Thursday 20 May 2021

Reading for 20th May 2021

A 3 card spread for the day using the Lenormand Oracle deck and techniques. Along with possible answers to any questions asked.
Add the 3 cards together, minus 36 which is the amount of cards in the deck. The number that's left is the OUTCOME card.
So if the cards were numbered (16, 25, 7) you would get this calculation (16+25+7=48-36 = 12). The OUTCOME card is therefore, card #12.

Card Placement meaning: Recent influences: Any recent influences that may impact on the day.

HOUSE - Neutral
Near: If this card is in the middle of the tableau, it predicts losses and disharmony in the home. 
Made worse if the querent’s card is above it.

Far: Free of bad cards, this card promises prosperity and a happy end to problems.

General Meaning:
I am your family and your base, your ground and your home. 
I give you stability and comfort. I am your living arrangement and environment. 
I am what surrounds you and your estate. 
The cards around me will give you signs on my present state, or what the future will dictate.

Card Placement meaning: The Day card: This is the DAY CARD which reflects the present situation and implications over the whole day or 24 hours.

SNAKE - Neutral
Near: Complicated situations and misfortunes, the intensity of which is made worse by its proximity to the querent’s card and if with cards 6, 10, or 14.

Far: Problems require patience and careful thought to overcome.

General Meaning:
Watch out for me because I am always hiding, you can never trust or believe me. 
I am cheating, deceiving, and will betray you in a heartbeat. 
Be careful where you are treading, my fangs will surely have you dreading.


Card Placement meaning: Possible Outcome: Card 3 reflects on both cards 1 and 2 and may provide answers to any outcome over the coming days.

ANCHOR - Neutral

Near: Problems and unfaithfulness in love affairs. New relationships are not lasting. 
Demands are made on you, financially and professionally, that you will be unable to deliver.

Far: There will be good times in professional and business settings. Increased by the presence of good cards. 
Love and relationships proceed well. Hope.

General Meaning:
With stability and security, I give a peace of mind. 
I push you to persevere and help you reach your goal. 
Watch out for negative cards, they might shackle and pull you down a hole.

Card Placement meaning: Outcome card.

SCYTHE - Negative

Near: Warning of upset, and even danger, lessened by the presence of good cards when nearby. 
Made worse by the presence of bad cards.

Far: Diminishes the effect of any positive cards in its proximity when far away. 
Trials for those close to the querent.

General Meaning:
Be careful I am swift and sharp. 
I cut through with precision with a strict and clear vision. 
I am an accident,a sharp cut, a break, or sometimes a decision that needs to be made. 
I can bring good harvest or danger. 
Look at what I am cutting nearby, it just might be your wager.

1 comment:

Simon Bloom said...

This reading seems to be very negative and is looking quite desperate for someone.
I hope it's not for you, but if it is, I'm sure any issues you may have today will be sorted out soon.