Saturday, 7 August 2021

Card for today, 7th August 2021

Rider Waite card No 30, IX of Wands
Wands: Nine
Astrological Correspondence: Moon in Sagittarius [For more information click]
Keywords: vigilance, protection and defense, nearly.
Description: The Nine of Wands indicates success after a long struggle to get to the top. There appears to be a bit of weariness because many mistakes have been made and much has been learned the hard way. Additionally, a feeling of defense is in the air because after such a long struggle to achieve success, much vigilance will be necessary to maintain it. Don't let others undo what you've worked hard to achieve.
Upright Associations: Eventual victory, plans coming to fruition, resolve, good health. Determination, commitment to an issue or belief. Acknowledging past grief.
Reversed Associations: Rivalry, obstacles, time to move on in your life. Loss of rights, isolation. emerging from pain and isolation.

Friday, 6 August 2021

Card for today, 6th August 2021

Rider Waite card No 33, Knight of Wands

Wands: Page

Astrological Correspondence: (Sagittarius)

Keywords: good news is on it's way, the messenger, friend, psychic message.

Description: The Page or Princess of Wands quite often indicates a young, energetic person will come into the picture to bring some sort of discord.

Upright Associations: Dependable, infectious enthusiasm for life, a lively disposition. Daring action, inventive, striking out in the world.

Reversed Associations: Bad news, a lack of decision, disruptions, rash communications, frazzled. Leaving safety for the unknown.

Thursday, 5 August 2021

Card for today, 5th August 2021

Rider Waite card No 68, V Coins

Coins: Five

Astrological Correspondence: Mercury in Taurus [For more information, click]

Keywords: down and out, poor, desolate, bad news, very negative.

Description: The Five of Coins indicates that the affluent lifestyle we have lived cannot continue. A sense of depression or unhappiness will tend to prevail. Things may start to improve, but that depends on the other cards in the spread and their placement in relation to the five of coins itself.

Upright Associations: Redundancy, loss of financial stability, worries, poverty. A reevaluation of worth, a need to invest in something new. True love, lack of faith, perseverance. 

Reversed Associations: Destruction, waste; troubles in love, helplessness. End delays and postponements. Renewed faith, uncovering something hidden, deep changes.

Wednesday, 4 August 2021

Card for today, 4th August 2021

Rider Waite card No X, Wheel of Fortune

Wheel of Fortune

Astrological Correspondence: Jupiter

Keywords: unexpected change, good fortune, becoming master of one's own destiny 

Description: The Wheel of Fortune symbolises the ever-changing cycle of life, wins and losses, ups and downs, unexpected luck, advancements and setbacks, success and failure - the duality of things. Representing a breakthrough, a fortunate set of circumstances, the energies of the turning wheel also suggest incalculability, chance, surprise, rapid change and fate ending problematic times, heralding good fortune, and stimulating development and growth. As one of the cards not showing a human figure at its centre, the Wheel of Fortune represents our uncovering of life's cycles and patterns, the discovery of our purpose in life, and the realisation that nothing is permanent, everything is always in flux.

Upright Associations: Destiny, unexpected fortune or effortless success. Advancement, progress and the resolution of problems. The beginning of a new cycle or phase.

In a negative situation the card can resemble failure, misfortune, gambling excess, and a turn for the worse.

Reversed Associations: Bad luck, a change for the worse,

Tuesday, 3 August 2021

Card for today, 3rd August 2021

Rider Waite card No 42, VII of Cups

Cups: Seven
Astrological Correspondence: Venus in Scorpio [For more information, click]
Keywords: choices.
Description: The Seven of Cups indicates changes and choices will be forthcoming. There will be several paths to take, but there is no guarantee that the choice made will be the one that will bring about the desired result. Thorough research and analytical thinking needs to be done before making any decisions.
Upright Associations: Fantasy, illusion, quest, reflection, confusion, the inner life. The need to meditate on decisions &/or motives. Unrealistic expectations, dreams, choices, imagination.
Reversed Associations: Passion, determination, need for logical thinking. Maturity, discernment of reality vs illusions. This barren time will quickly pass.

Monday, 2 August 2021

Card for today, 2nd August 2021

Rider Waite card No 64, Ace of Coins
Coins: One
Astrological Correspondence: None.
Keywords: new financial ventures.
Description: The Ace of Coins indicates potential for a financial venture. Although the initial seeds of creation are present, proper action must be taken to ensure material gains and prosperity.
Upright Associations: A new business venture, the beginning or essence of prosperity, happiness or pleasure. Abundance, physical energy.
Reversed Associations: Experiencing inner emptiness, loss, insecurity, delay. Material detachment, spiritual power.

Sunday, 1 August 2021

Card for today, 1st August 2021

Rider Waite card No 62, Queen of Swords

Swords: Queen

Astrological Correspondence: (Aquarius)

Keywords: A mature woman, possibly a widow or divorcee.

Description: The Queen of Swords usually indicates a woman who is educated and intelligent, and can be quite a conversationalist when things are going her way. However, negatively she can become bitter and spiteful when she is unhappy with herself. She is rational and tends to be cool in a crisis. Graceful, possibly with a fondness for music and dancing. She is very alert to undercurrents and should not be underestimated.

Upright Associations: Courageous, intelligent, made wise through suffering and loss. Skillful in political affairs, playing off rival factions against each other. Independent, analytical, perceptive.

Reversed Associations: Conformity, hardened heart, overly critical. Bitterness, deceit, loneliness. Broken relationships, misinformation. Little regard for others.