Saturday, 4 June 2022





This month it is advisable to communicate sincerely and thoughtfully. Mercury turns direct on June 3 and makes a square to Saturn at the same time. Saturn, in turn, begins its long phase of retrograde one day later (until October 23). This is a good time to have serious conversations and finalize agreements. It may still take time to consider all eventualities, but with a realistic attitude, workable agreements are now possible even with difficult partners. On June 10, Mercury trines Pluto before entering Gemini on June 13. Then, an uncovered affair or a leaked secret could have consequences. Especially on June 12, when Venus conjoins Uranus in Taurus, this can cause serious upsets in relationships. Remain honest and sincere, and try to take any conflicts with your loved ones seriously. However, if you are open to new impulses in love, these days could be promising.

Mars and Chiron

June 14, there is a Full Moon in Sagittarius. It squares Neptune in Pisces, and a day later Mars conjoins Chiron in Aries. In this somewhat ambivalent quality of time, some aspire to accomplish great things. Success and failure are close together, and painful frustration is a distinct possibility. Some may resort to heroic myths to avoid possible feelings of shame, others stick to the motto "Do good and talk about it".

On June 16, the Sun squares Neptune and trines Saturn. Although there is a great deal of activity in many places, actual progress falls short of expectations. It often seems difficult to translate ideas into concrete action. Persistence is the key to success these days. With Venus square Saturn on June 18, some may want to secure success. However, the trine to Pluto on June 21 draws attention to the fact that first old debts must be settled and obligations honored. Only when Venus enters Gemini on June 23 will the quality of time become more lighthearted again.


Also on June 21, the Sun enters the realm of emotional Cancer. Family issues, belonging and security are themes that will increasingly occupy us over the next few weeks, especially during the days of the June 29 New Moon. This New Moon is conjunct Lilith and square Jupiter. At the same time, a square of Mars and Pluto is building up, which is exact on July 2. It is therefore a tense time that could be followed by much turmoil. Someone may break unwritten rules of the game, causing great uncertainty. Practice serenity during these days. It is a good time to quietly turn your attention to the marginalized AND those close to you.