Showing posts with label Quality. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Quality. Show all posts

Thursday, 14 April 2022




Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces

The quality of time of this month is dynamic and complex, and it is hardly possible to capture and describe it conclusively. The events of this month may contain some key moments that may not be recognized as such until later. The main impulses come from three strong conjunctions in the zodiac signs of Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces. Foundation stones are being laid now that will shape events throughout the year and beyond.

It begins with the Pisces New Moon on March 2, in conjunction with Jupiter (orb of 2 degrees). Saturn and Mercury are in exact conjunction in Aquarius at the same time, Mars and Venus form a conjunction with Pluto in Capricorn, exact March 3.

Pluto, Venus and Mars

It's a magical time, literally: with alert confidence and a clear mind, actions can now be taken that have a decidedly powerful effect. Be aware, however, that unconscious fears and entanglements will have as real an impact as love and respect. The Venus-Mars-Pluto conjunction at almost 28° Capricorn has great incendiary power, and since its shadow side indicates, among other things, great greed, this could also be a time of messy and dangerous disputes, especially where (perceived or real) privilege and existing power relationships are challenged. The conjunction also occurs on the Pluto of the US national chart (July 4, 1776, 17:10h, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Astrodatabank: USA No. 1). Political conflicts could reach another climax during this time, with consequences for the whole world community.

[EN: For more on this topic, see the article "Turning Point: The United States' Pluto Return" by Ray Grasse.]

Sun and Jupiter

The Sun conjoins Jupiter in Pisces on March 5, underscoring the importance of trust and confidence, especially in times of transformation. A day later, Venus and Mars, still in close conjunction, enter Aquarius together. They thus reach exactly the position of the Saturn-Jupiter conjunction of December 21, 2020, which can be understood as the beginning of the current turning point. It is about a gradual transformation of our materialistic world view towards more idealistic and spiritual values. During these days the topics of this change become tangible on a more personal level. On the one hand, it is about the tension between community interests and private demands, but also about how to deal with technological progress.


On March 10, Mercury enters Pisces. Three days later, the Sun reaches its conjunction with Neptune in Pisces. Some tend to lose themselves in dreams now, others experience a welcome deepening of their spiritual practice. This somewhat lucid quality of time will stay with us for a few days. However, with the Virgo Full Moon on March 18, the quality of time will again be characterized by more tangible impulses. Moreover, on March 20, the Sun enters Aries, and the astrological start of the year indicates a great desire for adventure. Venus and Mars in Aquarius are still close together, squaring Uranus (Venus on March 19, Mars on March 22). A great lust for life is palpable! Relationships with stable foundations can now experience a welcome revival, but new relationships are also favored at this time. Whether they deliver what they promise may become apparent a few days later, when Venus conjoins Saturn on March 28 and demands a more sober view of events.

Thursday, 28 October 2021




Jupiter and Pluto: Right at the beginning of the month, Mercury in Libra trines Jupiter in Aquarius (exact Nov 1) and squares Pluto in Capricorn (exact Nov 2). Pluto's position corresponds to that of its conjunction with Jupiter on April 5, 2020, the time of the first great Covid-19 wave and its corresponding restrictions on social life. Mercury's present contact with the two planets involved indicates a period of critical processing of what has gone before. With the November 4 Scorpio New Moon in opposition to Uranus in Taurus, uncomfortable questions are now surfacing that are hard to ignore.

Mercury: Mercury enters Scorpio on November 5, makes a conjunction with Mars on November 10 and squares Saturn in Aquarius on the same day. Then on November 11, Mars forms a square to Saturn as well. During these days, the mood could become quite spiteful. Then, when Mercury reaches the opposition to Uranus on November 13, new information and surprising findings could fuel a smoldering conflict. With the Sun square Jupiter and Venus square Chiron and Moon on the 15th, compromises will have to be made that are unlikely to satisfy everyone.

On November 17, Mars opposes Uranus and the Moon. Restlessness is now great, and someone could easily get very angry. Consider your actions carefully during these days and think of the possible consequences. There is also a lunar eclipse during the Taurus Full Moon on November 19, which gives great weight to all impulses and their effects during this period. So practice letting go and try to let things happen.

Sagittarius: The last third of the month is a bit more relaxed. The Sun enters Sagittarius on November 22, Mercury follows suit two days after. On November 29, the two are in exact conjunction, with Mars forming a trine to Neptune. The month ends with the Sun and Mercury trining Chiron in Aries. Any contractions and after-effects of the unsettled days of mid-month can now dissipate with enough attention.

