be a concert, a hospital or a fair. Depending on the questions asked, this card is an indicator that many people are involved.
Creativity, meeting, party.
Society, connection, peace from thoughts and worries, multi-levelled feelings, get-togethers, gathering places. Social network, the public, nature of the crowd.

2nd Card

This is the DAY CARD which reflects the present situation and implications over the whole day or 24 hours.
24 - HEART
The heart stands for love, the love of life and kind-heartedness. In combination with cards 8 (COFFIN) or 36 (CROSS) it denotes lovesickness.
Love, happiness. Love, feelings, the heart, the heart of something, connection, God-love.

3rd Card

Card 3 reflects on both cards 1 and 2 and may provide answers to any outcome over the coming days.
At the place where the mountain appears there is a blockage. An obstacle has to be overcome and nothing is working at the moment. The card can also be an indicator of a powerful enemy.
Obstacle, danger, block, frustration, coldness, hard work.
Large, momentous. Fixed, long-lasting or permanent.

Monday, 27 April 2020

Daily 3 Card Spread 27th April 2020

The Daily 3 Card Spread 27th April 2020

1st Card

Any recent influences that may impact on the day.
13 - CHILD
This card symbolizes your own child. It stands for a new beginning, but it can also express that a matter is small or that a person has a childish, naive disposition. Furthermore it can stand for children, teenagers, your daughter, your lady lover or a young woman.
Naive, young, playful, a child. Trust, friendliness, children.

2nd Card

This is the DAY CARD which reflects the present situation and implications over the whole day or 24 hours.
The mice bring about loss, sorrows and theft. If the card lies next to the person card, there's something nagging at the person. In combination with card 8 (COFFIN) it can be an indicator of disease. It can also stand for a thief.
Secrets that nibble away at a person, obstacles, losses, hidden enemies, old debts, deep level instincts.
Theft, losses. Worries, anxieties.

3rd Card

Card 3 reflects on both cards 1 and 2 and may provide answers to any outcome over the coming days.
19 - TOWER
The tower represents the authorities. It can also indicate isolation and lonliness. Sometimes it is an indicator of a separation that is yet to come, or of a long life. Above all, it can stand for a person in a leading position who has a lot of power or influence.
Stability, success, aloofness, remoteness, the elevation of the spirit.
The course of your life, long life, someone or something from the past, protection.
An institute of authority, a company or business.
Governmental institution, particularly when paired with MOUNTAIN.

Daily 3 Card Spread 26th April 2020

The Daily 3 Card Spread 26th April 2020

1st Card

Any recent influences that may impact on the day.
24 - HEART
The heart stands for love, the love of life and kind-heartedness. In combination with cards 8 (COFFIN) or 36 (CROSS) it denotes love-sickness. Love, happiness.
Love, feelings, the heart, the heart of something, connection, God-love.

2nd Card

This is the DAY CARD which reflects the present situation and implications over the whole day or 24 hours.
19 - TOWER
The tower represents the authorities. It can also indicate isolation and loneliness. Sometimes it is an indicator of a separation that is yet to come, or of a long life. Above all, it can stand for a person in a leading position who has a lot of power or influence.
Stability, success, aloofness, remoteness, the elevation of the spirit.
The course of your life, long life, someone or something from the past, protection.
An institute of authority, a company or business.
Governmental institution, particularly when paired with MOUNTAIN.

3rd Card

Card 3 reflects on both cards 1 and 2 and may provide answers to any outcome over the coming days.
This card brings good news. If however, card 6 (CLOUDS) lies between the horse rider and the person card, it is bad news. The card also expresses that something is set in motion. Or it can stand for a young, mostly sporty man.
News from a foreign country or from far away.
Thoughts, news, hunches, dynamic processes. This is a positive card, a good messenger, whatever you intend will go well. 

Sunday, 26 April 2020

Daily 3 Card Spread 25th April 2020

The Daily 3 Card Spread 25th April 2020

1st Card

Any recent influences that may impact on the day.
18 - DOG
The dog stands for friendship, for someone you can rely on. If card 6 (CLOUDS) lies next to it, you ought to be cautious and incredulous. The card can also symbolize your son, brother, a young man or a lover. Reliable friendship.
Follower, faith, Belief, simple spirit, friendliness, connection, friends, finding one's place in the world. Reliable, loyal, friendly.

2nd Card

This is the DAY CARD which reflects the present situation and implications over the whole day or 24 hours.
With this card something comes to an end so something new can come into existence. Next to the person card, it indicates disease or sorrow.
Completion, serious illness, large loss of money.
Transformation, major change in a a situation, endings, secrets uncovered.

3rd Card

Card 3 reflects on both cards 1 and 2 and may provide answers to any outcome over the coming days.
Danger is lurking from where the tip of the scythe points. However, if there are good cards nearby, the danger is alleviated. The scythe tells us that something will happen suddenly. This can be both a sudden ending and a sudden new beginning.
Break-up, great danger, accidents.
Renewal of inner knowledge without the fundament of understanding that knowledge, experiencing something one does not understand... a card which says to be careful, something that happens quickly and can bring much pain. It can also point to a harvest though.