Sunday, 16 January 2022

Card for today, 16th January 2022

IX of Coins

 The Gilded Tarot
Using Rider Waite's Keywords and Meanings

Keywords: rest and recuperation, achievement, relax.

Description: The influence of the Nine of Coins indicates that a plateau of earning has been achieved. This is an opportune time to take a vacation, which will be a well deserved rest.

Upright Associations: Satisfaction, self reliance, financial reward, retirement, realisation of  investments. Pleasure, fulfillment, self assured & spiritually aware. Productive, well deserved success.

Reversed Associations: Hopes unfulfilled, employing ruthless methods, to marry for material rewards. Entanglements, unwise decisions, losing your way, lack of discipline.

Saturday, 15 January 2022

Lions Tigers and Bears oh my

Unseen Forces That Affect Our Lives
The Living Universe Beyond Our Sensory Perceptions.

Aliens, UFO's, Spirits, Angels, Ghosts, Fairy's, Elf's, and any other living entities outside our scope of perception, are they real or just in our imagination? Have you seen, met or even communicated in any way with such beings or entities? Mr Hall gives us some clarity as to how they can all exist but may not be fully visible to us humans.

Card for today, 15th January 2022

III of Wands

 The Gilded Tarot
Using Rider Waite's Keywords and Meanings

Keywords:  success, astute business person, opportunist, knowledge and experience.

Description: The Three of Wands indicates opportunities and success are at hand, but knowledge and skill are essential components if this formula is to achieve rewards. 

Upright Associations:  Cooperation in material affairs, fruitful partnerships, accepting practical help. Assessment, appreciation. realised goals.

Reversed Associations: Problems will be solved. Being too passive, difficulty in taking action. lack of confidence, disturbing past. Need for decision.

Friday, 14 January 2022

Card for today, 14th January 2022

Ace of Cups

 The Gilded Tarot
Using Rider Waite's Keywords and Meanings

Keywords: love, birth, creation.

Description: The Ace of Cups indicates the potential for happiness exists in the situation in question. The soil has been fertilised and now only loving care is needed to bring about fulfilment. The start of love, inspired creativity that is nurtured by fruitfulness and happy times. Artistic excellence, a love affair, marriage, betrothal or a birth. All affairs of the heart will prosper.

Upright Associations: The beginning or essence of love, joy, inner beauty, or good health. Kindness, peace, sensitivity, art, poetry.

Reversed Associations: Change, instability, disappointment or sadness. Loneliness, grief, depression. Need to acknowledge emotional, intuitive, spiritual blocks.

Thursday, 13 January 2022

Card for today, 13th January 2022

Page of Swords

 The Gilded Tarot
Using Rider Waite's Keywords and Meanings

Astrological Correspondence: (Gemini)

Keywords: a message, news, contacts, gossip.

Description: The Page or Princess of Swords has two meanings. The first interpretation indicates that a message of some sort is forthcoming. Some communicative development is taking place care must be taken to ensure it progresses smoothly. The second interpretation of this card is a child or young person who tends to be very chatty. A quick witted and intelligent youngster, eloquent and sharp. Eager to learn and adept at turning situations to his or her advantage. The Page may bring news, contacts and gossip.

Upright Associations: Grace, dexterity, vision, diplomatic, discerning, a great negotiator. Decisiveness, penetrating insight, curiosity, aloof, objective, electronic communications.

Reversed Associations: Surprising news, frantic, impulsive, great excitement. Detachment, hypocrisy, spying, caught up in details, malice.

Wednesday, 12 January 2022

Card for today, 12th January 2022

X Wheel of Fortune

 The Gilded Tarot
Using Rider Waite's Keywords and Meanings

Astrological Correspondence: Jupiter

Keywords: unexpected change, good fortune, becoming master of one's own destiny 

Description: The Wheel of Fortune symbolises the every changing cycle of life, wins and losses, ups and downs, unexpected luck, advancements and setbacks, success and failure - the duality of things. Representing a breakthrough, a fortunate set of circumstances, the energies of the turning wheel also suggest incalculability, chance, surprise, rapid change and fate ending problematic times, heralding good fortune, and stimulating development and growth. As one of the cards not showing a human figure at its centre, the Wheel of Fortune represents our uncovering of life's cycles and patterns, the discovery of our purpose in life, and the realisation that nothing is permanent, everything is always in flux.

Upright Associations: Destiny, unexpected fortune or effortless success. Advancement, progress and the resolution of problems. The beginning of a new cycle or phase.

In a negative situation the card can resemble failure, misfortune, gambling excess, and a turn for the worse.

