Monday, 2 January 2023



Pluto in Aquarius
Personal and social developments are in a sense never fully concluded. Life is a big river, and mostly we can only see much later which events and decisions were decisive for the subsequent path. Nevertheless, in 2023 we will still have to find answers to the important questions of our lives and times.
This year, we will be dealing with completely new issues, because in March Pluto enters Aquarius for the first time since its discovery in 1930. Saturn also changes zodiac signs during the same period, moving from Aquarius into Pisces. More on this can be found in the monthly preview of March.

Venus and Pluto
The year 2023 begins with a rather intense constellation right away: Venus and Pluto are in conjunction on the last degrees of Capricorn on January 1. Mars and Mercury are retrograde, and the Sun squares Chiron a day later.
Perhaps it's just the aftermath of exuberant New Year's Eve celebrations, but perhaps we also need to have a serious talk about desire, about money, security needs, and about wishful thinking and reality.
However, the serious mood takes on a more relaxed note as early as January 3, when Venus enters Aquarius. Unexpectedly, creative solutions could now appear as if out of nowhere. Dare for once an experiment with uncertain outcome, it could be well worth it.
Especially on January 5, when the Capricorn Sun trines Uranus in Taurus, you can surprise yourself and others with unconventional solutions.

The Cancer Full Moon of January 6/7 could also bring surprises. The Sun, Mercury and Moon are in harmonious aspect to Uranus, and in some places the old story about human freedom is being told, sometimes quietly, sometimes a bit louder.
The following days lose nothing of their lightness, as playful Venus in Aquarius is in trine to wordy Gemini Mars. Make sure that words are followed by deeds.
Towards the middle of the month, the quality of time changes noticeably. Mercury makes a square to Chiron on the 11th. On the 12th, Mars ends its long period of retrograde motion (since October 30). On the 15th, Venus squares Uranus, and on the 18th Mercury also turns direct again. At the same time, the Sun is conjunct with Pluto.
An acceleration of events is to be expected. New or previously unknown information could lead to a reassessment of the situation. The excitement could be quite great, both in private life and on the political stages of this world.

On January 20, the Sun enters Aquarius. A day later, there is a New Moon, still in close connection with Pluto in Capricorn. Venus simultaneously forms an exact conjunction with Saturn in Aquarius on the 22nd. Uranus ends its retrograde phase on the same day. The mood could be quite tense during this time.
Be careful not to let fears get the better of you, and be aware that old, repressed stories may now be shaping actions. Refrain as best you can from putting yourself and others under stress, and instead practise serenity.

Venus enters Pisces on January 27, Mercury squares Chiron in Aries at the same time. The contraction of the last few days now dissipates somewhat, and at best we remember that we always have a choice between conflict and peace, at least on a personal level.
This realisation can give us a veritable boost in our efforts to make the world a better place at the end of the first month of the year, when the Sun trines Mars, and Mercury trines Uranus on the 30th.

Saturday, 26 November 2022




The first days of December point to an enjoyable time that can bring good results, provided we don't overdo it. Sagittarius Venus and Gemini Mars form an opposition on December 1, harmoniously joined by Saturn in Aquarius. Mercury, still close to Venus, forms a square to Neptune on December 2. Small dreams, as well as big ones, want to be seen and heard now, and it's a good time for pleasurable pursuits of all kinds.

However, the realisation of more complex projects may prove difficult. Mars is still retrograde until mid-January, and so unfortunately more often than not talk is cheap. However, seriously planned and executed projects could, despite a tough start, point the way ahead at a later date, supported by Sun trine Chiron.

Neptune in Pisces turns direct on December 4, squaring Venus and Mercury in Sagittarius. Longings and quiet forebodings can now drift through the soul's landscape like wisps of fog, making it difficult to concentrate on the essentials.


On December 6, agile Mercury enters realistic Capricorn. A few hours earlier, it forms a square to Jupiter, which is in the last degree of Pisces. The dreams and visions of these past few days must now be checked for their validity in real life.

