Tuesday, 8 February 2022

Card for today, 8th February 2022

VII of Coins

 The Gilded Tarot
Using Rider Waite's Keywords and Meanings

Keywords: reflection, waiting, patience, rewards.

Description: The Seven of Coins indicates a time of waiting. All the work has been accomplished and now it needs to develop. This gestation period can often be a difficult one because we wonder if any rewards will be obtained from our efforts.

Upright Associations: Persistence, pause in action, review, harvesting, patience. Purging, removing obstacles, weeding, assessment. Abandonment or collapse of a project.

Reversed Associations: Money worries, impatience, impotent, demoralized, overwhelmed. Treating yourself, it's "the" rainy day. Exhausted, underdevelopment, unacknowledged.

Monday, 7 February 2022

Card for today, 7th February 2022

IV of Wands

 The Gilded Tarot
Using Rider Waite's Keywords and Meanings

Keywords:  celebration, prosperity, reunion, happiness and joy, a new chance in life, possible marriage or engagement

Description: The Four of Wands indicates a reunion will come about, that involves building for future prosperity. Quite possibly in the form of a family gathering.

Upright Associations: Celebration, liberation, happy; secure home. Work or investment come to fruition, prosperity, peace, a period of rest.

Reversed Associations: Happiness and prosperity, change in scenery, holiday, redecorating. Feeling fed up, restricted, or disillusioned. Delayed reward or happiness.

Sunday, 6 February 2022

Card for today, 6th February 2022

IV of Cups

 The Gilded Tarot
Using Rider Waite's Keywords and Meanings

Keywords: unsure, familiarity, false sense of security.

Description: Four of Cups is doubtful. The person in question is not sure of their feelings and does not feel they will get their heart's desire. Having reached stability within a relationship, what more can be achieved? This could be a case of familiarity breeding contempt. There needs to be a new start to renew the spark in an old relationship. New interests, activities and friends are required.

Upright Associations: Trouble in paradise, dissatisfaction, stuck in a rut. A time to reevaluate, the morning after, apathy, discontentment. Need for contemplation reevaluation or meditation.

Reversed Associations: A new relationship, feeling that the grass is greener, a situation that is not as good as it first seemed. End of discontentment, feeling energized, lost opportunities.

Saturday, 5 February 2022

Card for today, 5th February 2022

VIII of Swords

 The Gilded Tarot
Using Rider Waite's Keywords and Meanings

Keywords: restrictions, entrapment.

Description: The Eight of Swords indicates a type of bondage. This bondage is likely to be verbal in nature as the person in question is not able to say what is on his or her mind. There seems to be a sense of entrapment where the person is not able to move because of prevailing circumstances that are the result of decisions made in the past. A run of bad luck, and so, much patient effort is needed to get out of this difficult situation. Help is available if you can forget pride and ask for it. Restrictions will gradually fade.

Upright Associations: Restricted action, indecision, temporary weakness. Jealousy of colleagues. Fear, self restriction, being bound to expectations, isolation, inhibition. Playing the martyr.

Reversed Associations: Difficulties, an accident, an unexpected event, feelings of frustration, restrictions being lifted, moving on. Release, quarrels finding your voice.

Friday, 4 February 2022



Capricorn and Aquarius

The quality of time in February brings up a long-known topic again. Once more the conflicting poles of belonging and individuality must be sounded out anew. The impetus for this is the currently strong emphasis on the two zodiac signs Capricorn and Aquarius. The Aquarius New Moon on February 1st is conjunct Saturn and square Uranus in Taurus. We already know the dynamics of this aspect pattern well enough: One side would like to sweep away the existing order, the other would like everything to remain as it has always been. The quality of time is still quite unstable and could bring surprising developments. In this unsettled field of oscillating poles, however, a new keynote becomes audible, because now it becomes possible again to focus the chaotic energy and thus create a stable basis for future developments. The ordering, saturnine forces, seem to be stronger now than the forces of disintegration.

Sun and Saturn

On February 4, Mercury turns direct. At the same time, the Moon and Neptune are conjunct in Pisces, and just a few hours later, the conjunction of the Sun and Saturn becomes exact. This quality of time enables and encourages meditation and contemplation. Allow yourself a moment on this day to listen to the inner silence and realign yourself. For soon there will be new impulses calling for activity. Capricorn Mars squares Chiron in Aries on February 6 and trines Uranus in Taurus on the 8th. Authentic action could now bring surprising results. Overcome inner resistance and go into action, it will be worth it.

