Saturday, 5 June 2021

Today's Oracle 5th June 2021

Lenormand card No 1, Rider / Cavalier

Rider / Cavalier

This card brings good news. If however, card 6 (CLOUDS) lies between the horse rider and the person card, it is bad news. The card also expresses that something is set in motion. Or it can stand for a young, mostly sporty man.

News from a foreign country or from far away.

Thoughts, news, hunches, dynamic processes. This is a positive card, a good messenger, whatever you intend will go well.

Friday, 4 June 2021

Today's Oracle 4th June 2021

Lenormand card No 2, Clover / Violets

Clover / Violets
This card brings luck and hope, if it is close to the person card. If it is close to card 6 (CLOUDS) however, you won't be lucky.
Hope, good luck and wealth. Lucky happenstance.
Hope, Simplicity, Luck, all things Natural.
Magical, Opportunity, positive vibrations
Denotes speed and quickness (the antithesis of the slow/gradual MICE)

Thursday, 3 June 2021

Today's Oracle 3rd June 2021

 Lenormand card No 18, Dog
The dog stands for friendship, for someone you can rely on. If card 6 (CLOUDS) lies next to it, you ought to be cautious and incredulous. The card can also symbolize your son, brother, a young man or a lover.
Reliable friendship.
Follower, faith, Belief, simple spirit, friendliness, connection, friends, finding one's place in the world.
Reliable, loyal, friendly.

Wednesday, 2 June 2021

Today's Oracle 2nd June 2021

 Lenormand card No 31, the Sun

The Sun

This is a very positive card! It stands for success, energy, willpower and optimism. When asked if something will succeed, this card should always be interpreted as a positive reply.

Optimism, happiness, success.

God, Creation, Good, Success, hot, positive, willpower, aura, the absolute.

Tuesday, 1 June 2021

Today's Oracle 1st June 2021

Lenormand Oracle card No 14, the Fox. 
The Fox
Fox refers to something that is wrong or going on behind your back. Foxes, by their nature, learn to survive by ducking and diving, thieving and stealthy observation, so this card is what you use to convey survival or getting by. It can also mean manipulating 
or taking advantage of someone. When Fox comes before a card, it will affect what follows more severely, so Fox + Fish means that something is seriously up with your money, whereas Fish + Fox is saying you received the wrong change. Fox + Moon (guilty and night) make a pair of complementary opposites with Child + Sun 
(innocent and day). When Fox and Mice get together they are thick as thieves.

Monday, 31 May 2021



The month of June is entirely under the influence of the Saturn-Uranus square, which becomes exact for the second time on the 15th. This could again lead to unexpected developments and breakdowns in supporting structures, with an open outcome. The central theme of this square is the tension between individual freedom and social limitation. Saturn is retrograde during this second connection. Much that has been started in the last months must now be reviewed, corrected and stabilized. With courage, deliberation and perseverance, small but important steps forward into a new self-understanding can now be taken.

Gemini: The first days of June will show how well we succeed in channeling the enormous tension into constructive paths. The Gemini Sun and Aquarius Saturn form a trine around June 2-4, as do Venus in Cancer and Jupiter in Pisces. There is now more talk about feelings, hopes and fears. The great distress in which many people find themselves could become more visible during these days. On June 5, Mars in Cancer and Pluto in Capricorn oppose each other, the Aries Moon squares both, and Mercury in Gemini squares Neptune in Pisces. Real and perceived threat scenarios could now lead to instinctive and sometimes violent reactions, and once again it will be difficult or impossible to get a reliable picture of what is happening.

Solar Eclipse in Gemini: On June 10, the New Moon occurs in Gemini, along with a solar eclipse (for a personal interpretation of the eclipse. The New Moon is square Neptune and conjunct Mercury. A day later, Mars enters Leo, and on June 12, Venus squares Chiron in Aries exactly. The mood is now very subjective and tinged with idealism - almost mysticism. Creative people may experience a period of inspiration. The quality of time encourages a willingness to tune into what is not yet visible. Together with the unpredictable dynamics of the June 15 Saturn-Uranus square, there is now a hint of revolution in the air. On June 20, Jupiter begins its retrograde phase (through October 18). Pisces themes of non-violence, communal spirit, and compassion will continue to play an important role in social discourse.

Cancer: In the last third of the month, the focus turns more to personal circumstances and needs. The Sun enters Cancer on June 21, and Venus forms a trine to Neptune. Mercury turns direct again on the 23rd, and the Sun is in trine to Jupiter. At the Capricorn Full Moon of June 24, Venus is in opposition to Pluto before entering Leo on June 27. Now, there is a great desire to unwind and treat yourself to something nice. For a moment, it might feel like everything is back to the way it used to be. Enjoy this time as much as possible, but stay realistic. We are now halfway through an extraordinary year that will still bring some surprises and challenges.

Today's Oracle 31st May 2021

Mother Goddess Carrying Children/Food (Well-Being)

The goddess of care-giving provides comfort, ease, and contentment in the home and wherever she goes. Her qualities provide for daily nurturance and the necessities of life and support for our physical and emotional fulfillment.

Invoking the Qualities of Comfort and Contentment.

IF YOU ARE DRAWN TO THIS ORACLE, you are attracting physical and emotional comfort and well-being into your life. You may be in the midst of a challenging situation, or the mundane activities or weariness of life's struggles may be tiring or exhausting your reserves.

