Friday, 4 March 2022

Our Future.


Our Future.


This one card spread should be used to focus on the way ahead. It will reveal the forthcoming events and influences for our future.

Reading done on the 1st July 2021.

Knight of Coins (Reversed)

Upright: Practical, sensuous, patient, methodical, progress. Sensible course, dependability, industriousness, hard work, conviction. Beneficial science, finding meaning, nature.

Reversed: Confusion, missing vision, instability, greed, indolence. Apathy, material preoccupation, inactivity, tiredness, necessary inner turning.

One Card: 

Focus on the card and try to let yourself become part of it. Look closely and try to imagine you are there inside the picture. Look at every detail and make a story out of all you see. This card will reveal any questions you want answered.

Personal Notes

All this instability around at the moment is starting to make everyone unsure of the future. There seems to be no good news coming from anyone or anywhere.


A very negative time is surrounding us all and nobody seems to have any positive answers. The people in power are all grabbing at straws, broken ones. Everybody seems to be making very bold statements but in reality they are just hiding behind words.

I was hoping for someone with an ounce of intelligence to come forward and show themselves but there is nobody. We have run out of leaders, a person with strength and integrity who can show us the way. Instead, everyone is just covering their own backsides in case they get severely kicked. The future is looking very bleak and this Knight has no answers, just questions.

It's time for someone to step forward and show themselves, a person for the people.

Simon Bloom

Wednesday, 2 March 2022



An example of belligerent is a person who constantly starts fights with others. Belligerent is defined as a state, nation or military personnel at war or ready to fight. An example of belligerent is Germany in World War II. Engaged in warfare, warring.

As defined by:-

Tuesday, 1 March 2022