Before Mercury leaves Capricorn, it connects with Pluto on February 11. Beware of doom and gloom at this time and remember that thinking is a tool for insight into reality, not reality itself. Contractual agreements are not recommended until Mercury enters Aquarius on February 14.

Mars and Venus

With the Leo Full Moon on February 16, the quality of time changes significantly. Mars and Venus are in exact conjunction in Capricorn. They will remain close together for an extended period of time, promising a slow awakening from slumber. The zest for life now gradually returns, many things come easier to us. Love relationships can now experience more profoundness. The entry of the Sun into Pisces on February 18 supports this positive attitude. It will remain with us for the time being. With Mercury square Uranus on February 25, the time can be wonderfully used to rethink the future.

Card for today, 4th February 2022

III The High Priestess

 The Gilded Tarot
Using Rider Waite's Keywords and Meanings

Astrological Correspondence: The Moon

Keywords: receptivity, passivity, potential, knowledge, secrets, something about to arrive.

Description: The mysterious High Priestess jealously guards her secrets and occult wisdom. This card symbolises the unconscious, a concern with our internal worlds, spiritual forces, and the understanding of higher truths through dreams and intuition. As a wise woman the High Priestess is the Goddess of fertility and is seen as a healer, possessing intuitive powers, and clairvoyance, trying to create harmony and inner balance. She emphasises the necessity to get in contact with our inner self, to reflect and meditate, to trust our feelings, and to let dreams and intuition guide us. Observing rather than participating or acting the High Priestess can also represent platonic love, manipulation, a pause in a process that was progressing or even a standstill, causing doubt and confusion.

Upright Associations: Intuition, wisdom and secret knowledge, emotional intelligence. Purity, virtue and patience. Stillness, looking inward, subconscious Divine Feminine.

Reversed Associations: Emotional instability, emerging passion, delusion, directing outward. Combining intuition and logic. Activity, shallowness, illusion.

Thursday, 3 February 2022

Card for today, 3rd February 2022

Page of Wands

 The Gilded Tarot
Using Rider Waite's Keywords and Meanings

Astrological Correspondence: (Sagittarius)

Keywords: good news is on it's way, the messenger, friend, psychic message.

Description: The Page or Princess of Wands quite often indicates a young, energetic person will come into the picture to bring some sort of discord.

Upright Associations: Dependable, infectious enthusiasm for life, a lively disposition. Daring action, inventive, striking out in the world.

Reversed Associations: Bad news, a lack of decision, disruptions, rash communications, frazzled. Leaving safety for the unknown.

Wednesday, 2 February 2022

Card for today, 2nd February 2022

VI of Coins

 The Gilded Tarot
Using Rider Waite's Keywords and Meanings

Keywords: charitable, kindness, respect, helping the less privileged, balance.

Description: Six of Coins is the philanthropic card in the Tarot. Doing good deeds, donating to charity, or embarking on community service are all associated. Additionally, if a favour has been done in the distant past, expect it to be returned in some way when least expected and when needed most.

Upright Associations: Repayment, sharing, generosity, good fortune. Loan, assistance, charity. Giving, receiving, getting what you deserve, karma.

Reversed Associations: Redistribution, reconsideration, greed, jealousy, unfair treatment, unhappy outcome. Prideful denial, ambition, speculation, gambling.

Tuesday, 1 February 2022

Card for today, 1st February 2022

Ace of Wands

 The Gilded Tarot
Using Rider Waite's Keywords and Meanings

Keywords: new beginnings, job possibilities, optimism, life start, promotion and new ventures.

Description: The Ace of Wands is the beginning of any creative venture or business pursuit. It indicates optimism and invention, as well as new opportunities and directions.

Upright Associations: A new venture, the initiation of prosperity, happiness, pleasure. Optimism, creative energy, potency, adventure.

Reversed Associations: A bad beginning, missing opportunities, need to wait, frustration. Creatively blocked, lacking energy, need to motivate.

Monday, 31 January 2022

Card for today, 31st January 2022

IX of Cups

 The Gilded Tarot
Using Rider Waite's Keywords and Meanings

Keywords: pleasure, well being, satisfied.

Description: The Nine of Cups is one of happiness and well being. Many good times and celebrations are likely to occur when this card appears. Excellent social life, parties, good friends and fun. Places where people meet. Good health, happiness and popularity. Relationships will be very fulfilling. Ease of communication and the flow of new ideas.

Upright Associations: An assured future, emotional well-being, the realization of dreams. Contentment, complacency, overindulgence, solitary achievement. Hosting a gathering, getting your wish.

