The month of June is entirely under the influence of the Saturn-Uranus square, which becomes exact for the second time on the 15th. This could again lead to unexpected developments and breakdowns in supporting structures, with an open outcome. The central theme of this square is the tension between individual freedom and social limitation. Saturn is retrograde during this second connection. Much that has been started in the last months must now be reviewed, corrected and stabilized. With courage, deliberation and perseverance, small but important steps forward into a new self-understanding can now be taken.
Gemini: The first days of June will show how well we succeed in channeling the enormous tension into constructive paths. The Gemini Sun and Aquarius Saturn form a trine around June 2-4, as do Venus in Cancer and Jupiter in Pisces. There is now more talk about feelings, hopes and fears. The great distress in which many people find themselves could become more visible during these days. On June 5, Mars in Cancer and Pluto in Capricorn oppose each other, the Aries Moon squares both, and Mercury in Gemini squares Neptune in Pisces. Real and perceived threat scenarios could now lead to instinctive and sometimes violent reactions, and once again it will be difficult or impossible to get a reliable picture of what is happening.
Solar Eclipse in Gemini: On June 10, the New Moon occurs in Gemini, along with a solar eclipse (for a personal interpretation of the eclipse. The New Moon is square Neptune and conjunct Mercury. A day later, Mars enters Leo, and on June 12, Venus squares Chiron in Aries exactly. The mood is now very subjective and tinged with idealism - almost mysticism. Creative people may experience a period of inspiration. The quality of time encourages a willingness to tune into what is not yet visible. Together with the unpredictable dynamics of the June 15 Saturn-Uranus square, there is now a hint of revolution in the air. On June 20, Jupiter begins its retrograde phase (through October 18). Pisces themes of non-violence, communal spirit, and compassion will continue to play an important role in social discourse.
Cancer: In the last third of the month, the focus turns more to personal circumstances and needs. The Sun enters Cancer on June 21, and Venus forms a trine to Neptune. Mercury turns direct again on the 23rd, and the Sun is in trine to Jupiter. At the Capricorn Full Moon of June 24, Venus is in opposition to Pluto before entering Leo on June 27. Now, there is a great desire to unwind and treat yourself to something nice. For a moment, it might feel like everything is back to the way it used to be. Enjoy this time as much as possible, but stay realistic. We are now halfway through an extraordinary year that will still bring some surprises and challenges.