Reversed Associations: Bad luck, a change for the worse, obstacles, rivalry, materialism. A change in luck and circumstances, fighting against change.

Tuesday, 11 January 2022

Card for today, 11th January 2022

II of Coins

 The Gilded Tarot
Using Rider Waite's Keywords and Meanings

Keywords: financial control, juggling money, possible short journeys, future nest eggs.

Description: The Two of Coins indicates that enough money to pay the bills will come just when needed. Tight control of finances is necessary to ensure debt is controlled.

Upright Associations: Imminent change, and the need and ability to maintain harmony while juggling with different aspects of the situation. Flexibility, fun, playfulness.

Reversed Associations: Superficial harmony, artificial happiness, letters. Over: burdened, worked, playfulness. Carefree, careless, immature, inflexible.

Monday, 10 January 2022

Card for today, 10th January 2022

V of Swords

 The Gilded Tarot
Using Rider Waite's Keywords and Meanings

Keywords: defeat, loss, failure, conflicts.

Description: The Five of Swords indicates a verbal argument of sorts. The querent seems to have the upper hand, but it is definitely not a pleasant situation. This is also a card of walking away from a person or situation that is no longer useful in our life. Defeat in battle, a conflict will go against you. Cut your losses and swallow your pride. You may have to back track and start again. The course you are on will bring nothing but misery. You must accept that a change of direction is necessary.

Upright Associations: Defeat, loss, failure, negative thoughts and attitudes. Winning at the expense of another. Communication problems, arguments, humiliation, insensitivity.

Reversed Associations: Mourning, a funeral, distress, remorse. Clearing the air, truth at any cost. Dejection, vengeance, vindication, end of slander.

Sunday, 9 January 2022

Card for today, 9th January 2022

 II of Wands

 The Gilded Tarot
Using Rider Waite's Keywords and Meanings

Keywords:  duality, partnerships, business, important choices to be made, balanced ,careful, mutuality. 

Description: The Two of Wands indicates a business partnership of some kind is at hand in which two or more persons will come together to achieve a common goal. It also shows that a balance must be made between attaining worldly possessions and living in poverty. 

Upright Associations: Generous disposition, open mindedness, patience, creativity, courage, the promise of good things. New venture. a need to look further.

Reversed Associations: A surprise, loneliness, entering the unknown. Released tension, losing interest. Need to seek companionship, activities.

Saturday, 8 January 2022

Card for today, 8th January 2022

 V of Cups

 The Gilded Tarot

Using Rider Waite's Keywords and Meanings

Keywords: sorrow, disappointment, unhappy.

Description: Five of Cups is a melancholy card. The person in question has been disappointed in some way and is therefore a little depressed. The depression is not as great as that of The Moon, but he or she is nevertheless unhappy. Even though they feel let down, they will be able to learn to help build upon a better future. Loss of a relationship, sorrow, emotional hurt and feeling of worthlessness. However, although the card seems to be grim, the outlook is good and urges you to stop crying over spilt milk and look in another direction for happiness.

Upright Associations: Sorrow, loss, broken relationship, disillusionment, the need to start again. Angry, self knowledge, inheritance, letting go, unused talents, sacrifice.

Reversed Associations: Reunion after a separation, lesser sacrifice, hope, regret, refusing to grieve or move beyond grief. A new beginning.

Friday, 7 January 2022

Card for today, 7th January 2022

 Knight of Wands

 The Gilded Tarot

Using Rider Waite's Keywords and Meanings

Keywords: immature, uncertainty, lack of experience, hurried.

Description: The Knight or Prince of Wands is a young man who is full of bright ideas, but at present lacks the perseverance to see things through to completion. As a result of this, he will be quite uncertain in his loyalties toward others and should therefore not be trusted until he has matured.

Upright Associations: Active, confident, popular, unpredictable nature. Hasty actions that prove right. Ability to love unconditionally. Vision, confidence, passion, eagerness.

Reversed Associations: Quarrels, desertion, chaotic energy. Extreme temper and; passions. Bully, liar, impatience, avoidance, need to be more open.

Thursday, 6 January 2022

Card for today, 6th January 2022


 The Gilded Tarot
Using Rider Waite's Keywords and Meanings

Astrological Correspondence: Mercury

Keywords: work, new beginnings, activity, overwork

Description: As the archetype of the masculine principle, the Magician represents someone who is able to achieve his goals through his creative abilities and his skills in using the tools available to him. The Magician symbolises the beginning of something when everything is possible. It can be a start of a new relationship, the birth of a new idea or creative project, or a financial strategy. The Magician is a confident person realising his full potential by taking positive action and focusing his attention and energies to the task at hand. This includes employing magic. .

