Tuesday 20 July 2021

Card for today, 20th July 2021

Rider Waite card No 41, VI of Cups
Cups: Six
Astrological Correspondence: Sun in Scorpio [For more information, click]
Keywords: reflecting the past, memory.
Description: The Six of Cups indicates thinking about the good times from the past. Friends and family may come into the picture, which could bring about recollections of fond memories. Strong links to the past, perhaps an old friend or lover will turn up soon. Childhood, past efforts are about to be rewarded. The answer to a specific question lies in a similar situation in the past. Possibly a move of home nearer to your point of origin.
Upright Associations: A gift received, happiness and pleasure from a renewed friendship, a gift from an admirer, new opportunities. Nostalgia, childhood issue coming to the surface.
Reversed Associations: An inheritance, memories from the recent past, clinging to the past, not accepting responsibilities. Regeneration, releasing past pain, letting go of attachments.

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