Numerology in the Tarot
Numerology is the study of numbers and the impact they play on our lives, as well as the frequency in which they appear. A basic understanding of how numbers relate to specific cards in Tarot is essential because it helps to shed further illumination on the meaning of each card.
In the study of numerology, numbers 1 through 9 are considered to be primary numbers and any numbers higher than 9 are considered to be compound. Compound numbers are derived because they comprise qualities of all of the numbers, which they contain, as well as the overall number, which is derived when they are added together.
For example, the number 27 is computed by adding the digits in the number together (2 + 7) to come up with the primary number 9. The number 27 will also carry the secondary vibrations of 2 and 7 in addition to the main vibration of 9. Therefore, although 27 is a higher octave of 9, its vibrations are subtly different from other compound numbers that also add up to 9, such as 45 or 36.
Some numerologists do not include zero when analysing numbers and this is a shame because it is a powerful number that helps to further enlighten us to some of the rather profound occurrences that happen in our lives. When using numerology with the Tarot, zero is important because it represents The Fool in the Major Arcana and makes up the compound number of ten in the Minor Arcana.
Single Digit Numbers
Zero is a powerful number representing transformation. Zero's power is so intense that it causes overwhelming events to occur in the lives of those who cross its path. Zero is ruled by the planet Pluto and the astrological sign of Scorpio. Positively, Zero is deep, intense, and healing. Negatively, it is compulsive, extreme, and vindictive.
One is the beginning of the cycle. It is where creation begins and it is quite dynamic. This number is full of authority, power, and leadership. One is ruled by the Sun and the astrological sign of Leo. Positively, one is dramatic, creative, romantic, and childishly enthusiastic. Negatively, it is egocentric, bossy, and selfish.
Two represents balance. It is receptive, feminine, and would like to care for and be cared for by others. This is a sensitive number, which is wholesome. Two is ruled by the Moon and the astrological sign of Cancer. Positively, two is sensitive, caring, and nurturing. Negatively, it is grasping, moody, and irritable.
Three represents expansion. It is wise, understanding, scholarly, and yearns to travel to foreign lands in order to experience life to the fullest. Three is the number of the higher intellect and is therefore prominently placed in the lives of teachers and professionals. Three is ruled by the planet Jupiter and the astrological sign of Sagittarius. Positively, three is optimistic, understanding, and philosophical. Negatively, it takes unnecessary risks, behaves foolishly, and can be pessimistic.
Four is a complex number. Many believe four represents stability, hard work, and building foundations. This may be so, but four also craves change and may be the culprit behind many a revolution. Some texts state that four is ruled by the more negative aspects of the Sun while others state that it is ruled by Uranus and the astrological sign Aquarius. There is a school of thought that teaches that four's true ruler is actually Mars, and this seems to be more accurate when working with Tarot because the fourth card in the Major Arcana is The Emperor, which is more closely aligned with Mars and Aries. Positively, four is stable, unique, and inventive. Negatively, it is egocentric, aggressive, and demanding.
Five can be seen as intellectual, communicative, and analytical. It deals with learning, education, and communication. Five is ruled by the planet Mercury and the astrological signs of Gemini and Virgo. Positively, five is versatile, witty, and quick thinking. Negatively, it is nervous, gossipy, and overly critical.
Six seeks balance, harmony, and beauty. Six likes one-to-one relationships and has a strong sense of justice. Six is charming and prefers to be surrounded by luxury. Six is ruled by the planet Venus and the astrological signs of Taurus and Libra. Positively, six is fertile, charming, and balanced. Negatively, it is judgmental, obstinate, shallow, and jealous.
Seven is a dreamer that needs to take care not to live in a fantasy world. Seven is so sensitive that it is highly intuitive and even psychic. Seven has such high ideals that it may at times live in an unrealistic, vague dream world. Seven is ruled by the planet Neptune and the astrological sign of Pisces. Positively, seven is compassionate, spiritual, and psychic. Negatively, it is sacrificial and delusional.
Eight is a workhorse that gives structure and stability to our lives through hard work. Eight is often forced to learn by experience or from its own mistakes; as a consequence it is somewhat of a disciplinarian and can be at times stern. This number can be difficult to live with because it is said to represent our karma in life. Wherever eight appears we will be forced to mature and deal with issues from the past. Eight is ruled by the planet Saturn and the astrological sign of Capricorn. Positively, eight is responsible, dedicated, and ambitious. Negatively, it is fearful, cautious, and strict.