The Gemini Full Moon of December 8 is in exact conjunction with Mars. The big words heard here and there should be taken with a pinch of salt, but this should in no way prevent you from taking concrete steps yourself.

Venus squares Jupiter on December 9 and enters Capricorn on December 10. Now increasingly good conditions prevail for the concrete implementation of projects of all kinds. Only on December 14, when the Sun squares Neptune, should you exercise caution and avoid taking risks. On this day, the energy level is quite low for some, and great achievements are hardly possible.

Mercury and Venus square Chiron in Aries on December 15 and 19, respectively. Mercury also makes a trine to Uranus on the 17th. Renewing and transforming forces can now make themselves felt in close relationships, which offer great opportunities if they are used carefully. Some things that have remained unspoken so far can now be communicated and in this way may trigger a healing process. However, be mindful in doing so.

Sun and Jupiter

This year's winter solstice is under the proverbial lucky star. The Sun enters Capricorn on December 21/22 as it does every year, but this year Jupiter also changes signs at the same time. It enters Aries on December 20 (for good).

Thus, the Sun and Jupiter form a square on the first degree of Capricorn (stability) and Aries (new beginnings) during these days. The quality of time is positively charged and conducive to bold and decisive action.

Venus forms a trine to Uranus at the same time, signalling openness to new experiences. This life-affirming energy during the time of the solstice imprints itself on the following months as an unmistakable signature.

The Capricorn New Moon of December 23 still occurs within Jupiter's sphere of influence. At the same time, Chiron ends its retrograde and turns direct. In the darkness, we may receive the light for the time to come. Christmas could thus provide us with a welcome respite at the end of a challenging year, giving us courage and confidence for the months ahead.

On December 29, Mercury conjoins Venus, just before their conjunction with Pluto in Capricorn. Mercury, however, now begins its phase of retrograde, which lasts until January 18. Venus, on the other hand, will spend the turn of the year in conjunction with Pluto. Extroverted natures can now celebrate boisterous parties again. More quiet minds, however, may find this transition into the new year an enriching, contemplative experience.

Tuesday, 1 November 2022

Oracle for the 2 November 2022

Oracle for the 2 November 2022

Daily Oracle

"My dreams are coming true!"

Card meaning: Life goes in cycles. There is a time for planting seeds and a time for harvesting bounty. Right now is your time for harvesting. Your innermost dreams and desires are manifesting. Don't stop the flow by doubting the process. All is unfolding according to your highest good.

The Universe wants you to know:
The seeds of desires you planted so long ago (perhaps even before this life) are coming to fruition. Sometimes it's simply a matter of being still, opening your heart, and knowing that you deserve your dreams to come true. You are worthy of greatness, and you have the ability to manifest your deepest and most heartfelt wishes. Timing is everything, and the moment is ripe for those lingering desires to be realized. The bounty of the Universe is pouring into your life.

Questions to ask yourself:
What do I truly desire? 
Is there anything I need to release in order to reach my dreams? 
What steps can I take to help my heartfelt wishes come true in my life?

Monday, 31 October 2022

Nicholas Flamel and the Book of Abraham the Jew

Nicholas Flamel and the Book of Abraham the Jew

Nicolas Flamel was a French scribe and manuscript-seller who lived in the 14th century. After his death, Flamel developed a reputation as an alchemist believed to have created and discovered the Philosopher's Stone and to have thereby achieved immortality. These legendary accounts first appeared in the 17th century. According to texts ascribed to Flamel almost 200 years after his death, he had learned alchemical secrets from a Jewish converso on the road to Santiago de Compostela.

Other Alchemist's

Oracle for the 1 November 2022

Oracle for the 1 November 2022

Daily Oracle

"The abundance of the Universe is pouring into my life!"

Card meaning: A stream of abundance is ready to flow into your life, but you need to take action to receive it. Believe that you deserve it. Take steps forward by planting seeds for your future prosperity.

The Universe wants you to know:
Right now you are moving toward receiving an outpouring of money, energy, time, and love. However, you must first know that you deserve it. .. and you do. Take action in the direction of your dreams. This is not the time to passively wait for prosperity to fall into your lap. Give deeply and fully of who you are and what you have, for the more you truly give, the more you will receive. It is a universal law. As you focus on gratitude for what you already have, your abundance will grow in leaps and bounds.

