Tuesday 28 April 2020

Daily 3 Card Spread 28th April 2020

The Daily 3 Card Spread 28th April 2020

1st Card

Any recent influences that may impact on the day.
The park stands for places open to the public, for society and any place where a lot of people come together. This can be a concert, a hospital or a fair. Depending on the questions asked, this card is an indicator that many people are involved.
Creativity, meeting, party.
Society, connection, peace from thoughts and worries, multi-levelled feelings, get-togethers, gathering places. Social network, the public, nature of the crowd.

2nd Card

This is the DAY CARD which reflects the present situation and implications over the whole day or 24 hours.
24 - HEART
The heart stands for love, the love of life and kind-heartedness. In combination with cards 8 (COFFIN) or 36 (CROSS) it denotes lovesickness.
Love, happiness. Love, feelings, the heart, the heart of something, connection, God-love.

3rd Card

Card 3 reflects on both cards 1 and 2 and may provide answers to any outcome over the coming days.
At the place where the mountain appears there is a blockage. An obstacle has to be overcome and nothing is working at the moment. The card can also be an indicator of a powerful enemy.
Obstacle, danger, block, frustration, coldness, hard work.
Large, momentous. Fixed, long-lasting or permanent.

1 comment:

Simon Bloom said...

These 3 cards are so relevant to our situation at the moment with "Lockdown and COVID-19"!
The cards never lie...