Saturday, 29 February 2020

Today's Oracle 29th February 2020

Ram-horned Snake (Shape-shifting)

The ram-horned serpent signifies the capacity to change form, consciousness, or action spontaneously and quickly. Close to the earth and in touch with what is needed, the ram-horned serpent freely changes action, mood, form, and consciousness.
Invoking the Quality of Shape-Shifting.
IF YOU ARE DRAWN TO THIS ORACLE, you are urged to bring shape-shifting to some aspect of your life. A present situation may invite a change in attitude, action, or rearrangement of relationships, plans, logistics, or details. Depending on the situation, the changes may be crucial to many people or subtle, perceivable only to you. By sensing the opportune moment, spontaneous shifts in action, consciousness, and outward appearance may occur quickly and effortlessly. Making the same change later may require more time and effort. By shape-shifting now, you will begin to strengthen your capacity to shape-shift when the right circumstances occur in the future.

With practice and increased sensitivity, you can develop the skill of shape-shifting. From a spiritual perspective, as the boundaries between the realms of this middle world and the spirit world grow thinner, the extraordinary qualities of the animals and plants around you may become your expert teachers.

Coronavid19 in March 2020

Astrology for March 2020

Here is a brief outlook for the month of March 2020 and Coronavid19:-


  • Relationships need to be clarified.
  • Circumstances are changing every moment and so are peoples needs.
  • New ideas, relationships need to be setup to solve the growing problem of Coronavid19.
  • Closer cooperation between countries and health organisations.
  • More positive measures need to be put into place quickly.
  • The blame-game needs to stop and reduce conflicts that just side-track the future dynamics.
  • It is now becoming so obvious that control is lacking in certain contaminated areas that the threat will escalate quite rapidly over the next few weeks.
  • By the middle to the end of March the situation could be quite severe.

Friday, 28 February 2020

Today's Oracle 28th February 2020

Mermaids and Selkies (Water)

Mermaids and Selkies are female enchantresses of the seas. Often marrying human men, they eventually return to the sea. They signify the qualities of femininity, longing, beauty, and wonder in life.
Invoking the Qualities of Longing and Wonder.
IF YOU ARE DRAWN TO THIS ORACLE, you are called to re-invoke or re-enchant some aspect of your life with longing and wonder. In some way you may be feeling bored, tamed, captured by circumstance, or disenchanted with some aspect of your life. You may be longing for the unfamiliar, the enigmatic, the mysterious, and the yet-to-be-discovered aspects of life. You might wish to seek inspiration from the unknown and unexplored aspects of your life. Male or female, the depths of your femininity, especially its more exotic qualities, may be longing for attention and exploration. You may be unusually attracted to beauty. You are encouraged to explore the mysterious aspects of your life, to puzzle over unknowns without trying to analyse them, and to allow bewilderment and wonder to be your guides. The mermaid's allure is her mystery from the depths of the sea.

Thursday, 27 February 2020

Today's Oracle 27th February 2020

Water Horses (Magical Encounters)

Water horses, are magical horses riding over the seas or appearing from the depths of inland lochs. Water horses appear magically and swiftly. Their presence signifies masculine strength and beauty.
Invoking the Union of Strength and Beauty.

IF YOU ARE DRAWN TO THIS ORACLE, you are called to renew some aspect of your life with the joining of beauty and strength. Perhaps your life now feels too familiar, routine, conforming, or emotionally flat. Your daily activities may lack spontaneity and vigour. Male or female, the depths of your masculinity may long for opportunities to explore new strengths and capacities. You may wish to express your outward authority, mastery, and leadership in tender and gracious ways. If so, new challenges and experiences may be drawing close. Your judgment and skill will be tested. Opportunities to explore the unknown may enter your life. By joining beauty to strength, you have the opportunity to break out of the overly familiar and experience vigorous and harmonious ways of living and acting.

