Mercury Communication is the big theme this month. Mars enters the wordy sign of Gemini on March 4, and Mercury is conjunct Jupiter in Aquarius on March 5. There is a lot being communicated, discussed and opined. Some of it may well be important. However, in the flood of information it is sometimes difficult to separate the substantial from the banal.
As the month progresses, words could increasingly be taken very seriously and assessed in an overly sensitive manner, especially in the days around the Pisces New Moon on March 13, which could make people somewhat thin-skinned. The Sun, Moon, Venus and Neptune are then close together, and even insensitive natures are then more often in danger of confusing subliminal messages with what is actually being said. These are lucid days that invite you to deal with your dreams, hopes and spiritual needs. It is advisable to consciously distance yourself from negativity during this time and to avoid putting unnecessary strain on your immune system.
Aries On March 20, the Sun enters Aries. This is the equinox. In the Northern Hemisphere, it is the beginning of spring and the start of the astrological year. The Sun in impulsive Aries calls for bold and fearless forward progress. Venus follows the Sun on March 21 and is conjunct it until the end of March. Mars in Gemini and Mercury in Pisces are in tension with each other. Discussions and arguments now take place in a field of tension between belief and knowledge, whereby it is often somewhat unclear whether what is supposedly known is merely believed.
Neptune At the Libra Full Moon on March 28, the Sun is in close conjunction with Venus and Chiron, and Mars is in conjunction with the Moon's Node. Illnesses and old wounds may once again show themselves clearly at this time, necessitating decisive action. The following conjunction of Mercury with Neptune on March 30 indicates that the facts could continue to be very unclear. Honest attempts to actively improve the situation may prove more difficult than expected.