Nine has a great deal of energy and seeks excitement so that it can gain greater wisdom from these experiences. Nine can he rather assertive, even to the point of being aggressive. Nine is very ardent when it comes to exploring unconquered territory. In ancient times, nine was considered sacred and represented the completion of a cycle.
This sense of completion is exemplified by the fact that it takes nine months to bring a baby to life from the time of its original conception. Some believe nine to be ruled by the planet Mars because of its capacity for growth, but it also carries with it Uranian characteristics because it heralds vast changes wherever it appears. Additionally, in the Major Arcana, nine is represented by The Hermit, who is somewhat of a loner, this independent solitude is more typical of an Aquarian type than an Arian.
It is possible that nine could very well have been ruled by Mars before the discovery of Uranus, but this new planet's entrance into our conscious awareness has given the sacred number a new ruler. Positively, nine is assertive, enthusiastic, wild exploring. Negatively, it is temperamental, accidental, and aggressive.
Compound Numbers
Ten is a powerful number, representing the end of the cycle of numbers used in the Minor Arcana, and therefore signifying completion. This completion is also represented in the fact that it takes ten lunar months to bring a baby to life from the time of its original conception, and the fact that our primary number system in use today is based on ten digits. It should not be forgotten that ten has its roots in antiquity where God presented Moses with the Ten Commandments. Ten has much self-confidence, and emanates love and light. Ten is a compound number and therefore carries with it the creative vibration of one and the healing vibration of zero. Positively, ten is complete, fully developed, and gifted. Negatively, it is extreme, overconfident, and abuses power.
Eleven is a higher octave of the number two and is considered to be a master number that has mystical properties. Because eleven is a master number, it also has the propensity for hidden treachery and therefore a balance between good and evil needs to be maintained when working with such numbers. Eleven often represents two people of the same or opposite sex who are in conflict with each other and therefore need to unite before they can achieve harmony or individuality.
Twelve is also considered a master number, and is a higher octave of the number three. Twelve signifies completion because there are twelve months in the year, twelve signs in the zodiac, twelve apostles of Christ, and the twelve tribes of Israel, just to name a few of the significant occurrences of this number throughout our history. Because twelve is considered to be a master number, it also carries hidden threats. The number twelve is often associated with sacrifice and victimisation, so continual alertness is a must when this number appears.
Thirteen is a higher octave of the number four. It is not unlucky as some might suggest, but merely symbolizes the destruction that can occur when power is wrongly used. Thirteen is one more than twelve, the number of completion. It symbolizes power, regeneration, and the need to adapt to change gracefully.
Fourteen is a higher octave of the number five and represents challenge. Fourteen symbolizes danger overcome, especially In natural disasters. With fourteen, intuition needs to be relied upon and heeded when making decisions.
Fifteen is a higher octave of the number six and represents personal magnetism. Fifteen is a fortunate number for our money. However, selfishness, and materialism should be avoided.
Sixteen is a higher octave of the number seven and is associated with danger, which is primarily caused by over confidence. With sixteen, it is best to pay careful attention to detail and trust the inner voice.
Seventeen is a higher octave of the number eight and is associated with harmony, spirituality, love, and peace. Seventeen has the ability to conquer failed relationships.
Eighteen is a higher octave of the number nine and can be a difficult number to live with. With this number, the conflict between spirituality and materialism is ever present. Quarrels with family or friends are common, and friends and enemies may be guilty of deception. Meeting hatred and deception from others with love and forgiveness can dilute the negative effects of this number.
Nineteen is a higher octave of the number one and is considered to be fortunate. It is the number of goodness and represents victory over disappointment and general success in life.
Twenty is a higher octave of the number two and represents awakening, resurrection or rebirth, which brings about a new purpose in life. This number carries with it psychic potential in the form of precognitive dreams. Faith needs to be cultivated with this number.
21-Twenty one
Twenty one is a higher octave of the number three and is a positive number, which signifies advancement and indicates victory after a long struggle. Twenty-one is considered to be a karmic reward and indicates freedom, independence, and achieved ambitions. This number also signifies that a major cycle has been completed, so new paths must soon begin to continue on the spiritual journey.
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