Wednesday, 26 February 2020


Coronavirus Outbreaks

Over the past few months, like everybody else in the world, I am very concerned about the Coronavirus becoming a pandemic, which in basic terms infects the whole world, so I have added a link to a website which keeps people informed with the day to day updates, statistics and bulletins on where, who, how many people have contracted the virus so far.
For the past week or two when news reports tell of any new outbreaks and of course, tragically, the deaths too, if the reports give information on any deaths, they tend to be elderly people around the age of 80 years old. So this information prompted me to have a look at some statistics...
These statistics are partly based on some actual (ages 70-80 plus) and possible percentages. I have not heard or seen reported anyone dying under these ages, unless they have certain health problems which you can lookup on the website I've linked to.

This does raise a certain and rather obvious point here. The world is becoming over populated and we are living longer, other factors are affecting the whole world, such as climate change, plastic in our oceans, deforestation, I could go on forever listing the atrocities the human race has inflicted on the world as a whole but I am not writing this to gripe about it. No! I am just drawing the facts to peoples attention and would like some feedback as to what you might think the reasons are why this virus has suddenly appeared and is predominantly attacking the elderly folk of our world.

Today's Oracle 26th February 2020

Epona, the Horse goddess (Safe Passage)

IF YOU ARE DRAWN TO THIS ORACLE, you are bringing protection and guidance into the current circumstances of your life. Epona can help to bring comfort to frayed nerves, companionship in dangerous or stressful situations, stamina and patience to endure and go the extra mile, and guidance in the otherworldly aspects of your passage. Her protection supports safe passage to the other side of the journey.

Epona is always seen in the company of her mare. During transition and change, you are urged to seek out the company of friends and others you trust and avoid the company of malevolent speakers or nay-sayers. Amid transition, you are unusually sensitive to others - even if you are not consciously aware of it, you can absorb their negative feelings and thoughts. On the other hand, sensitive times are excellent times to listen to the counsel and cautions of others, if they come from a generous heart. Trust your inner knowing to guide you amid choices, but avoid overtaxing yourself by taking in the thoughts of those you don't trust anyway. Be vigilant about the company you keep and you will receive the right guidance and kindly support.

Epona's authority to guide the otherworldly aspects of transition can assist you to stay connected to the spirit at work in your life, especially during times of great change and opportunity. Ask for guidance. Watch for shifting feelings, yearnings, or perceptions, notably things that seem especially alive or dead to you now. Look for emerging patterns seeking to be woven into your life. Trust that transitions can be times of great opportunity.

Tuesday, 25 February 2020


Reflections in a Tarot Reading

Whenever you do a Tarot reading, you have to look at the past to reveal the future. I sometimes wonder though when I see these Tarot readers advertising a 1 card reading to clients. Yes, as a meditating card you can use just one card but surely not for a clients reading, even if it is FREE. How do you get, past, present and future from 1 card? The answer is, you can't! That's why somebody had this amazing idea to invent, "The 3 Card" spread. Of course I'm being cynical about it so stop doing it. Give the client the facts and stop being lazy or tight. I just needed to get that off my chest.
Why do we look at the past to reflect or reveal the future? Well I have to say it's just logical, it's part of human nature to look back in time and history just so that we can understand the rights and wrongs that people have made in the past and make sure we don't make the same mistakes that others have. It also helps us to learn by our own past history and rectify any of the bad choices we may have made along our chosen paths. You see now, the terminology that I have been using has been written into the Tarot along with its symbolism.

The Fools Journey is an excellent example of how we have to choose the correct paths to tread throughout our own individual life's journey. Life is too short and precarious to gamble with and like the old knight who guards the Holy Grail, says to Indiana Jones "to choose wisely" when he looks at all the chalice's to choose from. History is the book of life and a proficient reader can determine the outcome accurately from the scrutinising of any and all cards that are positioned in the past places of a spread. If you take a look at my, Psychic Celtic Cross spread you will see that I describe some of the positions of the cards as both, recent past and distant past and allows me to gather enough factual information just like glue. This in turn with the present positioned cards give me the tools and resources to construct a professional and accurate reading.

That my dear friends and colleagues is why we all need to reflect on the past.

Even Enki of the Anunnaki realised he had to look at the past to see what would become of his and the human race's future...

