Showing posts with label WARNING. Show all posts
Showing posts with label WARNING. Show all posts

Friday, 2 October 2020

October to December 2020


This traditional Twelve House Spread includes astrological keywords (in parenthesis) for the houses, signs, planets, elements and qualities. Also included is the sun timing for entry into each house. I am focusing on the last 3 months of 2020 and have also produced a full 12 month reading which includes the first 9 months of 2021, starting in January. Because of the timing overlaps of the houses I have to show 4 houses, 7 to 10 inclusive which covers the last 3 months of 2020.

The Upright and Reversed Associations are based on whether the card is placed upright or reversed when dealing. All cards were dealt upright but both meanings are relevant to the house that it has been placed in and based on the Yin Yang principles of good/bad, black/white, right/wrong etc. When confronted with a dilemma such as Covid-19 you must take all aspects of the situations to determine some kind of assemblance out of the chaos which has been unleashed on the world. Once you introduce all the human aspects to these types of situations there is no guaranteed positive or negative outcomes, only more chaos.

SEVENTH HOUSE – Marriage and Partnership “I BALANCE”: The Seventh House (partnerships, marriage, conflicts, identification within a group), is an Angular House (action, motivation). It is ruled by Libra the Scales (balance, order, justice, sometimes unemotional), with the element of Air (communication, intellectualism) and is a Cardinal sign (outgoing, social, lack follow-through on projects). Libra is ruled by the planet Venus (romance, beauty, artistry, sociability). Timing: about September 23 - October 22.

Knight of Coins

Keywords: future projects and ventures, offers of some kind.

Description: The Knight or Prince of Coins has two meanings. The first indicates a young man who is very practical. The second indicates further development of a material venture which, if handled correctly, could bring about future projects.

Upright Associations: Practical, sensuous, patient, methodical, progress. Sensible course, dependability, industriousness, hard work, conviction. Beneficial science, finding meaning, nature.

Reversed Associations: Confusion, missing vision, instability, greed, indolence. Apathy, material preoccupation, inactivity, tiredness, necessary inner turning.

The timing is one of the main points of interest, in that it focuses not only on the 7th house but also the later part of September and most of October and so enters an entirely new era for each and everyone of us. The 7th has indicated "balance" which has not been around since lockdown was ended. If we don't heed the rules then the (RA words) above must surely come into play and if they manifest into reality then hope may be lost in our fight against this deadly virus. The (UA words) above are the positive outcome and are telling us what has to be achieved in the coming months. If we disregard this offer that the card offers then we only have ourselves to blame.

EIGHTH HOUSE – Death and Regeneration “I DESIRE”: The Eighth House (transformation, regeneration, sexuality, death and taxes, psychic ability), is a Succedent House (resources, stability). It is ruled by Scorpio the Scorpion (passionate, emotional, persistent, intense, obstinate, unyielding), with the element of Water (emotion, intuition) and is a Fixed sign (persistence, predictable, inflexible, stubborn). Scorpio is ruled by the planet Pluto (destiny, redemption, power, afterlife, good and evil). Timing: about October 23 - November 21.

Ace of Wands

Keywords: new beginnings, job possibilities, optimism, life start, promotion and new ventures.

Description: The Ace of Wands is the beginning of any creative venture or business pursuit. It indicates optimism and invention, as well as new opportunities and directions.

Upright Associations: A new venture, the initiation of prosperity, happiness, pleasure. Optimism, creative energy, potency, adventure.

Reversed Associations: A bad beginning, missing opportunities, need to wait, frustration. Creatively blocked, lacking energy, need to re-motivate.

Astrological Correspondence: None. 

Keywords: new beginnings, job possibilities, optimism, life start, promotion and new ventures. Description: The Ace of Wands is the beginning of any creative venture or business pursuit. It indicates optimism and invention, as well as new opportunities and directions.

