Rider Waite card No 60, Page of Swords
Astrological Correspondence: (Gemini)
Keywords: a message, news, contacts, gossip.
Description: The Page or Princess of Swords has two meanings. The first interpretation indicates that a message of some sort is forthcoming. Some communicative development is taking place care must be taken to ensure it progresses smoothly. The second interpretation of this card is a child or young person who tends to be very chatty. A quick-witted and intelligent youngster, eloquent and sharp. Eager to learn and adept at turning situations to his or her advantage. The Page may bring news, contacts and gossip.
Upright Associations: Grace, dexterity, vision, diplomatic, discerning, a great negotiator. Decisiveness, penetrating insight, curiosity, aloof, objective, electronic communications.
Reversed Associations: Surprising news, frantic, impulsive, great excitement. Detachment, hypocrisy, spying, caught up in details, malice.