'Counseling' with the Tarot

Counseling with the use of Tarot

When I first started out on my Tarot journey I really expected to be telling people their fortunes till one client who I had read for previously asked for another reading. When I arrived at the client's home, the client said to me, "I don't want a reading but can I have a talk with you over a cup of tea or something?" I wasn't sure what they were going to talk to me about and was quite unprepared for this type of situation. I said I would have a chat and a drink and see if I might be able to give them some kind of advice or at least reassurance with the problem or situation.

I sat myself at the kitchen table while the client made the drinks, chatting generally while doing so but not about their question at hand. Once the drinks were ready the client brought them to the table and sat down facing me. The client explained what the situation was and asked if I had any advice but stated quite clearly that any advice would be between the two of us and strictly confidential.

I listened to the client without interruption and once they had finished I said that there was nothing that I could think of or suggest to help them out. At that point I asked the client if they would oblige me and let me consult my cards. The client said that a reading would not help or assist in solving the problem. I said that it was not going to be a reading as such, more of a consultation with my cards to see if they could give me some kind of inspiration or insight. The client agreed and asked if I wanted another drink. Another drink would be fine I said as I started to shuffle my cards and concentrate on the client's problem.

After a good 10 to 15 minuets of laying cards in different spreads and really seeing nothing I remembered a spread that someone showed me a few years previously and one that I had never used before during a client reading. It was simple and straightforward and was called the "Multi Question" spread, were you lay the first card, which is the question/issue/focus and then underneath on a second row lay another card which you call, the first issue. The first issue card does not answer the question but may give you some clues or indications. If it doesn't then you lay another card along side and to the right, calling this card the second issue and so on, laying down consecutive cards. By the time I had reached card 6, issue 5 that is. I had a complete picture and answers for the client.
This is the Spread I used but not the cards.

I explained the cards in detail and how they came to certain answers etc. The client's face turned from a grey, worried frown to bright and very happy one. The relief just seemed to fall of their shoulders as I explained further.

Since that meeting I have used my cards along with astrology data, sometimes for business clients, to solve many issues that required a different approach other than a Tarot reading. Some businesses don't think it looks very professional having a Tarot reader trying to predict the future of their next super product and so I am classed as a consultant and advisor. Me personally, I don't care what they call me or what label they attach, just as long as I can provide a professional and exclusive service for my client to use now and in the future.

Today's Oracle 25th February 2020

Presence of Ancestors

Card used from the Celtic Oracles deck

IF YOU ARE DRAWN TO THIS ORACLE, your ancestors are wishing to support and accompany your actions. Regardless of what you might think of their actions when they were alive, they survived to give progeny, and their good fortune and favour are a part of your inheritance. In former times, when the attention to ancestors was cultivated and the veils between life and death seemed thinner, it was quite possible to feel much akin to those you had never met.

Now is a fine time to explore your ancestral roots or your extended family. You may find unexpected links in your personality and life history with those who have gone before you. You may wish to chart your genealogy, reconnect with members of your extended family, or visit the homeland of your ancestors.

Having drawn this particular oracle, one (or several) of your ancestors may wish to guide you and forward your well-being. You might feel that some invisible presence is accompanying you and pointing the way. An approaching danger may suddenly veer off course and pass you by. New stories may unexpectedly enter the storytelling life of your community, family, or your own life tale, adding new elements to a well-known tale. Your intuition may seem unusually alert, highlighting the colours and circumstances around you and making them crystal clear, distinguishable, and memorable. Guidance comes in many forms. Be alert.

Is our planet fighting back? 🌍

Is our planet fighting back? 🌍

I wrote this in April 2011

Chaos theory is a field of study in applied mathematics, with applications in several disciplines including physics, economics, biology, and philosophy. Chaos theory studies the behavior of dynamical systems that are highly sensitive to initial conditions; an effect which is popularly referred to as the butterfly effect. Small differences in initial conditions (such as those due to rounding errors in numerical computation) yield widely diverging outcomes for chaotic systems, rendering long-term prediction impossible in general.[1] This happens even though these systems are deterministic, meaning that their future behavior is fully determined by their initial conditions, with no random elements involved.[2] In other words, the deterministic nature of these systems does not make them predictable.[3][4] This behavior is known as deterministic chaos, or simply chaos.