By the time we reach the 8th house and nothing has changed for the better, if our situations are becoming worse, this card is giving us the chance to turn things around, it's not too late. Take a long look at the (Keywords) and (Description), we can reverse the negativity caused by this virus.

NINTH HOUSE – Mental Exploration “I SEE”: The Ninth House (philosophy, religion, law, long journeys, higher education, publishing, in-laws), is a Cadent House (diversification). It is ruled by Sagittarius the Archer (energetic, ambitious, generous, freedom-loving, an explorer), with the element of Fire (aggression, leadership) and is a Mutable sign (adaptable, too changeable). Sagittarius is ruled by the planet Jupiter (philosophy, religion, higher education, expansion). Timing: about November 22 - December 21.


Astrological Correspondence: Pluto 

Keywords: judgement, resurrection, healing, music, good news, revelation.

Description: The Judgement card represents the judgement day or awakening call heralding a rite of passage. As one cycle comes to an end we need to prepare for a new stage in our development, the future is waiting. Now is the time when past efforts yield positive results, when we can reap the rewards, when we realise that we are drawn in a new direction and recognise our true calling. In it's positive meaning the Judgement card reminds us that through honesty and true reflection we can realise where we have erred on our path and that we need to forgive ourselves to regain a feeling of self-worth and accomplishment.

Upright Associations: Awakening, revival, the good life, health, mental agility, accomplishment, perfection. Summing up, spiritual calling, transformation.

Placed in a negative situation Judgement symbolises indecision, a fear of letting go, remorse, and regret, and imbalance, imprisonment.

Reversed Associations: Hesitation, denying change, poor judgement. indecision. Stagnation, closing off spiritually, needs to evaluate your direction.

This is our judgement for the past year on how we have reacted not only to this terrible virus but to one another. Disrespect, self-appointed righteousness and absolute disregard for others, this is our legacy to our future generations. If we don't change our attitudes then we have failed the children of tomorrow. You only have to read about what this card means to understand what is to become to humanities future.

TENTH HOUSE – Career “I USE”: The Tenth House (profession, status, worldly ambitions, people in power over you), is an Angular House (action, motivation). It is ruled by Capricorn the Goat (reserved, prudent, patient, cunning, acquisitive, determined), with the element of Earth (practicality, organization) and is a Cardinal sign (outgoing, social, lack follow-through on projects). Capricorn is ruled by the planet Saturn (discipline, responsibility, limitations, restrictions, karma). Timing: about December 22 - January 19.

Page of Wands

Astrological Correspondence: (Sagittarius)

Keywords: good news is on it's way, the messenger, friend, psychic message.

Description: The Page or Princess of Wands quite often indicates a young, energetic person will come into the picture to bring some sort of discord.

Upright Associations: Dependable, infectious enthusiasm for life, a lively disposition. Daring action, inventive, striking out in the world.

Reversed Associations: Bad news, a lack of decision, disruptions, rash communications, frazzled. Leaving safety for the unknown.

Finally the planet Saturn, our teacher, appears to warn of what could be, if all the right and positive changes are made. On a personal note, I don't think we have learned anything and the new year will be the same as the last and maybe even worse.

This is not a prediction it is just a warning for the whole of humanity.

Wednesday, 6 May 2020



How do we change the way we live after COVID-19?

I am writing this in the hope that we all consider how much change is needed to the way we live our lives, now and in the future. Social attitudes have to change towards many of the so-called normal ways of living. If we just carry on living with the same attitudes and lifestyles of the past then nothing changes and none of us have learned anything from this devastating virus that has attacked us. This has been a message to all of us to stop and take a good look at ourselves and what we have managed to accomplish as a devastating monster on planet earth. If we are the only intelligent life forms in the whole universe then what are we here for? We have to be better than this, we just can’t go on ignoring what we are doing to the planet as a whole and that includes the way we treat each other. There is no respect for our fellow human beings. This pandemic has highlighted to the world just who and what we really are, monsters!