Reversed Associations: Fidelity, complacency, spoilt, taking love and/or life for granted. Never being satisfied, superficial attachments, overindulgence, narcissism. Choosing spiritual over material.

Sunday, 30 January 2022

Card for today, 30th January 2022

Ace of Swords

 The Gilded Tarot
Using Rider Waite's Keywords and Meanings

Keywords: force, communication, courage, destiny.

Description: The Ace of Swords indicates the first initial contact, which is usually by letter writing, telephone calls, or other sorts of correspondence. This card is also associated with the Karmic elements of our life, so expect situations that have a ring of destiny to transpire in a most unexpected manner. Things are changing for the good. Success is guaranteed, as the card cuts through all obstacles. As with all Sword cards, the Ace shows that there are battles to be fought, but with courage and intellect, nothing can stand in your way for long.

Upright Associations: Beginning of a victory, the seed of an idea. The search for ultimate truth. Clarity, mental energy, source, power of thought.

Reversed Associations: Heavy handed, breakup, pressure, delay, sarcasm. Frustration, lack,  cut off. Distant, need for honesty emotionally and intellectually.

Saturday, 29 January 2022

Card for today, 29th January 2022

XV The Devil

 The Gilded Tarot
Using Rider Waite's Keywords and Meanings

Astrological Correspondence: Capricorn

Keywords: materialism (sex and money), lies, grounding, slavery, bondage.

Description: The card of the Devil represents the darker side of humankind, all that we are shameful and base and that we avoid to confront. Its imagery connects to sexuality, irrationality, obsession, and addiction. Being enslaved by our fears and desires we find it hard to let go of unhealthy relationships, addictive behaviour, excessive attachment to material things, obsession with power. Accepting the shadowy side in us can help channel the energetic powers that this card also represents. Understanding that the chains that tie us down can indeed be lifted by confronting our dark side, and not letting self hatred and shame take over empowers us to be free.

Upright Associations: Love of money or physical wealth, a tendency to hoard. Uncontrolled lust or anger. Sexual obsession, manic behaviour, addiction, illusions.

Qualities of this card in a negative situation include excessive ambition, rigidity, and abuse of power in the emotional as well as the material realm.

Reversed Associations: Depression, untrustworthy person, disappointment, weakness. Obsessions, compulsive behaviour. Freeing oneself from a type of bondage, seeing the truth behind illusions.

Friday, 28 January 2022

Card for today, 28th January 2022

King of Cups

 The Gilded Tarot
Using Rider Waite's Keywords and Meanings

Astrological Correspondence: (Cancer)

Keywords: wise, calm, diplomatic, caring, tolerant.

Description: The King of Cups usually refers to an older man who is sensitive and generally acts through his emotions rather than intellect, and who can be extremely jealous at times. A sociable, loving, sensuous man who has intelligence combined with a strong intuition. Warmhearted and loyal, he enjoys the comforts of life and has a love of the arts. His attitude is responsible and generous.

Upright Associations: Successful, shrewd, kind, considerate, not easily read or understood. Liberal, artistic endeavors, reserved, source of comfort, wise council. 

Reversed Associations: Instinct, sleaziness, closed off, heartless, immaturity, neurotic. Dishonesty, overprotective, dependency, self indulgence. Breaking through emotional blocks.

Thursday, 27 January 2022

Card for today, 27th January 2022

V of Coins

 The Gilded Tarot
Using Rider Waite's Keywords and Meanings

Keywords: down and out, poor, desolate, bad news, very negative.

Description: The Five of Coins indicates that the affluent lifestyle we have lived cannot continue. A sense of depression or unhappiness will tend to prevail. Things may start to improve, but that depends on the other cards in the spread and their placement in relation to the five of coins itself.

Upright Associations: Redundancy, loss of financial stability, worries, poverty. A reevaluation of worth, a need to invest in something new. True love, lack of faith, perseverance. 

Reversed Associations: Destruction, waste; troubles in love, helplessness. End delays and postponements. Renewed faith, uncovering something hidden, deep changes.

Wednesday, 26 January 2022

Card for today, 26th January 2022

VIII of Wands

 The Gilded Tarot
Using Rider Waite's Keywords and Meanings

Keywords: movement and travel, achievement, determination, and success

Description: The Eight of Wands means travel of a swift nature, as the person involved will be going forward and achieving goals. After much hard work, it seems that things will finally start looking up and accomplishments will be made.

Upright Associations: Action now, taking steps toward a dream, synchronicity, communication. Forward motion, quick action, reaching a conclusion.