Chaotic behavior can be observed in many natural systems, such as the weather.

The above article is from Wikipedia, (Link –

I’m not a scientist, economist, biologist, or philosopher and yet I can sense something BIG is going to happen soon to our planet and more than likely its inhabitants too. With worldwide communication becoming ever more instantaneous and with instant access to everything and anyone, we have enabled ourselves to become a global community, and yet we are unable to act like one, especially in the more developed countries.

Materialism, selfishness, and greed has superseded compassion, regard for each other, and dignity and so maybe, just maybe the planet that we all share and inhabit is starting to feel this wave of destruction heading its way and is fighting back.

It’s as if all the unrest in Africa and the Middle East have become the butterfly’s wings and the earthquakes in Japan, the tornadoes in America just might be the effects of those wings fluttering to the point of destruction of the whole planet.

I’m not a doom and gloom merchant, I’m just a realist. If what I can feel and sense from all the news reports and television coverage day in and day out, something has to give very soon.

Today in February 2020
Wild fires in the USA and Australia, the corona virus epidemic, floods in the UK, deforestation, plastic pollution, wild animals decreasing rapidly, it keeps happening over and over.
All we seem to care about is our next iPhone or Big Mac meal.
I'm ashamed to be a human being.

Original Article written in 2011

Monday, 24 February 2020

Today's Oracle 24th February 2020

The Pooka

Card used from the Celtic Oracles deck

IF YOU ARE DRAWN TO THIS ORACLE, you may expect the unexpected. Tricksters are natural shape-shifters, so the Pooka might show up suddenly in many guises, as unforeseen events, unanticipated circumstances, unique people, or abrupt changes in direction. The Pooka's signaling characteristics are its sudden appearance (as if from nowhere), feeling tricked into doing something you wouldn't ordinarily do (against your better judgment), and perhaps being shaken by a series of seemingly dangerous or reckless events. Despite their unlikely appearance, these unsettling experiences may awaken you to new choices and opportunities. When you least expect it, the Pooka has the pesky habit of picking you up and "dumping" you into new circumstances.

The Pooka is the trickster or prankster of the Celtic world, making mischief with unsuspecting people especially when they feel lost or tired. While the Pooka may frighten and disorient, no one is harmed. Without the Pooka's intervention, you might not have been able to see clearly the circumstances now before you.

Sunday, 23 February 2020


A Sample reading

Client reading #217

This reading was for a female client who came to me on the advice of her best friend who had also been to see me several months previously.
She was in a 3 year relationship with her boyfriend and both had good steady jobs. They dearly loved each other and talked frequently about marriage and starting a family. She told me that they were both very happy and satisfied within the relationship but she was having moments of doubt and confusion.
I started with a quick focus spread to see if there was something glaringly obvious that I could work with and then elaborate further with a larger and more insightful spread.
The next step will show the focus spread to give you some ideas on how this reading came to its conclusion.

The cards came out in the following order:
Focus card - The Lovers, Gemini, major card.
Head card - The Hanged Man, Neptune, major card.
Basis - 2 of Cups, Venus in Cancer, minor card.
Past - King of Cups, Cancer, court card.
Future - Death, Scorpio, major card.

These cards did not reflect what the client had just told me?
I was sure that there was some sort of conflict but needed further proof of this so decided to ask if I could have his and her date, time and place of birth so I could look up their birth data in my ephemeris and found the evidence that was required for my confirmation. He was a Scorpio and she was Cancer, but also, he had, (Moon in Scorpio) and she had (Venus in Cancer) which now confirmed to me an underlying conflict between the two.
He was a very jealous character and had become quite unpredictable at times especially his emotional outbursts which lead to the uncertainty she had been feeling and which caused her some considerable anxiety at times. This may not be the long term relationship that she had wanted so needed some clarity on the whole situation. She was very satisfied with the whole reading after I had explained the cards and birth data in detail. The reading lasted approximately 90 minutes.