This is not about blame, it’s about putting things right that have gone wrong, showing respect to others, being moral and descent to life as a whole, which includes flora and fauna. We now have the biggest chance to change our future for the better. I hope the history books can write about this period of time and say, “We changed and the world changed with us, for the better, for all and for our future”.

So what do we have to do now and once we take control of this virus? Well the main strategy is to start thinking of ways to improve life for everyone and not just the few. Our whole lifestyles have to change, readapt to a new way of living our lives, from the way we move around the planet to living, eating, working and socialising. Like the words of the Bob Dylan song say, “The times, they are a changin”. Yes, they truly are and we must change with them.

The way we come out of Lockdown is crucial too. There is no more NORMAL, only the future which can no longer be described as normal. Normal, new, old, good or bad, there is no such thing anymore, there is only one thing we can look forward to now and that is our future. So what do we need to understand about our future and how we become better humans, together. We have already shown how it’s possible to all come together and cooperate instead of fighting against each other. This is just the first step to securing a more positive and sustained future. People with vision now need to step up and show us all how to become different people. 

Massive changes have to be made in many areas of how we now live our lives, governments, organitions, buildings and much, much more will have to change overnight to accommodate where and how we live. Everything and everyone has to change the way we think and act towards the way we take the first steps into our new world structure.
Governments will have to be more responsible and transparent in the way they govern and treat everyone. This new era will be greater than any revolution we created in the past. If we don’t start making the changes now, we never will and both the human race and planet Earth will cease to exist, as we know it.
This is the time to transform and evolve into a far better society and leave the old behind without forgetting it forever. Lessons must be learned and mistakes rectified. This is our chance to become a far better civilisation all across the globe.

Sunday, 3 May 2020

COVID19 1st May 2020

COVID19 Update 1st May 2020

This is a Tarot reading I did a couple of days ago to see what the long term effect would be on the way we come out of this virus and how things will change and in turn change the way we will live in the future. Don't be surprised, I have been warning you all about this for the past twenty odd years, but nobody listens.

Thursday, 23 April 2020


Is our planet fighting back? 🌍

I wrote this in April 2011

Chaos theory is a field of study in applied mathematics, with applications in several disciplines including physics, economics, biology, and philosophy. Chaos theory studies the behavior of dynamical systems that are highly sensitive to initial conditions; an effect which is popularly referred to as the butterfly effect. Small differences in initial conditions (such as those due to rounding errors in numerical computation) yield widely diverging outcomes for chaotic systems, rendering long-term prediction impossible in general.[1] This happens even though these systems are deterministic, meaning that their future behavior is fully determined by their initial conditions, with no random elements involved.[2] In other words, the deterministic nature of these systems does not make them predictable.[3][4] This behavior is known as deterministic chaos, or simply chaos.

Chaotic behavior can be observed in many natural systems, such as the weather.

The above article is from Wikipedia, (Link –

I’m not a scientist, economist, biologist, or philosopher and yet I can sense something BIG is going to happen soon to our planet and more than likely its inhabitants too. With worldwide communication becoming ever more instantaneous and with instant access to everything and anyone, we have enabled ourselves to become a global community, and yet we are unable to act like one, especially in the more developed countries.

Materialism, selfishness, and greed has superseded compassion, regard for each other, and dignity and so maybe, just maybe the planet that we all share and inhabit is starting to feel this wave of destruction heading its way and is fighting back.

It’s as if all the unrest in Africa and the Middle East have become the butterfly’s wings and the earthquakes in Japan, the tornadoes in America just might be the effects of those wings fluttering to the point of destruction of the whole planet.

I’m not a doom and gloom merchant, I’m just a realist. If what I can feel and sense from all the news reports and television coverage day in and day out, something has to give very soon.

Today in February 2020
Wild fires in the USA and Australia, the corona virus epidemic, floods in the UK, deforestation, plastic pollution, wild animals decreasing rapidly, it keeps happening over and over.
All we seem to care about is our next iPhone or Big Mac meal.
I'm ashamed to be a human being.

Original Article written in 2011