Friday, 16 July 2021

Card for today, 16th July 2021

Rider Waite card No 60, Page of Swords

Swords: Page
Astrological Correspondence: (Gemini)
Keywords: a message, news, contacts, gossip.
Description: The Page or Princess of Swords has two meanings. The first interpretation indicates that a message of some sort is forthcoming. Some communicative development is taking place care must be taken to ensure it progresses smoothly. The second interpretation of this card is a child or young person who tends to be very chatty. A quick-witted and intelligent youngster, eloquent and sharp. Eager to learn and adept at turning situations to his or her advantage. The Page may bring news, contacts and gossip.
Upright Associations: Grace, dexterity, vision, diplomatic, discerning, a great negotiator. Decisiveness, penetrating insight, curiosity, aloof, objective, electronic communications.
Reversed Associations: Surprising news, frantic, impulsive, great excitement. Detachment, hypocrisy, spying, caught up in details, malice.

Thursday, 15 July 2021

Card for today, 15th July 2021

Rider Waite card No 40, V of Cups

Cups: Five

Astrological Correspondence: Mars in Scorpio [For more information, click]

Keywords: sorrow, disappointment, unhappy.

Description: Five of Cups is a melancholy card. The person in question has been disappointed in some way and is therefore a little depressed. The depression is not as great as that of The Moon, but he or she is nevertheless unhappy. Even though they feel let down, they will be able to learn to help build upon a better future. Loss of a relationship, sorrow, emotional hurt and feeling of worthlessness. However, although the card seems to be grim, the outlook is good and urges you to stop crying over spilt milk and look in another direction for happiness.

Upright Associations: Sorrow, loss, broken relationship, disillusionment, the need to start again. Angry, self-knowledge, inheritance, letting go, unused talents, sacrifice.

Reversed Associations: Reunion after a separation, lesser sacrifice, hope, regret, refusing to grieve or move beyond grief. A new beginning.

Wednesday, 14 July 2021

Card for today, 14th July 2021

Rider Waite card No 17, XVII Star
Astrological Correspondence: Aquarius
Keywords: harmony, abundance, generosity, humility.
Description: The Star, being one of the very positive cards of the Tarot, reminds us of hope and inspiration. The Star is the symbol for our faith in the future, for feeling guided on our path by its calm and serene light. As we can feel confident to not lose our direction, we regain motivation and inner strength and can experience peace of mind. The Star protects the future and gathers the forces necessary to expand our knowledge and develop emotionally and spiritually. The sense of protection, promise, inspiration, and joy encourages us to develop our talents to achieve our ideals.
Upright Associations: Hope, faith, inspiration, intuition, optimism, insight, spiritual love, pleasure, harmony, conceiving a dream.
Even in an unfavourable situation the negative elements merely throw obstacles in our way, like pessimism, a lack of realism, or the inability to accept a helping hand, thus leading to possible failure.
Reversed Associations: Failure, lack of awareness, emotional isolation, inventiveness. Rethinking dreams, inability to accept help, unfailing hope.

Tuesday, 13 July 2021

Card for today, 13th July 2021

Rider Waite card No 59, X of Swords
Swords: Ten
Astrological Correspondence: Sun and Moon in Gemini [For more information, click]
Keywords: ruin, betrayal, loss.
Description: The Ten of Swords is the card of ultimate betrayal. This card indicates that hope for outcomes are not likely to transpire and a sense of loss will come. When this card is the answer to a question relating to a partnership, it is best to have only minimal dealings with the person referred to because, at best, disappointment is likely to be the outcome of this liaison. This is the worst card in the pack. Lost, cold and loveless this card shows the lowest point in fortune. However, since this is the worst it can only get better, improvements must surely follow. The only way from here is up
Upright Associations: Misfortune, plans in ruins, defeat and failure. Hitting rock bottom, betrayal, the end of a cycle. Depression, dispelling false beliefs, overkill. A new day dawns.
Reversed Associations: Temporary success, drastic change, great pain, heartache, sadness. Improvements, turning a corner, opportunity for liberation.

Monday, 12 July 2021

Card for today, 12th July 2021

Rider Waite card No 11, XI Justice
Justice XI
Astrological Correspondence: Libra
Keywords: balance, rules, detachment, karma
Description: Based on the realisation that life is ultimately fair and just, the Justice card symbolises balance, harmony, and fairness in our lives. She represents the choices we make, and reminds us to base them on planning, reflection, rationality, and a weighing of options between the sword and the scales. In love relationships honesty, respect, and loyalty, in professional life reflect this by essential values like professionalism, respect for established processes and procedures and adherence to reporting systems.
Upright Associations: Harmony, balance, equanimity. The resolution of conflicts, arbitration.  fair minded, considerate, accepting responsibility.
In negative situations this card can resemble imbalance, coldness, and a destructive streak impeding relationships.
Reversed Associations: Delays, injustice, legal entanglements, bias and a lack of balance. Denying responsibility, the need to apologize, blaming others.

