Ram-horned Snake (Shape-shifting)
The ram-horned serpent signifies the capacity to change form, consciousness, or action spontaneously and quickly. Close to the earth and in touch with what is needed, the ram-horned serpent freely changes action, mood, form, and consciousness.
Invoking the Quality of Shape-Shifting.
IF YOU ARE DRAWN TO THIS ORACLE, you are urged to bring shape-shifting to some aspect of your life. A present situation may invite a change in attitude, action, or rearrangement of relationships, plans, logistics, or details. Depending on the situation, the changes may be crucial to many people or subtle, perceivable only to you. By sensing the opportune moment, spontaneous shifts in action, consciousness, and outward appearance may occur quickly and effortlessly. Making the same change later may require more time and effort. By shape-shifting now, you will begin to strengthen your capacity to shape-shift when the right circumstances occur in the future.
With practice and increased sensitivity, you can develop the skill of shape-shifting. From a spiritual perspective, as the boundaries between the realms of this middle world and the spirit world grow thinner, the extraordinary qualities of the animals and plants around you may become your expert teachers.