Shamanic Qabalah

by Daniel Moler


With the passion of an enraptured mystic, the erudition of a veteran scholar, and the eloquence of a virtuoso storyteller, Daniel Moler has accomplished something truly extraordinary in writing Shamanic Qabalah: A Mystical Path to Uniting the Tree of Life & the Great Work. Not only has he convincingly laid bare the shamanic foundations of our most enduring Western Mystery Tradition —the esoteric Jewish theosophical doctrine of Qabalah—he has simultaneously managed to demystify the raison d’ĂȘtre of our contemporary human estrangement from the sacred dimensions of life.

At heart, Shamanic Qabalah is a breathtaking tour de force about the anarchically aroused shamanic longings of the soul for rescue from the tyranny of an unexplored human mind, from the confining structures and strictures of literalism in all its forms. It is a consummately articulated visionary sermon on spiritual human freedom. Reading Shamanic Qabalah is itself a process of divine gnosis, a self-transformational plunge into the timeless waters of our remembering as immortal souls. It offers both the novice and seasoned initiate of shamanic ritual arts or Western Hermetic traditions a necessarily ego- annihilating path of communion with the great primal Abyss and subsequent embodiment of the ten Sephiroth hierarchically nested within the sacred Tree of Life.

I thus encourage you to read this remarkably insightful book by allowing it to touch your heart and not only awaken your mind. For in order for us to live with more soul in a global culture increasingly entranced by consumerist values—which are falsely justified by a materialistic and mechanistic worldview—it is incumbent upon each of us to do everything from a deeper, more reflective, shamanic soul experience of divine interdependence with the living cosmos.

Shamanic Qabalah is a veritably life-transforming, soul-animating field guide to the Great Work. All aspiring psychonauts keen on exploring astral realms stand to greatly benefit from the hands-on practices elucidated within this fascinating book. The perennial wisdom foundation of Shamanic Qabalah is adroitly punctuated with in-depth esoteric and exoteric ritual guidance derived from theurgy, gematria, tarot, astrology, pathfinding, and Pachakuti Mesa Tradition cross-cultural shamanism, all woven together into a seamless ceremonial companion guide for skillfully navigating and befriending our wildly sentient multiverse.

Any finely written book about the Great Work and the Golden Chain of Initiation (Aurea Catena) that preserves it inescapably becomes a book in the Great Chain, a radiantly connective golden link of treasured wisdom and illumined guidance replete with shamanic power to elicit a Remembering of our divine immortality as human souls. Shamanic Qabalah is precisely one of these books. Exposure to the soul-educing gnosis divulged within the pages of this captivating book shall irreversibly transform your life for the better—please proceed to read without caution!

It is quite a challenge to adequately express the depth of esteem and gratitude I feel for Daniel Moler as the unapologetic, daemon-intoxicated hollow bone that gave expression to this unique opus; for his unassailable dedication to the Great Work as a sanctioned teacher of Pachakuti Mesa Tradition cross-cultural shamanism; for his assured honesty as my trusted friend and shamanic soul brother in faith. For these reasons and many more, I respectfully offer my humble support and service to his calling as an adept Shamanic Qabalist.

In sacred relationship, Don Oscar Miro-Quesada

Oscar Miro-Quesada is a respected Kamasqa curandero and Altomisayoq adept from Peru, founder of the Heart of the Healer (THOTH), originator of Pachakuti Mesa Tradition cross-cultural shamanism, and coauthor of Lessons in Courage: Peruvian Shamanic Wisdom for Everyday Life.

After my initiation into treading the paths of the Tree of Life, utilizing my foundations of shamanic training, I uncovered a strong connection between the two. After years of training, notes, journals, and blog posts, the information was compiled into the volume you now hold in your hands. The goal of this book is to provide an introduction into the initiatory mysteries of Hermetic Qabalah, correlated with the philosophy of shamanic practice. It is my assertion that shamanism and Qabalah go hand in hand, as they are both methods for facilitating direct relationship with the unseen powers of the universe. Quoted by Daniel Moler from this book.

Daniel Moler

This book only came to light when I asked myself the question, "Can Shaman heal themselves?" So through my search for the answer I started asking myself other questions such as "is Tarot linked to Shamanism?" mainly because of the link by divination. I knew that Kabbalah is linked to Tarot along with many other divinatory systems so why not Shamanism. I strongly recommend reading this book. It has shone more light in a few hours of reading than all the thousands of hours of reading other literature on many, many wide and varied topics of divination and occultism etc. by Simon Bloom 

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