The trine between the Sun in Capricorn and Uranus in Taurus on January 1 lets the year 2022 begin with a quiet promise: Things are starting to move. It would be naïve to assume that all problems will just resolve themselves. But the torpor we've experienced all too often over the past two years will quietly fade over the next few months. The important impulses in January come from the signs of Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces. The events thus take place between the poles of state power, personal freedom and collective responsibility. Pluto in Capricorn has an important role to play in this, and we could get to see some distinct power politics over the next few weeks. However, with Jupiter in Pisces (from December 29, 2021), a new and probably welcome undertone will be heard. In the coming months, we will be reminded more often than not that we are one humanity. The ideologically colored disputes of the last months lose some intensity and also allow more differentiated views again.
The first New Moon of the year on January 2 also speaks a clear language. The Capricorn New Moon trines Uranus in Taurus, and Mercury moves into Aquarius on the same day. Don't wait for better times but pragmatically try to improve your personal situation now. Your personal stability is the basis that enables you to work for others.
Capricorn. On January 9, the Sun is in conjunction with retrograde Venus in Capricorn, the Moon in Aries is conjunct Chiron (on the 8th/9th), and Mars is about to exactly square Neptune (on the 11th). Furthermore, stationary retrograde Mercury squares Uranus on the 14th. Now relationships and agreements increasingly need to be clarified. Some tacit agreements can no longer be upheld, and unpleasant dead wood and omissions may come to light. It would be very unwise to ignore or even deny any problems that may arise. Instead, decisive action should be taken in such a case. Unpaid debts could become a big problem later.
On January 16, the Sun is conjunct Pluto, and the Cancer Full Moon opposes Pluto on January 18. Uranus ends its retrograde phase at the same time. Power-conscious and decisive action is now being taken, and many things that have been thought of as planning games in recent months could now enter a phase of concrete implementation. The cards are now stacked against those who hesitate for too long.
Aquarius.The last third of the month brings restless and unpredictable days, which have potential, however. On the 20th, the Sun enters Aquarius. On the 23rd, it makes a conjunction with retrograde Mercury. Mars enters Capricorn on the 24th and Mercury on the 26th. Mercury reaches a conjunction with Pluto on the 29th, and Venus turns direct during an exact trine with Uranus. The Sun forms a square to Uranus on the 30th, and the Moon is conjunct Pluto and Mercury in Capricorn a day later. Desire and reality must now be brought into balance, and this will hardly be possible without loss. The cuts that have to be made now seem unavoidable, and some of what is cherished may well have to be sacrificed.