The Daily 3 Card Spread 2nd May 2020
1st Card
Any recent influences that may impact on the day.28 - GENTLEMAN / MAN
This card stands for the person asking the question if it is a man, and so it is the person card for men. If the person asking the question is a woman, the card represents her present or future partner, i.e. the man she feels closest to.
Friend, husband, significant other, boyfriend, love. Also action, aggressiveness, logic, will-power.
2nd Card
This is the DAY CARD which reflects the present situation and implications over the whole day or 24 hours.13 - CHILD
This card symbolizes your own child. It stands for a new beginning, but it can also express that a matter is small or that a person has a childish, naive disposition. Furthermore it can stand for children, teenagers, your daughter, your lady lover or a young woman.
Naive, young, playful, a child. Trust, friendliness, children.
3rd Card
Card 3 reflects on both cards 1 and 2 and may provide answers to any outcome over the coming days.Recent influences: Any recent influences that may impact on the day.
16 - STARS
Another card of luck! Depending on the questions asked, it indicates that a matter will succeed. It is the card of success. It also stands for intuition, spirituality, psychic powers and astrology.
Cosmos, Universe, the point of life/being, the laws of the universe, spiritual aspirations, the melancholy of dreams, eternity, the call of angels.