King of Cups
Astrological Correspondence: (Cancer)
Keywords: wise, calm, diplomatic, caring, tolerant.
Description: The King of Cups usually refers to an older man who is sensitive and generally acts through his emotions rather than intellect, and who can be extremely jealous at times. A sociable, loving, sensuous man who has intelligence combined with a strong intuition. Warmhearted and loyal, he enjoys the comforts of life and has a love of the arts. His attitude is responsible and generous.
Upright Associations: Successful, shrewd, kind, considerate, not easily read or understood. Liberal, artistic endeavors, reserved, source of comfort, wise council.
Reversed Associations: Instinct, sleaziness, closed off, heartless, immaturity, neurotic. Dishonesty, overprotective, dependency, self indulgence. Breaking through emotional blocks.