Wednesday, 3 November 2021

Card for today, 3rd November 2021

Tarot Etteilla Egyptian (Gypsy Oracle)
Designed by Jean Francois Alliette
Published in Paris, 1870

64 - King of Coins


Dark Haired Man: Entrepreneur wells disposed towards the Questioner. Careful investor.

Upside down: Vicious Man. Old and depraved man.

Tuesday, 2 November 2021

Card for today, 2nd November 2021

Tarot Etteilla Egyptian (Gypsy Oracle)
Designed by Jean Francois Alliette
Published in Paris, 1870

63 - Ace of Swords


Extreme: Animosity. Excessive resistance. Nervousness.

Upside down: Pregnancy. Profitable efforts. Possible pregnancy.

Monday, 1 November 2021

Card for today, 1st November 2021

Tarot Etteilla Egyptian (Gypsy Oracle)
Designed by Jean Francois Alliette
Published in Paris, 1870

62 - Two of Swords


Friendship: Harmony within the family and at the workplace. Returned favours.

Upside down: False. Insincere friendships.

Sunday, 31 October 2021


 All Hallows Eve

Card for today, 31st October 2021

Tarot Etteilla Egyptian (Gypsy Oracle)
Designed by Jean Francois Alliette
Published in Paris, 1870

61 - Three of Swords


Remoteness: Distance. Personality conflict. Separation.

Upside down: Distraction. Troubled love. Shady business.

Saturday, 30 October 2021

Card for today, 30th October 2021

Tarot Etteilla Egyptian (Gypsy Oracle)
Designed by Jean Francois Alliette
Published in Paris, 1870

60 - Four of Swords


Solitude: Solitude imposed by unfavourable circumstances.

Upside down: Economy, Saving. Savings in consideration of future expenses.

Friday, 29 October 2021

Card for today, 29th October 2021

Tarot Etteilla Egyptian (Gypsy Oracle)
Designed by Jean Francois Alliette
Published in Paris, 1870

59 - Five of Swords


Loss: Falling earnings. Transfer of goods. Decline.

Upside down: Mourning. Loss of all hope.

Thursday, 28 October 2021




Jupiter and Pluto: Right at the beginning of the month, Mercury in Libra trines Jupiter in Aquarius (exact Nov 1) and squares Pluto in Capricorn (exact Nov 2). Pluto's position corresponds to that of its conjunction with Jupiter on April 5, 2020, the time of the first great Covid-19 wave and its corresponding restrictions on social life. Mercury's present contact with the two planets involved indicates a period of critical processing of what has gone before. With the November 4 Scorpio New Moon in opposition to Uranus in Taurus, uncomfortable questions are now surfacing that are hard to ignore.

Mercury: Mercury enters Scorpio on November 5, makes a conjunction with Mars on November 10 and squares Saturn in Aquarius on the same day. Then on November 11, Mars forms a square to Saturn as well. During these days, the mood could become quite spiteful. Then, when Mercury reaches the opposition to Uranus on November 13, new information and surprising findings could fuel a smoldering conflict. With the Sun square Jupiter and Venus square Chiron and Moon on the 15th, compromises will have to be made that are unlikely to satisfy everyone.

On November 17, Mars opposes Uranus and the Moon. Restlessness is now great, and someone could easily get very angry. Consider your actions carefully during these days and think of the possible consequences. There is also a lunar eclipse during the Taurus Full Moon on November 19, which gives great weight to all impulses and their effects during this period. So practice letting go and try to let things happen.

Sagittarius: The last third of the month is a bit more relaxed. The Sun enters Sagittarius on November 22, Mercury follows suit two days after. On November 29, the two are in exact conjunction, with Mars forming a trine to Neptune. The month ends with the Sun and Mercury trining Chiron in Aries. Any contractions and after-effects of the unsettled days of mid-month can now dissipate with enough attention.

Do we have to go through all this again?