Do we have to go through all this again?


Thursday, 30 September 2021



Libra In October, the four planets Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto end their retrograde phases. This means that after an extended period of consolidation, new developments are increasingly in focus. Many things that may have been just loosely considered are now ready and able to be implemented. The next few months will show where the onward journey will lead.

In the first days of the month, important impulses come from the zodiac sign of Libra. Mars in Libra is in direct opposition to Chiron in Aries on October 1, and Mercury in Libra squares Pluto in Capricorn. The Libra Sun is opposite Chiron on October 3 and Mercury trine Jupiter in Aquarius. Exactly at the Libra New Moon on October 6, Pluto ends its retrograde phase of just over 5 months, and Venus enters Sagittarius a day later. These are days that give reason for hope. There will be extensive communication and an increased search for agreement instead of separation. Many a smoldering conflict could now be defused or even ended through much commitment, in the personal sphere as well as on the political stage. Now, a longer period begins in which positive concepts of life receive stronger resonance than before. The more relaxed overall mood may also indicate a harmonious time on the relationship level.

Saturn From October 8 to 10, the Sun, Mars and Mercury are conjunct in Libra, reaffirming the desire for a better world. What kind of better world is envisaged, however, must first be clarified. Saturn ends its retrograde period on October 11 and wants to do its part. True to form, Saturn will probably do this by introducing new rules. However, divided camps still have the opportunity to gradually come closer again and settle their differences. Since Jupiter also ends its 4-month retrograde phase on October 18, the chances for such initiatives are also good in the longer term. Mercury turns direct on the 18th, too, in exact opposition to Chiron. One day later, Mars forms a trine with Jupiter. If you suddenly realize that some things are now easier for you than before, enjoy this feeling, but keep at it! The Aries Full Moon on October 20 is square Pluto - this could be a powerful and worthy conclusion to a very fruitful and creative period.

Scorpio In the days following the Full Moon, the quality of time will change perceptibly. On the 22nd, Mars squares Pluto, and on the 23rd the Sun enters Scorpio. The mood now becomes more profound, critical and somewhat darker in tone. After the more exalted days before, introverted types can now get their money's worth again, especially when Venus squares Neptune on October 27 and it becomes clear that the soul wants to be nourished just as much as the body. There could be a great longing during this time, also because the general mood has changed quite suddenly. Then at the end of the month, with the Sun in tension with Saturn and the ingress of Mars into Scorpio, only the airy trine between Mercury and Jupiter reminds us that there are times when some things happen as if by magic. These are the days when vigorous work is required to make progress.

Saturday, 28 August 2021



Mars: NeptuneDuring the first days of September, Mars in Virgo is opposite Neptune in Pisces. Lack of drive can now tempt you to want to curl up in bed for a few days. With a little self-discipline, however, you can examine the underlying reasons for your desires and actions during this time, and perhaps gain a little more clarity about how to proceed. It's worth it, because the following days will bring new opportunities for self-realization. Already on September 5, Mercury in Libra forms a trine to Saturn in Aquarius. On the 6th, Venus in Libra squares Pluto in Capricorn and trines Jupiter in Aquarius, Mars trines Pluto. Suddenly, there is intensity and power again. New plans can be made and implemented immediately, preferably on the New Moon of September 7. The Sun and Moon are then in Virgo trining Uranus in Taurus. Pragmatic action can now have a lasting effect.

The second third of the month brings a volatile mood: Venus enters Scorpio on September 10, indicating intensity in relationship matters. The Sun opposes Neptune on the 14th, Mars enters Libra on the 15th, and Venus squares Saturn on the 17th. It could be a frustrating few days, revealing who is willing and able to translate desire into action. But even this period of restlessness is temporary and lasts only a few days.

Libra: September 21 sees a Full Moon in Pisces. It occurs one day before the Sun enters Libra, the autumnal equinox. The Moon is still under the influence of Neptune, Venus in Scorpio may feel a bit lost, but she is getting ready for the opposition with Uranus (on the 23rd), which indicates some kind of molting. Mercury trines Jupiter and squares Pluto. As Mercury turns retrograde on the 27th, it moves slowly and will remain in this aspect pattern for a few days. The quality of time during these days brings great sensitivity and lustful desires to some, while others could do good business. Some new ideas are now waiting to be discovered, therefore we can expect lively and demanding communication. However, due to the strong involvement of Neptune, the events surrounding the pandemic are in focus again throughout the month, with possible repercussions for both commerce and money matters.