Upright Associations: Mastery in the material world, creativity and originality, will power and self confidence. Dexterity, sleight of hand, focus, skill at communication, quick wittedness.

On the negative side the Magician represents egotism, treachery, and overconfidence, thereby misleading others into making wrong choices.

Reversed  Associations: Failure, embarrassment, unreliable friends, deception, overconfidence, blocked creativity, feeling helpless, a time to avoid action. Frustration, suppressed energy, needing to step back.

Wednesday, 5 January 2022



The trine between the Sun in Capricorn and Uranus in Taurus on January 1 lets the year 2022 begin with a quiet promise: Things are starting to move. It would be naïve to assume that all problems will just resolve themselves. But the torpor we've experienced all too often over the past two years will quietly fade over the next few months. The important impulses in January come from the signs of Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces. The events thus take place between the poles of state power, personal freedom and collective responsibility. Pluto in Capricorn has an important role to play in this, and we could get to see some distinct power politics over the next few weeks. However, with Jupiter in Pisces (from December 29, 2021), a new and probably welcome undertone will be heard. In the coming months, we will be reminded more often than not that we are one humanity. The ideologically colored disputes of the last months lose some intensity and also allow more differentiated views again.

The first New Moon of the year on January 2 also speaks a clear language. The Capricorn New Moon trines Uranus in Taurus, and Mercury moves into Aquarius on the same day. Don't wait for better times but pragmatically try to improve your personal situation now. Your personal stability is the basis that enables you to work for others.

Capricorn. On January 9, the Sun is in conjunction with retrograde Venus in Capricorn, the Moon in Aries is conjunct Chiron (on the 8th/9th), and Mars is about to exactly square Neptune (on the 11th). Furthermore, stationary retrograde Mercury squares Uranus on the 14th. Now relationships and agreements increasingly need to be clarified. Some tacit agreements can no longer be upheld, and unpleasant dead wood and omissions may come to light. It would be very unwise to ignore or even deny any problems that may arise. Instead, decisive action should be taken in such a case. Unpaid debts could become a big problem later.

On January 16, the Sun is conjunct Pluto, and the Cancer Full Moon opposes Pluto on January 18. Uranus ends its retrograde phase at the same time. Power-conscious and decisive action is now being taken, and many things that have been thought of as planning games in recent months could now enter a phase of concrete implementation. The cards are now stacked against those who hesitate for too long.

Aquarius.The last third of the month brings restless and unpredictable days, which have potential, however. On the 20th, the Sun enters Aquarius. On the 23rd, it makes a conjunction with retrograde Mercury. Mars enters Capricorn on the 24th and Mercury on the 26th. Mercury reaches a conjunction with Pluto on the 29th, and Venus turns direct during an exact trine with Uranus. The Sun forms a square to Uranus on the 30th, and the Moon is conjunct Pluto and Mercury in Capricorn a day later. Desire and reality must now be brought into balance, and this will hardly be possible without loss. The cuts that have to be made now seem unavoidable, and some of what is cherished may well have to be sacrificed.

Card for today, 5th January 2022

 X of Coins

 The Gilded Tarot
Using Rider Waite's Keywords and Meanings

Keywords: affluent, wealth, status, accumulation.

Description: The Ten of Coins indicates family money or enterprise. If the querent is self-employed, it is a positive card because this shows he or she will be working for the future and earning money for themselves.

Upright Associations: Family, emotional and financial stability, an inheritance. Responsibility, family matters, genealogy, profitable investments, blessings, legacy.

Reversed Associations: A robbery, a loss, disharmony, petty quarrels, disorganisation. Family and/or financial instability. Demands and over committed to family and friends.

Tuesday, 4 January 2022

Card for today, 4th January 2022

 VI of Swords

 The Gilded Tarot
Using Rider Waite's Keywords and Meanings

Keywords: travel, movement, feeling more secure, safety.

Description: The Six of Swords indicates moving away from difficult times. There is a feeling of pain or melancholy associated with this card because much hardship was endured before the decision to move was made. Movement away from danger. Discretion being the better part of valour. Travel in company, being with others in the same circumstances. Immediate problems will be solved. A positive direction to go in.

Upright Associations: Movement, travel, leaving behind difficulties and/or dangers. A shared journey towards the solution of current problems. Healing, transition, smooth sailing.