Questions to ask yourself:
Am I truly open and ready for abundance to flow into my life? 
What could I do to cultivate even more riches? Is there a symbol in my life that could give me insight into what blocks my prosperity? 
What is it saying?

Oracle for the 31 October 2022

Oracle for the 31 October 2022

35 - Three Five (Octal)

35 Ting

The ancient Chinese saw this hexagram as being very auspicious. The clinging fire is above the gentle wood (or wind) presenting an image of a fire over which to cook. They also saw Ting as resembling the ceremonial cauldron used by the family on religious and special occasions. These massive cauldrons played an important part in Chinese culture, hence the fact that this hexagram conveys the ideas of sociability and stability. This is a time when you can develop your philosophy of life further. The implication of Ting is that fate plays an important part in all our lives. We are not complete masters of our own destiny and if we think we are, fate will be certain to remind us of the truth. Once we realize that we have to take the rough with the smooth, we can put our energies to better use. 


You have the possibility of success here, regardless of any inexperience, as long as you approach matters correctly. An incautious and impetuous attitude will only cause you problems.

Since you have achieved some degree of success, you might find that others are jealous. In spite of this, there is no cause for concern as long as they hold no power with which to affect you.

Difficulties may arise because you are not using your own personal talents to the full. If you take a good look at what you are doing, and make appropriate adjustments, you will soon get back on track.

Unfortunately you are not able to push ahead with your plans because you have underestimated the situation, and there is a shortage of people to help you.

This line indicates success - but only if your attitude is very modest and humble. It is all too easy to get carried away with yourself at this stage to your long-term detriment.

NINE at the TOP
You have achieved much and are now able to see life with much greater lucidity than before. This will have a good effect on all those around you. This kind of vision spreads warmth and understanding.

Oracle for the 30 October 2022

Oracle for the 30 October 2022

73 - Seven Three (Octal)

73 Hsiao Ch'u

The top trigram represents the gentle wind, while the lower trigram represents heaven. So the hexagram signifies a powerful force being held back by a lesser force. In human affairs, this points to a time when you are being blocked by a series of events and problems, none of which amount to anything of importance on their own, but cause a major obstacle to progress when combined. The larger your plans and the greater your efforts to implement them, the more hindrances you encounter. This is definitely not the time to attempt any crucial undertaking as you will meet only with failure. Right now you need a gentle approach. If you move forward carefully, overcoming each small obstacle in turn, you can inch toward ultimate success. The top trigram presents the possibility of nourishing rain falling, so the situation is not hopeless.


There is no way that you can turn the situation to your advantage by direct action, so sit back and wait for a better moment.

If you strike out on your own now, you will find yourself in a lonely and precarious position. It would be to your best advantage to join forces with others who are more familiar with the territory.

What appears to be a window of opportunity opens up before you -but in truth it is rather illusory, because you are not in command of all aspects of the situation. Plunging forward will leave you with egg on your face.

You may feel that everything is going wrong, but in fact there is a chance for you to influence events. If your grip on the situation is strong and your direction clear, you might gain some slight advantage.

Collaboration at this point is vital if you are going to achieve anything worthwhile. Frankness with others and subordination of your personal desires could pay great dividends.

NINE at the TOP
You have reached a new plateau in the struggle to get to the top. Take this chance to rest for a while as there is more struggle ahead. Pushing ahead rashly will only bring defeat and hardship.

Friday, 28 October 2022

Oracle for the 29 October 2022

Oracle for the 29 October 2022

21 - Two One (Octal)

21 Meng

When we are young and inexperienced we tend to rush in foolishly without thinking of the consequences. For no other reason than that we are immature and not well-versed in the ways of the world, we may find ourselves on the brink of catastrophe. But this hexagram is far from being without hope. The situation you have now reached is one that you have not come across before and you are unsure of how to proceed. It is vital at this stage that you do not take any precipitate action; you do not know the way forward and do not understand the rules of this particular game, so the best thing to do is seek out the advice of those who have been there before you. To put it bluntly, this hexagram signifies that at this moment in your life you need help, and if you seek it out and act on the advice you are given, you will come through just fine.