Card for today, 28th October 2021

Tarot Etteilla Egyptian (Gypsy Oracle)
Designed by Jean Francois Alliette
Published in Paris, 1870

58 - Six of Swords


Route, Way: Work career. Temporary transfer.

Upside down: Declaration. Confession. Declaration. Protest.

Wednesday, 27 October 2021

Card for today, 27th October 2021

Tarot Etteilla Egyptian (Gypsy Oracle)
Designed by Jean Francois Alliette
Published in Paris, 1870

57 - Seven of Swords


Hope: Wait for news or important changes.

Upside down: Wise Advice. Consulting with an expert.

Tuesday, 26 October 2021

Card for today, 26th October 2021

Tarot Etteilla Egyptian (Gypsy Oracle)
Designed by Jean Francois Alliette
Published in Paris, 1870

56 - Eight of Swords


Criticism: Constructive criticism. Correction of errors.

Upside down: Incident. Unpleasant unexpected event. Short-lived adversities.

Monday, 25 October 2021

Card for today, 25th October 2021

Tarot Etteilla Egyptian (Gypsy Oracle)
Designed by Jean Francois Alliette
Published in Paris, 1870

55 - Nine of Swords


Priest: Celibacy. Temporary solitude. Shyness.

Upside down: Just Defiance. Distrust. All types of doubts.

Sunday, 24 October 2021

Card for today, 24th October 2021

Tarot Etteilla Egyptian (Gypsy Oracle)
Designed by Jean Francois Alliette
Published in Paris, 1870

54 - Ten of Swords


Tears: Tears or complaints having material reasons.

Upside down: Advantage. Return of happiness.

Saturday, 23 October 2021

Card for today, 23rd October 2021

Tarot Etteilla Egyptian (Gypsy Oracle)
Designed by Jean Francois Alliette
Published in Paris, 1870

53 - Valet of Swords


Spy: Spy. Young researcher. Investigator.

Upside down: Lack of Foresight. Obliging but unprepared helper.

Friday, 22 October 2021

Card for today, 22nd October 2021

Tarot Etteilla Egyptian (Gypsy Oracle)
Designed by Jean Francois Alliette
Published in Paris, 1870

52 - Knight of Swords


Soldier: Mercenary. Pugnacious collaborator.

Upside down: Ignorance. Ignorant or careless collaborator.

Thursday, 21 October 2021

Card for today, 21st October 2021

Tarot Etteilla Egyptian (Gypsy Oracle)
Designed by Jean Francois Alliette
Published in Paris, 1870

51 - Queen of Swords


Widow: An alone woman with a difficult disposition creates problems.

Upside down: Nasty Vicious Woman. Intriguing or ill-intentioned woman.

Wednesday, 20 October 2021

Card for today, 20th October 2021

Tarot Etteilla Egyptian (Gypsy Oracle)
Designed by Jean Francois Alliette
Published in Paris, 1870

50 - King of Swords


Well Dressed Man, Noble: Expert, professionals give costly advice.

Upside down: Nasty Vicious Man. Cruel person to be avoided.

Tuesday, 19 October 2021

Card for today, 19th October 2021

Tarot Etteilla Egyptian (Gypsy Oracle)
Designed by Jean Francois Alliette
Published in Paris, 1870

49 - Ace of Cups


Table: Worldly reception. Gastronomic pleasures.

Upside down: Change. Changed point of view.

Monday, 18 October 2021

Card for today, 18th October 2021

Tarot Etteilla Egyptian (Gypsy Oracle)
Designed by Jean Francois Alliette
Published in Paris, 1870

48 - Two of Cups


Love: Love. Great pleasantness. Intense passion.

Upside down: Desire. Unsatisfied desires. Jealousy.

Sunday, 17 October 2021

Card for today, 17th October 2021

Tarot Etteilla Egyptian (Gypsy Oracle)
Designed by Jean Francois Alliette
Published in Paris, 1870

47 - Three of Cups


Success: Relief. Positive conclusion. Recovery.

Upside down: Business Venture. Business with uncertain success.