Reversed Associations: Announcement, declaration, of love, delay in your change of fortune, your situation is improving slowly. Rough waters, fear of unknown, refusing to move and/or change.

Monday, 3 January 2022

Card for today, 3rd January 2022

 IX of Wands

 The Gilded Tarot
Using Rider Waite's Keywords and Meanings

Keywords: vigilance, protection and defense, nearly there.

Description: The Nine of Wands indicates success after a long struggle to get to the top. There appears to be a bit of weariness because many mistakes have been made and much has been learned the hard way. Additionally, a feeling of defense is in the air because after such a long struggle to achieve success, much vigilance will be necessary to maintain it. Don't let others undo what you've worked hard to achieve.

Upright Associations: Eventual victory, plans coming to fruition, resolve, good health. Determination, commitment to an issue or belief. Acknowledging past grief.

Reversed Associations: Rivalry, obstacles, time to move on in your life. Loss of rights, isolation. emerging from pain and isolation.

Sunday, 2 January 2022

Card for today, 2nd January 2022

 III of Cups

 The Gilded Tarot

Using Rider Waite's Keywords and Meanings

Keywords: celebrations, parties, reunions.

Description: Three of Cups indicates happiness and good times in the form of parties, theatre, and other types of outings. This is generally a positive and happy card that brings forth lots of fun. Happiness and reunions. Parties and meetings which lead to love affairs and lots of flirtation. In some cases this card can indicate pregnancy or birth. Ills are healed and harmony achieved. Attendance at weddings or christenings is likely.

Upright Associations: Celebration, a happy conclusion, discovery, friendship, bonding. Raising energy, mutual agreements, cohesiveness.

Reversed Associations: An achievement, exaggeration, extremism, an orgy. Personality conflicts, envious communications, isolation, over indulgence. Inability to connect or agree.

Saturday, 1 January 2022

Card for today, 1st January 2022

 0 The Fool

 The Gilded Tarot

Using Rider Waite's Keywords and Meanings

Astrological Correspondence: Uranus

Keywords: open to possibilities, journey, quest for something, to realise a dream, etc.

Description: The Fool is the card without a number. It usually is positioned at the beginning of the major arcana but can be either at the beginning or the end as it depicts our learning experience through life from beginning to end. The Fool signifies one's potential and abilities. Embarking on his journey toward self knowledge, the Fool is at the same time adventurous and fearful, seemingly open to all possibilities, yet apparently unaware of the dangers along the way. Irrational impulses, foolishness, and poor judgement are some of the negative aspects of this card. At the end of his journey the Fool has learned life's lessons and is aware of his place in the world and in one with himself.

Upright Associations: New beginnings, either mental, spiritual or physical, new adventures, life cycles, and new opportunities. Leaping off into the unknown, playfulness, openness.

Reversed Associations: Fear, distancing oneself from life, indifference, apathy, foolishness. reluctance to accept responsibility, confusion, the need for caution, naivety, The need for more information before starting a new venture.

Friday, 31 December 2021

Card for today, 31st December 2021

II of Swords

Manufactured by Angel Playing Cards
Using Rider Waite's Keyword and Meanings

Keywords: balance, adversity, friendship.

Description: The Two of Swords indicates an argument or parting of ways. The persons involved are not able to find a common point of interest, so the best alternative is to agree to disagree. Friendship at a time of adversity. An ally upon whom you can depend. A decision has to be made logically, but there are no clues as to which direction to take. A balance between two equally matched opponents. A duel, either literally or one fought with words.

Upright Associations: Weighing, balancing, merging, deciding. Resolution of differences and the restoration of peace. Denial, need for space, looking inward.

Reversed Associations: Betrayal, fraud, overprotective, renewed action. Making a decision, broken tension, external focus.

Thursday, 30 December 2021

Card for today, 30th December 2021

III of Cups

Manufactured by Angel Playing Cards
Using Rider Waite's Keyword and Meanings

Keywords: celebrations, parties, reunions.

Description: Three of Cups indicates happiness and good times in the form of parties, theatre, and other types of outings. This is generally a positive and happy card that brings forth lots of fun. Happiness and reunions. Parties and meetings which lead to love affairs and lots of flirtation. In some cases this card can indicate pregnancy or birth. Ills are healed and harmony achieved. Attendance at weddings or christenings is likely.

Upright Associations: Celebration, a happy conclusion, discovery, friendship, bonding. Raising energy, mutual agreements, cohesiveness.

Reversed Associations: An achievement, exaggeration, extremism, an orgy. Personality conflicts, envious communications, isolation, over indulgence. Inability to connect or agree.