Wednesday 7 July 2021

Card for today, 7th July 2021

 Rider Waite card No 30, IX of Wands

Wands: Nine

Astrological Correspondence: Moon in Sagittarius [For more information click]

Keywords: vigilance, protection and defense, nearly there.

Description: The Nine of Wands indicates success after a long struggle to get to the top. There appears to be a bit of weariness because many mistakes have been made and much has been learned the hard way. Additionally, a feeling of defense is in the air because after such a long struggle to achieve success, much vigilance will be necessary to maintain it. Don't let others undo what you've worked hard to achieve.

Upright Associations: Eventual victory, plans coming to fruition, resolve, good health. Determination, commitment to an issue or belief. Acknowledging past grief.

Reversed Associations: Rivalry, obstacles, time to move on in your life. Loss of rights, isolation. emerging from pain and isolation.


Simon Bloom said...

How the Astrological Correspondences affect the Tarot cards

The Astrological Correspondences affect the Tarot cards individually, not all the 78 cards are affected or influenced. The Ace's, Knights and Major Arcana are not influenced or affected but still have individual associations to the astrological system.
When looking at the Astrological Correspondence of the cards that are associated we must remember that even though the (AC) within the Astrological system relates to the characteristics of the human traits, whereas when associating the (AC) to individual cards the information is directed at the characteristics of the actual card and how it becomes influenced by the (AC). In general, if you, as a Taroist adopt to use the (AC) within a reading you will be able to increase the information gained tenfold or possibly even more. Using the (AC) is very time consuming and not every reader uses it on a regular basis but I find it very useful when giving in-depth email or online written readings when the client wants specific areas covered. I also use the (AC) when explaining explicit areas to the client, such as the character traits of a person within the reading. A client may ask for example, what is the Queen of Wands in their reading like. So I will lookup the (AC) of the Queen and explain the type of person and characteristics the Queen portrays.

Simon Bloom said...

Nine of Wands: Moon in Sagittarius
If you have the Moon in Sagittarius, you are independent, outspoken, open, generous, enthusiastic, idealistic, inspired, and optimistic and these qualities attract many friends and acquaintances. You seem to thrive on travel, sociability, fellowship, and expressing your opinions to whomever will listen. In addition, you are adventurous, playful, freedom-loving, and always ready for a good time. You rarely allow difficulties to keep you down, for no matter how bleak the past or present, you always expect a better, brighter future. In fact, you are uncomfortable with your own or other people's problems and emotional pain. You often try to "cheer up" or offer philosophical advice to those who are hurting, but unwittingly you avoid or ignore the emotions involved. Friendship means a great deal to you, perhaps even more than love or romance. For you to be happy, your mate must be your best friend and encourage your aspirations and ideals. You also need a great deal of emotional freedom and mobility. On the negative side, you may be rather intolerant, closed-minded, dogmatic, arrogant, non-objective, risk-taking, or possess a holier-than-thou attitude.