You can now have your own FREE Daily Oracle sent directly to your inbox and use however you wish. You could add it to your social media, website or display it as a Logo. It's yours for FREE and can be used however you want. I publish typical Daily Celtic Oracles every day but there are other themes and designs you can choose from or ask me to design you a new one unique for you or your own logo added to it.

An oracle is a person or agency considered to provide wise and insightful counsel or prophetic predictions, most notably including precognition of the future, inspired by deities. As such, it is a form of divination. Oracles are NOT a Tarot card reading, they have been used for 1000's of years by Kings, Queens, Emperors, Pharaohs of ancient Egypt.
 to advise them on many issues and problems

They explain about forthcoming events that you may need to be aware of, positive or negative and with that information and knowledge can guide you in your daily life. It is now become a very popular way for many people to choose their Oracle by asking a question first and applying the Oracles' answer to the question. 

The Celtic Oracles are traditional not only to Irish culture but the whole of the UK, Europe, North and South America, the far East, Siberia, in fact most of the world for centuries. In the past Bards, Shaman and even village doctors used the Oracle to answer questions about health. child birth, mental health and many other issues.

Here are just some of the many I have designed:-

Celtic Oracles

I Ching Oracles

The famous Lenormand

My own Designs

Your own Logo designed

These are just a few of the designs that I have used in the past let alone the different types of Oracle cards you can choose from.
So if you want your own Free Oracles get in touch with me using the Your Questions page.

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