Sunday 26 April 2020

Daily 3 Card Spread 25th April 2020

The Daily 3 Card Spread 25th April 2020

1st Card

Any recent influences that may impact on the day.
18 - DOG
The dog stands for friendship, for someone you can rely on. If card 6 (CLOUDS) lies next to it, you ought to be cautious and incredulous. The card can also symbolize your son, brother, a young man or a lover. Reliable friendship.
Follower, faith, Belief, simple spirit, friendliness, connection, friends, finding one's place in the world. Reliable, loyal, friendly.

2nd Card

This is the DAY CARD which reflects the present situation and implications over the whole day or 24 hours.
With this card something comes to an end so something new can come into existence. Next to the person card, it indicates disease or sorrow.
Completion, serious illness, large loss of money.
Transformation, major change in a a situation, endings, secrets uncovered.

3rd Card

Card 3 reflects on both cards 1 and 2 and may provide answers to any outcome over the coming days.
Danger is lurking from where the tip of the scythe points. However, if there are good cards nearby, the danger is alleviated. The scythe tells us that something will happen suddenly. This can be both a sudden ending and a sudden new beginning.
Break-up, great danger, accidents.
Renewal of inner knowledge without the fundament of understanding that knowledge, experiencing something one does not understand... a card which says to be careful, something that happens quickly and can bring much pain. It can also point to a harvest though.

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