Sunday, 11 July 2021

Card for today, 11th July 2021

Rider Waite card No 36, Ace of Cups
Cups: Ace
Astrological Correspondence: None.
Keywords: love, birth, creation.
Description: The Ace of Cups indicates the potential for happiness exists in the situation in question. The soil has been fertilised and now only loving care is needed to bring about fulfillment. The start of love, inspired creativity that is nurtured by fruitfulness and happy times. Artistic excellence, a love affair, marriage, betrothal or a birth. All affairs of the heart will prosper.
Upright Associations: The beginning or essence of love, joy, inner beauty, or good health. Kindness, peace, sensitivity, art, poetry.
Reversed Associations: Change, instability, disappointment or sadness. Loneliness, grief, depression. Need to acknowledge emotional, intuitive, spiritual blocks.

Saturday, 10 July 2021

Card for today, 10th July 2021

Rider Waite card No 39, IV of Cups

Cups: Four

Astrological Correspondence: Moon in Cancer. [For more information, click]

Keywords: unsure, familiarity, false sense of security.

Description: Four of Cups is doubtful. The person in question is not sure of their feelings and does not feel they will get their heart's desire. Having reached stability within a relationship, what more can be achieved? This could be a case of familiarity breeding contempt. There needs to be a new start to renew the spark in an old relationship. New interests, activities and friends are required.

Upright Associations: Trouble in paradise, dissatisfaction, stuck in a rut. A time to re-evaluate, the morning after, apathy, discontentment. Need for contemplation re-evaluation or meditation.

Reversed Associations: A new relationship, feeling that the grass is greener, a situation that is not as good as it first seemed. End of discontentment, feeling energized, lost opportunities.

Friday, 9 July 2021

Card for today, 9th July 2021

Rider Waite card No 73, X of Coins
Coins: Ten
Astrological Correspondence: Mercury in Virgo
Keywords: affluent, wealth, status, accumulation.
Description: The Ten of Coins indicates family money or enterprise. If the querent is self-employed, it is a positive card because this shows he or she will be working for the future and earning money for themselves.
Upright Associations: Family, emotional and financial stability, an inheritance. Responsibility, family matters, genealogy, profitable investments, blessings, legacy.
Reversed Associations: A robbery, a loss, disharmony, petty quarrels, disorganisation. Family &/or financial instability. Demands and over committed to family and friends.

Thursday, 8 July 2021

Card for today, 8th July 2021

Rider Waite card No 8, VIII STRENGTH
Strength VIII
Astrological Correspondence: Leo
Keywords: inner strength, vision, self control
Description: The Strength card, depicting a gracious queen-like figure and a wild lion, shows that real strength has to be combined with graciousness and gentleness to become a force. It symbolises inner strength, determination to overcome obstacles, self-knowledge and self-discipline, as only when we know ourselves and act in a responsible manner will we be able to deal with challenging situations and overcome difficulties successfully. Yet this card does not only represent physical strength, moral and emotional strength is included in the meaning. Patience, compassion, dealing with frustration, accepting of others, tolerating imperfection (in oneself and in others), all leads to being a complete person.
Upright Associations: Strength, courage, conviction, dynamism, self-control, action, resolve, virility, optimism. personal power, acceptance of self.
The negative qualities of Strength include misuse of power, aggressiveness, and intolerance.
Reversed Associations: Tyranny, a stern disposition, disease, weakness. Need to seek reassurance and re-evaluation, insecurity. The need for self belief.

Wednesday, 7 July 2021

Card for today, 7th July 2021

 Rider Waite card No 30, IX of Wands

Wands: Nine

Astrological Correspondence: Moon in Sagittarius [For more information click]

Keywords: vigilance, protection and defense, nearly there.

Description: The Nine of Wands indicates success after a long struggle to get to the top. There appears to be a bit of weariness because many mistakes have been made and much has been learned the hard way. Additionally, a feeling of defense is in the air because after such a long struggle to achieve success, much vigilance will be necessary to maintain it. Don't let others undo what you've worked hard to achieve.

Upright Associations: Eventual victory, plans coming to fruition, resolve, good health. Determination, commitment to an issue or belief. Acknowledging past grief.

Reversed Associations: Rivalry, obstacles, time to move on in your life. Loss of rights, isolation. emerging from pain and isolation.

Tuesday, 6 July 2021

Today's Oracle 6th July 2021

Lenormand card No 6, Clouds

The clouds card always points to an unclear, unfathomable situation. It is essential to look closely at the cards around it. The light side of the card brings an improvement, the dark side a deterioration of the situation.