Wednesday, 30 June 2021



The month of July begins with an exciting constellation. Mars in Leo reaches an opposition to Saturn on July 1 and an exact square to Uranus on the 4th, forming a T-square with the two. In addition, the Sun squares Chiron in Aries on July 4, and Mercury in Gemini forms a square with Neptune in Pisces on July 6. Those who assess their own strengths realistically and use them in the right place could actually succeed in asserting themselves now. However, overestimating themselves will have painful consequences. It becomes visible who has the upper hand at the moment, and some could have a tough time of it with the existing power structures.

Then, on July 7, Venus, too, reaches the position in the T-square with Saturn and Uranus which Mars previously held. It is now increasingly women's voices that give a new slant to events and call for moderation and relaxation. The Cancer New Moon on July 10 could then actually lead to a quiet respite before a new, promising chapter begins in the middle of the month. Venus and Mars in Leo are conjunct between July 12 and 14. The Moon transits the two on the 12th and forms an opposition to Jupiter on the 13th. Additionally, the Sun is in trine to Neptune on the 15th. This is the time for lovers. Celebrate life and love during these days, let joy take hold of you and allow yourself to celebrate exuberantly once again! This is also a good time to rid yourself of the dust of the worries of the past few months.

The last third of the month could also bring a few surprises. The Sun enters Leo on July 22, and Venus enters Virgo on the same day. Venus and Jupiter - the lesser and the greater fortune - are then directly opposite each other, creating an atmosphere of trust. The rediscovered joy could have very real effects and cause some of the powerful blockages indicated by the Saturn-Uranus square to be somewhat released. Since the Full Moon on July 24 will occur on the Leo / Aquarius axis within a degree of the Great Conjunction of December 2020, new and relevant impulses important to the current process of social reorientation can also be expected during these days. Retrograde Jupiter will re-enter Aquarius on July 28, supporting transformative forces through the end of the year.

Monday, 31 May 2021



The month of June is entirely under the influence of the Saturn-Uranus square, which becomes exact for the second time on the 15th. This could again lead to unexpected developments and breakdowns in supporting structures, with an open outcome. The central theme of this square is the tension between individual freedom and social limitation. Saturn is retrograde during this second connection. Much that has been started in the last months must now be reviewed, corrected and stabilized. With courage, deliberation and perseverance, small but important steps forward into a new self-understanding can now be taken.

Gemini: The first days of June will show how well we succeed in channeling the enormous tension into constructive paths. The Gemini Sun and Aquarius Saturn form a trine around June 2-4, as do Venus in Cancer and Jupiter in Pisces. There is now more talk about feelings, hopes and fears. The great distress in which many people find themselves could become more visible during these days. On June 5, Mars in Cancer and Pluto in Capricorn oppose each other, the Aries Moon squares both, and Mercury in Gemini squares Neptune in Pisces. Real and perceived threat scenarios could now lead to instinctive and sometimes violent reactions, and once again it will be difficult or impossible to get a reliable picture of what is happening.

Solar Eclipse in Gemini: On June 10, the New Moon occurs in Gemini, along with a solar eclipse (for a personal interpretation of the eclipse. The New Moon is square Neptune and conjunct Mercury. A day later, Mars enters Leo, and on June 12, Venus squares Chiron in Aries exactly. The mood is now very subjective and tinged with idealism - almost mysticism. Creative people may experience a period of inspiration. The quality of time encourages a willingness to tune into what is not yet visible. Together with the unpredictable dynamics of the June 15 Saturn-Uranus square, there is now a hint of revolution in the air. On June 20, Jupiter begins its retrograde phase (through October 18). Pisces themes of non-violence, communal spirit, and compassion will continue to play an important role in social discourse.

Cancer: In the last third of the month, the focus turns more to personal circumstances and needs. The Sun enters Cancer on June 21, and Venus forms a trine to Neptune. Mercury turns direct again on the 23rd, and the Sun is in trine to Jupiter. At the Capricorn Full Moon of June 24, Venus is in opposition to Pluto before entering Leo on June 27. Now, there is a great desire to unwind and treat yourself to something nice. For a moment, it might feel like everything is back to the way it used to be. Enjoy this time as much as possible, but stay realistic. We are now halfway through an extraordinary year that will still bring some surprises and challenges.