The mother goddess in her aspect of beneficence gives nourishment, food, and well-being to domestic life. Her mothering tends to the immediate and personal needs of daily human life. She cradles and nurses infants, is surrounded by children under her care, and carries fruits, ears of corn, grains, cakes, breads, goblets of wine, kegs, pots, baskets and cornucopias spilling over with fruits, grains, and breads. Her dependable and soothing attention provides comfort and contentment in daily life.

Images of the mother goddess of well-being are found throughout the Celtic territories. As a local maternal sovereign, she attends to the everyday needs of life by sustaining the local crops, blessing the harvest, nursing the babies, comforting the sick and the dying, pouring out the wine, and dispensing the fruits of the harvest. The passing of life, the cycle of birth and death, and the vicissitudes of day-to-day existence are her concerns. Her presence is familiar, homey, and soothing. Amid the insecurities and dangers of life, she blesses life with comfort, constancy, and contentment.

Whether depicted as a single goddess or in groups of two or three representing her magnificence, the mother goddess in her aspect of loving care carries symbols of well-being, security, and prosperity intended to bless and provide for life's daily needs. In image after image, she holds fruit, grains, ears of corn, bread, pots of honey and mead. Ordinarily, she carries babies and is encircled by toddlers and older children seeking her attention and perhaps her good counsel. In this lovely image from the Rhineland, she carries two enormous cornucopias, signifying her bountiful presence in providing food and sustenance throughout the years.

The goddess of the home and locality is immortalized in the words of the ancient poet Amergin:

"I am the womb: of every holt, I am the blaze: on every hill, I am the queen: of every hive, I am the shield: for every head, I am the tomb: of every hope."

Drawing this oracle is a wake-up call to nourish yourself with soothing activities and relationships. A complete rest is not necessary. Nonetheless, you are asked to focus your attention on your immediate and personal needs for comfort, nourishment, and well-being. What activities would soothe you? Is your diet supporting your life? Do the people around you give you comfort and reassurance? Is there a way to receive more physical or sexual contact and comfort? Do some people and activities unnerve you or deplete you? Even seemingly minor activities can be enormously tiring or rejuvenating. Look for patterns, especially in your home life. Write them down, even if they seem unimportant at the time. Since the mother goddess is devoted to tranquillity at home, it is especially important to consider ways to bring more ease, contentment, and security to your domestic life.

Even amid trying situations, it is possible to support your physical and emotional well-being. Small signs of joy, acts of kindness, personal prayer, meditation, and attention to diet and exercise are essential. The presence of this oracle gives hope that the nourishment and comfort you need is available in your immediate environment.

Sunday, 30 May 2021

Today's Oracle 30th May 2021

 Treasures (Stone, Spear, Sword, and Cauldron)

The four treasures brought by the Tuatha De Danann to Ireland are the Stone of Fál, the Spear of Lugh, the Sword of Nuada, and the Cauldron of the Daghdha. Each treasure in turn signals power and a challenge for further development of your character.

Invoking the Challenges of Mastery and Power.

IF YOU ARE DRAWN TO THIS ORACLE, you are either naturally drawn to power and authority, or your present circumstances require the right use of power. Power is invariably a double-edged sword capable of cutting in two directions. Your skills may involve a natural talent or expertise cultivated over time. Having mastery makes possible important personal accomplishments, expression, and satisfaction. At the same time, by holding authority you also attract circumstances and events that challenge and further develop your skill and authority. Unless you acquire personal qualities equal to your talents and skills, your life situations will become untenable and you will not be able to express the talents and skills you rightfully hold. Consider the possibility that the challenges you attract are actually invitations to bring qualities such as greater awareness, confidence, integrity, savvy, kindness, and equanimity into your nature. Take time to reflect on the particular type of challenges you are presently encountering and the unique qualities needed to meet them successfully.

Accomplished in the arts of Druidry, the godlike Tuatha De Danann came from the isles to the north of the world to invade ancient Ireland. The Tuatha De brought four treasures with them: the Stone of Fál, which shrieks when a rightful king sits upon it, the Spear of Lugh, which grants victory, the Sword of Nuada, from which no one escapes, and the Cauldron of the Daghdha, from which none leave hungry. Each treasure represents power and its challenges.

Failias, Goirias, Findias, and Muirias were the four cities of the mythic isles in the northern seas. From the cities' great sages, the Tuatha Dé Danann acquired knowledge of Druidry, magic, and prophesy. They invaded ancient Ireland with a great fleet of ships, and upon reaching the western shore, they set their boats on fire and, in so doing, destroyed any hope of returning to the north of the world. Defeating and routing the Fir Bolgs who then lived on the island, the Tuatha De controlled all of Ireland and established themselves at the royal court of the high kings of Ireland at Tara. As recorded in the Book of the Invasions, which chronicles the successive invasions of Ireland, the Tuatha De brought four great treasures to Ireland from the northern isles.

"From Failias was brought the Lia Fail which ... utter[ed] a cry under every king that should take Ireland. From Goirias was brought the spear which Lug [Lugh] had: battle would never go against him who had it in hand. From Findias was brought the sword of Nuadu: no man would escape from it; when it was drawn from its battle-scabbard, there was no resisting it. From Muirias was brought the cauldron of the Dagda [Daghdha]; no company would go from it unsatisfied."

All four treasures recur in the historical legends of Ireland, and feature prominently in Arthurian legend. By tradition, the Lia Fál (the Stone of Fál) still resides on the hills of Tara in County Meath, the mythic center of Ireland and inaugural site of ancient Irish kings. In a curious blend of ancient and Christian traditions, the Book of Invasions tells that the stone made no cry after the birth of Christ.