You have a lot to learn here so you must be disciplined in order to progress. It is important to take matters seriously or you will learn nothing. But it is equally important that you do not stifle your growth with excessive discipline.

This line points to someone who has achieved a degree of wisdom which can be passed on to others, and who has acquired enough strength of mind to lead and inspire.

There is a strong possibility here that you could lose your head and, just by being greedy, throw yourself toward your heart's desire without proper thought. You need a sense of modesty and decorum if you are to realize your ambitions.

You are out of touch with reality or too closely attached to others who are unrealistic. You should withdraw now before you make a complete fool of yourself. On the other hand, you may have to do exactly that in order to learn your lesson.

This is potentially a very good moment. You can learn a great deal and can accomplish much - but only if you throw away all prejudices and approach matters with a sense of innocence.

NINE at the TOP
Sometimes you need to be punished and sometimes you need to deal out punishment yourself. It is a fact of life that this has to happen occasionally in order that lessons can be properly learned - but the punishment must not be gratuitous, and it must fit the situation correctly.



A prominent lunar eclipse on November 8 shapes the quality of time for this month. The Moon is conjunct Uranus and square Saturn. It is very likely that significant, collective developments can be observed during this time. Some issues that have been uncertain so far will now be decided in favor of one side or the other.

The eclipse is heralded a few days earlier by a passionate Scorpio Venus forming an opposition to Uranus in Taurus on the 5th and a square to Saturn in Aquarius on the 7th. The difference in these qualities could trigger great creative processes on the one hand but could also lead to disagreements in relationships. Be forgiving of yourself and others during this time.

Image: ScorpioAt the Full Moon on November 8, the Sun, Mercury, and Venus on the Moon’s South Node in Scorpio are opposite the Moon and Uranus on the North Node in Taurus. Saturn in Aquarius squares this axis, forming a triangle of tension.

The concurrent lunar eclipse will be visible in parts of northern Europe, Russia, North America, parts of South America, Asia and Australia. On a collective level, some events in the days leading up to and following this eclipse can be understood as catalysts for sustainable development.

The eclipse occurs at the end of the long phase of struggle between Uranian renewal and Saturnian contraction that has repeatedly led to stalemates and divisions. Now an entirely new dynamic could come into play that clearly shifts the balance of power to one side.

Image: Moon, UranusThe conjunction of the eclipse Moon with Uranus in Taurus points to changes in material foundations and values. So, weigh things carefully these days, especially in financial investments. But if your goals are clear, take action.

The square of the Sun and Saturn becomes exact on November 11. The path to follow becomes clearer now, and it is advisable to take the first steps decisively and not wait for a miracle.

From the middle of the month the quality of time brightens considerably. The Sun, Venus and Mercury are in the last degrees of Scorpio and form a trine with Jupiter in Pisces one after the other, Venus on the 15th, Mercury on the 16th and the Sun on the 21st. They each enter the sign of Sagittarius one day later.

Pluto in Capricorn is in on the midpoint of the trine. Progress can now be made that was unthinkable only a short time ago, and it is advisable to make good use of this window of opportunity, especially for talks in conflict situations.

Communication remains challenging as retrograde Mars in Gemini squares Neptune in Pisces during the days around November 19. Exchanges with others now need special attention to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings.

Image: SagittariusOne day after the Sun enters Sagittarius, there is a New Moon. Mercury and Venus are in close conjunction, Jupiter ends its phase of retrograde on November 24. The confident mood of the last few days is now strengthening, and perhaps some are already dreaming that everything will back to the way it used to be. But for real healing to occur, the wounds that have been inflicted in recent months must become visible.

Between November 24 and 26, when the Moon, Mercury and Venus form a trine to Chiron, we have the chance to do so. On November 29, Mercury is in opposition to Mars, and unexpected information could cause a stir. Saturn, which forms a harmonious trine to Mars the day before and a sextile to Mercury the day after, may act as a mediator here.

