Does Karma really exist?

Does Karma really exist?

People talk about Karma quite a lot these days but does it really exist? I'm sorry to tell all you sceptics that "yes", it really does exist. We all know it more commonly by another name, "SATURN". Yes everybody, that great big round planet which is part of our solar system, and has been assigned by many ancient cultures to be our teacher. Astrologers for centuries have warned us about Saturn and that it will expect us to learn from our discretions, mistakes and errors that we make throughout our lifetime. To put it in more blunt terminology, " if you are the type of person who doesn't give a damn about anything or anyone else Saturn will certainly be keeping a very close eye on you." I guess whenever the bad guy gets away with things we all wish someone or something would step in and teach them a lesson in how to behave and become a nice guy. We all know this just doesn't happen at times and they just carry on regardless of any consequences.

This also leads me to something that I read when I first started to learn about Kabbalah around 20 years ago. I was browsing some books in the occult section of a famous bookstore in the city center when the title of a book caught my eye. It was called, "The power of Kabbalah" by Yehuda Berg and on the front was an inscription by Madonna the pop star which in turn inspired me to buy it. Not Madonna, the inscription. The piece that I read concerned the idea of resistance to negative impulsive behaviour and it was called, "Resisting Evil Impulses" and it explained about how we can get pulled into conversations and small talk about close friends or work colleagues which turns into bad-mouthing someone because our lives aren't doing too well. Kabbalistically this type of behaviour is like murder and includes character assassination. It is a warning that may result in something you didn't expect to happen.

The Tarot major card "The World" XXI has an astrology correspondence to Saturn and when the World is drawn in a Tarot spread the reading is impacted and influenced by Karma.

As a Tarot reader my job is to glean the information from what the cards tell me and impart the information, clearly, concisely and honestly. It is not for me to judge or take sides, I have to be impartial at all times but at the same time ensure my client gets all the benefit from my council. I also have to be that same person when I am not reading cards, especially when somebody asks my opinion or wants some advice on anything. I have learned throughout my life, the people I've met and talked to, the countries that I've visited and through the extensive work, time and effort in research on, occultism, divination, philosophy and much more, that I am no longer the person I was in my more youthful days. I have experienced so much in my life I know in myself that I am now a far better person than I used to be. Karma has tapped me on the shoulder and even kicked me in the backside, many times but the question is, "did I learn?" and the answer is, undoubtedly an emphatic "Yes".

So when somebody asks "you" for advice, just think and ask yourself this question, "will my answer benefit me or the person asking the question?" Your answer will tell you what type of person you are and will Karma play any part in your future regarding the outcome of what your answer was.

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