Obstacles and unpleasant events.

Secret worries, doubts, fears and weakness, negative period of time.

Monday, 5 July 2021

Today's Oracle 5th July 2021

Lenormand card No 30, Lilies

The lilies stand for family, family life, harmony and support, but also for sexuality.

Development of the soul, success, knowledge and learning of good and evil, holiness, good traits and bad.

Support, attitude towards life, business, work.

Protective, supportive influence.

Maturity; referring to something older.

Sunday, 4 July 2021

Today's Oracle 4th July 2021

Lenormand card No 5, Tree
This card's topic is health. If it is next to the person card, it can be an indication of health problems. The card also stands for all of life itself.
Knowledge of Good and Evil, Life, Health, time, development.
Health, energy.

Saturday, 3 July 2021

Today's Oracle 3rd July 2021

 Lenormand card No 15, Bear

A card of luck! It stands for power, strength, possession and wealth. It can also symbolize a powerful, positive, older person, your grandfather, ex-husband or lover.

Spiritual strength, protection, spiritual energy, Fame, Power, the fundament of truth - but also jealousy, envy.

Power, be careful around those in power, envious people, need for strength.

Friday, 2 July 2021

Today's Oracle 2nd July 2021

Lenormand card No 24, Heart

The heart stands for love, the love of life and kind-heartedness. In combination with cards 8 (COFFIN) or 36 (CROSS) it denotes lovesickness.

Love, happiness.

Love, feelings, the heart, the heart of something, connection, God-love.

Thursday, 1 July 2021

Today's Oracle 1st July 2021

Lenormand card No 25, Ring

The ring is the classical card for partnership, marriage, a relationship or a connection if the card lies on the right of the person card. If the card lies on the left however, it can indicate that a relationship is going to end.

Karma, group work, monotony, cycles, connections, contracts, protection.

Marriage, partnership matters.

Wednesday, 30 June 2021



The month of July begins with an exciting constellation. Mars in Leo reaches an opposition to Saturn on July 1 and an exact square to Uranus on the 4th, forming a T-square with the two. In addition, the Sun squares Chiron in Aries on July 4, and Mercury in Gemini forms a square with Neptune in Pisces on July 6. Those who assess their own strengths realistically and use them in the right place could actually succeed in asserting themselves now. However, overestimating themselves will have painful consequences. It becomes visible who has the upper hand at the moment, and some could have a tough time of it with the existing power structures.

Then, on July 7, Venus, too, reaches the position in the T-square with Saturn and Uranus which Mars previously held. It is now increasingly women's voices that give a new slant to events and call for moderation and relaxation. The Cancer New Moon on July 10 could then actually lead to a quiet respite before a new, promising chapter begins in the middle of the month. Venus and Mars in Leo are conjunct between July 12 and 14. The Moon transits the two on the 12th and forms an opposition to Jupiter on the 13th. Additionally, the Sun is in trine to Neptune on the 15th. This is the time for lovers. Celebrate life and love during these days, let joy take hold of you and allow yourself to celebrate exuberantly once again! This is also a good time to rid yourself of the dust of the worries of the past few months.

The last third of the month could also bring a few surprises. The Sun enters Leo on July 22, and Venus enters Virgo on the same day. Venus and Jupiter - the lesser and the greater fortune - are then directly opposite each other, creating an atmosphere of trust. The rediscovered joy could have very real effects and cause some of the powerful blockages indicated by the Saturn-Uranus square to be somewhat released. Since the Full Moon on July 24 will occur on the Leo / Aquarius axis within a degree of the Great Conjunction of December 2020, new and relevant impulses important to the current process of social reorientation can also be expected during these days. Retrograde Jupiter will re-enter Aquarius on July 28, supporting transformative forces through the end of the year.

Today's Oracle 30th June 2021

Lenormand card No 8, Coffin

With this card something comes to an end so something new can come into existence. Next to the person card, it indicates disease or sorrow.

Completion, serious illness, large loss of money.

Transformation, major change in a situation, endings, secrets uncovered.

Tuesday, 29 June 2021

Today's Oracle 29th June 2021

Lenormand card No 26, Book / Sphinx
Book / Sphinx
This card denotes a secret, something that is not yet definite, as it is still hidden somewhere. If the cards 31 (SUN) or 33 (KEY) lie next to it, the secret is revealed. The book can also indicate a contract or a large amount of acquired knowledge.
Secrets, a mystery.
Wisdom of life, book of life, things are in good standing, call to learn more, sign of the teacher.
Projects, studies, education.

Monday, 28 June 2021

Today's Oracle 28th June 2021

Lenormand card No 35, Anchor

This card stands for work, job, training and stability. If you have questions regarding your work and your job, look at the cards around it.

Stability, success, security.

Gravity, lifestyle, relative security in work or relationships.