Ace of Swords
Keywords: force, communication, courage, destiny.
Description: The Ace of Swords indicates the first initial contact, which is usually by letter writing, telephone calls, or other sorts of correspondence. This card is also associated with the Karmic elements of our life, so expect situations that have a ring of destiny to transpire in a most unexpected manner. Things are changing for the good. Success is guaranteed, as the card cuts through all obstacles. As with all Sword cards, the Ace shows that there are battles to be fought, but with courage and intellect, nothing can stand in your way for long.
Upright Associations: Beginning of a victory, the seed of an idea. The search for ultimate truth. Clarity, mental energy, source, power of thought.
Reversed Associations: Heavy handed, breakup, pressure, delay, sarcasm. Frustration, lack, cut off. Distant, need for honesty emotionally and intellectually.