Saturday, 12 February 2022

Card for today, 12th February 2022

VI of Cups

 The Gilded Tarot
Using Rider Waite's Keywords and Meanings

Keywords: reflecting the past, memory.

Description: The Six of Cups indicates thinking about the good times from the past. Friends and family may come into the picture, which could bring about recollections of fond memories. Strong links to the past, perhaps an old friend or lover will turn up soon. Childhood, past efforts are about to be rewarded. The answer to a specific question lies in a similar situation in the past. Possibly a move of home nearer to your point of origin.

Upright Associations: A gift received, happiness and pleasure from a renewed friendship, a gift from an admirer, new opportunities. Nostalgia, childhood issue coming to the surface.

Reversed Associations: An inheritance, memories from the recent past, clinging to the past, not accepting responsibilities. Regeneration, releasing past pain, letting go of attachments.

Friday, 11 February 2022

Card for today, 11th February 2022

IX of Swords

 The Gilded Tarot
Using Rider Waite's Keywords and Meanings

Keywords: cruelty, anxiety, fear, guilt.

Description: The Nine of Swords indicates fear and anxiety as the person in question literally makes himself sick with worry. Sometimes it helps to seek outside assistance to help put the situation into perspective. Sleepless nights, spite and slander which undermine confidence. Suffering that is for eventual good such as putting up with painful treatment in order to get better. Female health problems and, possibly, self punishment and guilt.

Upright Associations: Suffering, desolation, loss, self sacrifice. Nightmares, stress, despair, hopelessness, isolation. Dreams, fear, insomnia.

Reversed Associations: Fear, doubt, prison, stresses or worries have intensified, anxiety and fear. Spiritual soul searching, faith, hope, ending of despair.

Thursday, 10 February 2022

Card for today, 10th February 2022

The Sun

 The Gilded Tarot
Using Rider Waite's Keywords and Meanings

Astrological Correspondence: Sun

Keywords: joy, friendship, union, birth, stability, brotherly love, (strongly indicates positive outcome).

Description: The Sun card stands as a symbol for paternal, masculine energy, the cosmic father, and brotherly love. Being regarded as the primary source of life, light, and warmth, the sun banishes the darkness so that we may see our path clearly and are enlightened within, meaning that we can see the truth and understand its impact. The Sun card is representative of energy, good health, virility, opportunity, generosity, self confidence, success, marriage, children, and material wealth. These positive elements provide us with the confidence that we will be successful in all our endeavours, be it in the spiritual, material, or emotional realm.

Upright Associations: Fulfillment, accomplishment, success, love, joy, a good relationship. Affirmation, confidence, energy, relief.

We need to be aware of the negative elements, like boisterousness, arrogance, vanity, and false appearance that can induce failure and uncertainty.

Reversed Associations: A temporary setback, difficulties, broken commitments. Need to rethink and clear your thoughts, clouded thoughts, vanity, arrogance, burn out.

Wednesday, 9 February 2022

Card for today, 9th February 2022

Page of Cups

 The Gilded Tarot
Using Rider Waite's Keywords and Meanings

Astrological Correspondence: (Pisces)

Keywords: emotional, intuitive, intimate, loving

Description: The Page or Princess of Cups can have two meanings. The first meaning indicates a young child or woman who is sensitive and intuitive. The other interpretation implies that a message will soon be coming. This message may not be blatantly obvious as it could occur from the most unconnected circumstances. A young person or one with a youthful cast of mind, gentle and loving, artistic and insightful. If a girl, somewhat tomboyish, if a boy, then somewhat feminine. This person could be emotionally vulnerable and needs affection.

Upright Associations: Gentle, kind disposition, reflective, poetic, quiet and artistic. Intuitive, sensitive, beginning relationships, birth, emotional and/or spiritual growth.

Reversed Associations: Emotional confusion, temptation, deceit, vulnerability. Frivolousness, spoiled, daydreaming, no peace. Immaturity, insensitive, over active.

Tuesday, 8 February 2022

Card for today, 8th February 2022

VII of Coins

 The Gilded Tarot
Using Rider Waite's Keywords and Meanings

Keywords: reflection, waiting, patience, rewards.

Description: The Seven of Coins indicates a time of waiting. All the work has been accomplished and now it needs to develop. This gestation period can often be a difficult one because we wonder if any rewards will be obtained from our efforts.

Upright Associations: Persistence, pause in action, review, harvesting, patience. Purging, removing obstacles, weeding, assessment. Abandonment or collapse of a project.

Reversed Associations: Money worries, impatience, impotent, demoralized, overwhelmed. Treating yourself, it's "the" rainy day. Exhausted, underdevelopment, unacknowledged.

Monday, 7 February 2022

Card for today, 7th February 2022

IV of Wands

 The Gilded Tarot
Using Rider Waite's Keywords and Meanings

Keywords:  celebration, prosperity, reunion, happiness and joy, a new chance in life, possible marriage or engagement

Description: The Four of Wands indicates a reunion will come about, that involves building for future prosperity. Quite possibly in the form of a family gathering.

Upright Associations: Celebration, liberation, happy; secure home. Work or investment come to fruition, prosperity, peace, a period of rest.

Reversed Associations: Happiness and prosperity, change in scenery, holiday, redecorating. Feeling fed up, restricted, or disillusioned. Delayed reward or happiness.

Sunday, 6 February 2022

Card for today, 6th February 2022

IV of Cups

 The Gilded Tarot
Using Rider Waite's Keywords and Meanings

Keywords: unsure, familiarity, false sense of security.

Description: Four of Cups is doubtful. The person in question is not sure of their feelings and does not feel they will get their heart's desire. Having reached stability within a relationship, what more can be achieved? This could be a case of familiarity breeding contempt. There needs to be a new start to renew the spark in an old relationship. New interests, activities and friends are required.

Upright Associations: Trouble in paradise, dissatisfaction, stuck in a rut. A time to reevaluate, the morning after, apathy, discontentment. Need for contemplation reevaluation or meditation.

Reversed Associations: A new relationship, feeling that the grass is greener, a situation that is not as good as it first seemed. End of discontentment, feeling energized, lost opportunities.