53 - Valet of Swords
Spy: Spy. Young researcher. Investigator.
Upside down: Lack of Foresight. Obliging but unprepared helper.
52 - Knight of Swords
Soldier: Mercenary. Pugnacious collaborator.
Upside down: Ignorance. Ignorant or careless collaborator.
51 - Queen of Swords
Widow: An alone woman with a difficult disposition creates problems.
Upside down: Nasty Vicious Woman. Intriguing or ill-intentioned woman.
50 - King of Swords
Well Dressed Man, Noble: Expert, professionals give costly advice.
Upside down: Nasty Vicious Man. Cruel person to be avoided.
49 - Ace of Cups
Table: Worldly reception. Gastronomic pleasures.
Upside down: Change. Changed point of view.
48 - Two of Cups
Love: Love. Great pleasantness. Intense passion.
Upside down: Desire. Unsatisfied desires. Jealousy.
47 - Three of Cups
Success: Relief. Positive conclusion. Recovery.
Upside down: Business Venture. Business with uncertain success.