Reversed Associations: Jealousy, hassles, grinding to a halt, misdirected, lack of communication. Wasted energy, reevaluate your current situation.

Tuesday, 25 January 2022

Card for today, 25th January 2022

VII of Cups

 The Gilded Tarot
Using Rider Waite's Keywords and Meanings

Keywords: choices.

Description: The Seven of Cups indicates changes and choices will be forthcoming. There will be several paths to take, but there is no guarantee that the choice made will be the one that will bring about the desired result. Thorough research and analytical thinking needs to be done before making any decisions.

Upright Associations: Fantasy, illusion, quest, reflection, confusion, the inner life. The need to meditate on decisions &/or motives. Unrealistic expectations, dreams, choices, imagination.

Reversed Associations: Passion, determination, need for logical thinking. Maturity, discernment of reality vs illusions. This barren time will quickly pass.

Monday, 24 January 2022

Card for today, 24th January 2022

VII of Swords

 The Gilded Tarot
Using Rider Waite's Keywords and Meanings

Keywords: dishonesty, deceit, slander, cunning.

Description: The Seven of Swords is at the best of times a card of superficiality, and at its worst, deceit and slander. When this card appears, we should never expect sincerity or friendship. The best attitude to take is to be courteous and polite, but guard secrets and thoughts diligently because people will tend to either twist words spoken or take credit for other's ideas. Direct confrontation to an opponent will not work. You have to be cunning and use all your willpower to defeat an enemy. Perhaps you have to sacrifice something in order to succeed. Your efforts may not be wholehearted.

Upright Associations: Insights, strategy, sudden desire and/or impulses, intelligence. Animal cunning, tactics, manipulative, taking advantage of situations. Evasiveness, stealth, ownership.

Reversed Associations:  Good advice, easement in pressures and/or problems. Pessimism, return of lost or stolen items. Dishonesty, deceptions, clarity, constructive criticism.

Sunday, 23 January 2022

Card for today, 23rd January 2022


 The Gilded Tarot
Using Rider Waite's Keywords and Meanings

Astrological Correspondence: Leo

Keywords: inner strength, vision, self control

Description: The Strength card, depicting a gracious queen like figure and a wild lion, shows that real strength has to be combined with graciousness and gentleness to become a force. It symbolises inner strength, determination to overcome obstacles, self knowledge and self discipline, as only when we know ourselves and act in a responsible manner will we be able to deal with challenging situations and overcome difficulties successfully. Yet this card does not only represent physical strength, moral and emotional strength is included in the meaning. Patience, compassion, dealing with frustration, accepting of others, tolerating imperfection (in oneself and in others), all leads to being a complete person.

Upright Associations: Strength, courage, conviction, dynamism, self-control, action, resolve, virility, optimism. personal power, acceptance of self.

The negative qualities of Strength include misuse of power, aggressiveness, and intolerance.

Reversed Associations: Tyranny, a stern disposition, disease, weakness. Need to seek reassurance and reevaluation, insecurity. The need for self belief.

Saturday, 22 January 2022

Card for today, 22 nd January 2022

Knight of Cups

 The Gilded Tarot
Using Rider Waite's Keywords and Meanings

Keywords: romantic, imaginative, sensitive, refined, introspective.

Description: The Knight or Prince of Cups can have two meanings. The first interpretation is a young man who enjoys life and likes to live it to the fullest. He is generally thoughtful and loving to those he cares about. The second meaning is that a certain emotional situation is progressing nicely. A faithful lover or good friend, enthusiastic, passionate and amiable. He brings offers and opportunities. The Knight is often poetic and graceful.

Upright Associations: An intelligent but restless person, artistic, refined, amiable and full of high principals. Romantic dreamer, invitations, idealistic, empathic, following your heart.

Reversed Associations: Wanting affection, trickster, deception, flirtatious. Lack of self worth, emotional dishonesty, illusion, escapism, false modesty, denial of personal power.

Friday, 21 January 2022

Card for today, 21st January 2022

Ace of Coins

 The Gilded Tarot

Using Rider Waite's Keywords and Meanings

Keywords: new financial ventures.

Description: The Ace of Coins indicates potential for a financial venture. Although the initial seeds of creation are present, proper action must be taken to ensure material gains and prosperity.

Upright Associations: A new business venture, the beginning or essence of prosperity, happiness or pleasure. Abundance, physical energy.

Reversed Associations: Experiencing inner emptiness, loss, insecurity, delay. Material detachment, spiritual power.