Thursday, 27 October 2022

Oracle for the 28 October 2022

Oracle for the 28 October 2022

33 - Three Three (Octal)

33 Sun

This hexagram is a double trigram with the gentle wind above and below. The wind may indeed be gentle, but it is still able to reach into every nook and cranny. You must approach the circumstances that surround you in the same manner as a gentle wind. You cannot achieve your aims by sudden or hurried moves; you must deal with the situation in a modest but consistent way. The key here is to take gradual steps toward your goal. This approach may be decidedly un-dramatic, but it will be the one that brings the best results. You need to know exactly where you are going and what it is you want to achieve. Then, by going quietly and steadily, you can arrive at your destination having moved toward it largely unnoticed. If you draw attention to your aims and behave rashly or impulsively, you will only find yourself thwarted.


The other side of gentleness is weakness and prevarication. It is important that you are decisive and firm without being harsh if you are to avoid unnecessary difficulties.

In your current situation there are some unpleasant feelings and emotions. These must be exposed and cleared away before you can take the next step or trouble will dog you.

It is always wise to think carefully before acting, but too much thinking becomes self-defeating. It prevents you from taking any positive action.

This line indicates great success, provided you stick to the task in hand with consistency and understanding. It is important that you avoid any form of inconstancy or waywardness.

To win through to your desired end, you must constantly re-evaluate the changes that are being effected, so as to avoid losing your way.

NINE at the TOP
The balance between careful thought and decisive action has tilted too much to the side of thought. You are simply turning mental circles and are unable to deal effectively with the situation.

Wednesday, 26 October 2022

Oracle for the 27 October 2022

Oracle for the 27 October 2022

05 - Zero Five (Octal)

05 Chin

The image here is of the sun rising in a clear sky. The trigram Li, the sun, is above K'un, which represents the earth. In life, the sun seems to move rapidly as it appears over the horizon, so the implication is that this is a time when you can make speedy and unimpeded progress. The image of the brilliant light of a dawning sun spreading over the landscape also implies that this is a good time for progress. The yang, or male, fire lies above the yin, or female, passive earth. This means that the situation can be nurtured and strengthened through compromise and a willingness to yield on both sides. Under such circumstances, good communication is vital. It is also important not to put your own needs too much to the fore. If you look more to the needs of others, the sun will shine down on you, and you will be able to help others in the most positive way possible.


It would appear to be "all systems go," but somehow or other you are thwarted, and the only thing to do is keep calm for the time being. Pushing and shoving will only damage the situation.

There is someone or something here that you need to reach before you can move on. At present, there is a blockage in communication, but you can remove it with gentle perseverance.

You have removed the blockage to your progress, and everyone is in agreement about the way to move forward - but remember that whenever you move on to a new destination, you must leave something behind.

If you are involved in any underhand activities in this process of moving forward, it will come to light eventually. You must desist immediately, before your deviousness brings the whole venture to a degrading end.

The farther you advance in life, the greater are the responsibilities. If you can handle them with compassion and intelligence, you will achieve even greater things.

NINE at the TOP
Sometimes it is necessary to use a little force to keep things moving forward correctly, but you must be extremely careful - such use of force can easily backfire.

Oracle for the 26 October 2022

Oracle for the 26 October 2022

37 - Three Seven (Octal)

37 Kou

Here the hexagram consists of five strong lines, all resting on the one, upward-moving weak line. This suggests that some element has entered the present situation. It appears to have little significance, but it could upset the balance completely. In your personal affairs, you must be extremely cautious now, as your judgment may not be at its sharpest. It would be all too easy to become involved with someone, undertake some project, or heed some advice which is simply not right for you. This may be an internal process, and the same caution is called for to stop you from falling into bad habits. In all aspects of your life, be totally honest with yourself and with everyone else. This way, there can be no misunderstandings, and no one can take advantage of you. Do not attempt any major projects now, although it is a good time for smaller ventures.


Take positive steps to avoid getting involved with weak elements. You cannot resolve the situation by a laissez-faire approach - you must take decisive action.

