Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces
The quality of time of this month is dynamic and complex, and it is hardly possible to capture and describe it conclusively. The events of this month may contain some key moments that may not be recognized as such until later. The main impulses come from three strong conjunctions in the zodiac signs of Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces. Foundation stones are being laid now that will shape events throughout the year and beyond.
It begins with the Pisces New Moon on March 2, in conjunction with Jupiter (orb of 2 degrees). Saturn and Mercury are in exact conjunction in Aquarius at the same time, Mars and Venus form a conjunction with Pluto in Capricorn, exact March 3.
Pluto, Venus and Mars
It's a magical time, literally: with alert confidence and a clear mind, actions can now be taken that have a decidedly powerful effect. Be aware, however, that unconscious fears and entanglements will have as real an impact as love and respect. The Venus-Mars-Pluto conjunction at almost 28° Capricorn has great incendiary power, and since its shadow side indicates, among other things, great greed, this could also be a time of messy and dangerous disputes, especially where (perceived or real) privilege and existing power relationships are challenged. The conjunction also occurs on the Pluto of the US national chart (July 4, 1776, 17:10h, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Astrodatabank: USA No. 1). Political conflicts could reach another climax during this time, with consequences for the whole world community.
[EN: For more on this topic, see the article "Turning Point: The United States' Pluto Return" by Ray Grasse.]
Sun and Jupiter
The Sun conjoins Jupiter in Pisces on March 5, underscoring the importance of trust and confidence, especially in times of transformation. A day later, Venus and Mars, still in close conjunction, enter Aquarius together. They thus reach exactly the position of the Saturn-Jupiter conjunction of December 21, 2020, which can be understood as the beginning of the current turning point. It is about a gradual transformation of our materialistic world view towards more idealistic and spiritual values. During these days the topics of this change become tangible on a more personal level. On the one hand, it is about the tension between community interests and private demands, but also about how to deal with technological progress.
On March 10, Mercury enters Pisces. Three days later, the Sun reaches its conjunction with Neptune in Pisces. Some tend to lose themselves in dreams now, others experience a welcome deepening of their spiritual practice. This somewhat lucid quality of time will stay with us for a few days. However, with the Virgo Full Moon on March 18, the quality of time will again be characterized by more tangible impulses. Moreover, on March 20, the Sun enters Aries, and the astrological start of the year indicates a great desire for adventure. Venus and Mars in Aquarius are still close together, squaring Uranus (Venus on March 19, Mars on March 22). A great lust for life is palpable! Relationships with stable foundations can now experience a welcome revival, but new relationships are also favored at this time. Whether they deliver what they promise may become apparent a few days later, when Venus conjoins Saturn on March 28 and demands a more sober view of events.