Monday 16 August 2021

Card for today, 16th August 2021

Rider Waite card No 63,  King of Swords

Swords: King

Astrological Correspondence: (Libra)

Keywords: trust, authority, loyal, calm, needs mental stimulation.

Description: The King of Swords usually indicates a mature man who is intelligent and well versed. Positively, he can use his intellect and good communication abilities to help others, but negatively he can use his command of language to harm. The King of Swords indicates a mature man who is intelligent and well versed. He is wise and a loyal advisor. Logical and calm, he dislikes over displays of emotion. Positively, he can use his intellect and good communication abilities to help others, but negatively he can use his command of language to harm and play mind games.

Upright Associations: Rational, clear minded, cautious, the law. Arbitration, analytical, deep truth, inner authority. Decisive, discerning, intellectual honesty, principles. Impartial, unemotional decision.

Reversed Associations: An enemy, deception, cruelty, regimental, harsh and cruel in judgements. Intolerance, narrow-mindedness, ruthless, self-doubt, avoiding consequences.

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