Persistent vigilance is the key here. If you let your guard down for a minute, the weak element may gain the upper hand. In this event, you could find yourself in deep trouble.

There is the possibility of misfortune here, but fate intervenes to save you from temptation. Look very carefully at where you are going, and keep your eyes peeled at all times.

You cannot resolve these difficulties by being cool or detached, because people whose help you might need in the future will turn away from you.

If you are fully in control of yourself and have got your own weaknesses held in check, destiny will be kind to you. Equally, if you let weaknesses show, then trouble could soon follow.

NINE at the TOP
If you have felt it necessary to move away from someone or something, and a slightly bad atmosphere has been left behind, you can rest assured that you are not to blame.

Monday, 24 October 2022

Oracle for the 25 October 2022

Oracle for the 25 October 2022

10 - One Zero (Octal)

10 Ch'ien

This hexagram contains the imagery of correct balance. If we observe the ecology of the environment, we can see that everything is finely balanced and yet also in a state of perpetual motion. Nature is a great leveller, yet it supports an enormous number of creatures in a delicate and interwoven mesh. The message of Ch'ien is that the only way to approach life successfully is with modesty and moderation, and this is especially true now. In business, personal affairs, social situations or any other area of life, it is essential that you avoid any extremes in how you behave or think - or you may lose control of the situation. Steer away from greed and selfishness and treat those who have less than you with sympathy. This is not the time for grand plans, but instead, temper everything you do with gentleness and understanding. 


The best approach at this point is the quiet one. You can achieve your aims as long as you do not trumpet them aloud; this will only bring obstacles and opposition.

From a slow, quiet beginning, matters will start to turn to your advantage. It is important that you keep the same modest attitude to allow the situation to develop further.

Because of your unassuming bearing, recognition has started to flow your way. Once again, remember not to be deflected by the noise of your ego but to hold fast to your principles.

Some people may use a quiet and gentle bearing as a mask for their inner weakness. Guard against doing this and prepare yourself to make a decisive step, while still having consideration for the needs of others.

The time has come for firm action - after all, too much modesty becomes disabling. However, do not abandon your sense of fairness - if you can combine decisiveness with just actions, the situation will surely improve.

SIX at the TOP
When difficulties arise, the weak will cast around for someone or something to blame. If you have an inner strength you will be able to look to yourself to see what changes you need to make.

Sunday, 23 October 2022

Oracle for the 24 October 2022

Oracle for the 24 October 2022

02 - Zero Two (Octal)

02 Pi

Humans are naturally gregarious and sociable - but this demands a large degree of co-operation between people, or the whole social order would simply fall to pieces. You can always ignore society and follow your own dictates, but sooner or later society demands that you temper your attitude, or it will take action against you. Whether you like it or not, you are always a part of a wider social whole, and it is wise to recognize this. Try to work in harmony with the collective forces that surround you, or troubles and difficulties will follow, as surely as night follows day. There is a possibility that you will achieve a great deal if you accept this basic principle and then, in a spirit of accord, apply your efforts to the situation at hand. This is a genuinely powerful opportunity - but you must be absolutely sure that your intentions entirely pure.


Ultimately, any human relationship of lasting value must be based upon honesty, sincerity and love. If you have these qualities you will draw others to you regularly and luck will come your way.

If you follow your own inner voice, everything should work out well and aid may come your way from unexpected quarters. This is not a time for standing on ceremony, but for following your own instincts.

There must be a moment of caution here. You may have become mixed up with people who are not good for you. Keep a respectful distance, without being unsociable, and your standing will remain intact.

At this stage you have reached the crucial point of the situation -or maybe you are close to someone else who has. This is a good moment, but it is vital that you keep a sense of perspective and do not lose your integrity.

Paradoxically, in order to bring things together, it is sometimes necessary that you first let them go. True union can only be achieved through openness and, above all, honesty.

SIX at the TOP
The moment of success is also the moment of failure. When the pendulum has reached the maximum point of swing, it can only go back the other way. Take pride in what you have done so far, but do not become self-satisfied.