Thursday, 1 July 2021

Today's Oracle 1st July 2021

Lenormand card No 25, Ring

The ring is the classical card for partnership, marriage, a relationship or a connection if the card lies on the right of the person card. If the card lies on the left however, it can indicate that a relationship is going to end.

Karma, group work, monotony, cycles, connections, contracts, protection.

Marriage, partnership matters.

Wednesday, 30 June 2021



The month of July begins with an exciting constellation. Mars in Leo reaches an opposition to Saturn on July 1 and an exact square to Uranus on the 4th, forming a T-square with the two. In addition, the Sun squares Chiron in Aries on July 4, and Mercury in Gemini forms a square with Neptune in Pisces on July 6. Those who assess their own strengths realistically and use them in the right place could actually succeed in asserting themselves now. However, overestimating themselves will have painful consequences. It becomes visible who has the upper hand at the moment, and some could have a tough time of it with the existing power structures.

Then, on July 7, Venus, too, reaches the position in the T-square with Saturn and Uranus which Mars previously held. It is now increasingly women's voices that give a new slant to events and call for moderation and relaxation. The Cancer New Moon on July 10 could then actually lead to a quiet respite before a new, promising chapter begins in the middle of the month. Venus and Mars in Leo are conjunct between July 12 and 14. The Moon transits the two on the 12th and forms an opposition to Jupiter on the 13th. Additionally, the Sun is in trine to Neptune on the 15th. This is the time for lovers. Celebrate life and love during these days, let joy take hold of you and allow yourself to celebrate exuberantly once again! This is also a good time to rid yourself of the dust of the worries of the past few months.

The last third of the month could also bring a few surprises. The Sun enters Leo on July 22, and Venus enters Virgo on the same day. Venus and Jupiter - the lesser and the greater fortune - are then directly opposite each other, creating an atmosphere of trust. The rediscovered joy could have very real effects and cause some of the powerful blockages indicated by the Saturn-Uranus square to be somewhat released. Since the Full Moon on July 24 will occur on the Leo / Aquarius axis within a degree of the Great Conjunction of December 2020, new and relevant impulses important to the current process of social reorientation can also be expected during these days. Retrograde Jupiter will re-enter Aquarius on July 28, supporting transformative forces through the end of the year.

Today's Oracle 30th June 2021

Lenormand card No 8, Coffin

With this card something comes to an end so something new can come into existence. Next to the person card, it indicates disease or sorrow.

Completion, serious illness, large loss of money.

Transformation, major change in a situation, endings, secrets uncovered.

Tuesday, 29 June 2021

Today's Oracle 29th June 2021

Lenormand card No 26, Book / Sphinx
Book / Sphinx
This card denotes a secret, something that is not yet definite, as it is still hidden somewhere. If the cards 31 (SUN) or 33 (KEY) lie next to it, the secret is revealed. The book can also indicate a contract or a large amount of acquired knowledge.
Secrets, a mystery.
Wisdom of life, book of life, things are in good standing, call to learn more, sign of the teacher.
Projects, studies, education.

Monday, 28 June 2021

Today's Oracle 28th June 2021

Lenormand card No 35, Anchor

This card stands for work, job, training and stability. If you have questions regarding your work and your job, look at the cards around it.

Stability, success, security.

Gravity, lifestyle, relative security in work or relationships.

Sunday, 27 June 2021

Today's Oracle 27th June 2021

Lenormand card No 34, Fish
The fish is the classical card for money. Everything to do with finances and money is indicated by this card. It can also stand for a businessman.
Intellectualism, material success and wealth, also: instability, excess, drugs, alcohol.
Excess, luxury, wealth, money.
Trade, exchange, sales, business matters.

Saturday, 26 June 2021

Today's Oracle 26th June 2021

Lenormand card No 13, Child
This card symbolizes your own child. It stands for a new beginning, but it can also express that a matter is small or that a person has a childish, naive disposition. Furthermore it can stand for children, teenagers, your daughter, your lady lover or a young woman.
Naive, young, playful, a child.
Trust, friendliness, children.

Friday, 25 June 2021

Today's Oracle 25th June 2021

Lenormand card No 9, Flowers / Bouquet
Flowers / Bouquet

A card of luck! You will receive an invitation, a present or are going to get engaged.

Gift, upbeat spirit, success, love, friendship, celebration, overflowing emotions.

Contentment, abundance of love.

Fun, Goodness, Happiness.

Thursday, 24 June 2021

Today's Oracle 24th June 2021

Lenormand card No 17, Storks


The storks denote changes. This can be moving house or a new beginning. If it stands for a person, it symbolizes a kind-hearted woman.

Process of self-cleansing, the stork brings to the card after it, what the card before it represents. The changing power of love.

Change, house move.

Wednesday, 23 June 2021

Today's Oracle 23rd June 2021

Lenormand card No 28, Gentleman / Man
Gentleman / Man
This card stands for the person asking the question if it is a man, and so it is the person card for men. If the person asking the question is a woman, the card represents her present or future partner, i.e. the man she feels closest to.
Friend, husband, significant other, boyfriend, love. Also action, aggressiveness, logic, willpower.

Tuesday, 22 June 2021

Today's Oracle 22nd June 2021

Lenormand card No 19, Tower
The tower represents the authorities. It can also indicate isolation and loneliness. Sometimes it is an indicator of a separation that is yet to come, or of a long life. Above all, it can stand for a person in a leading position who has a lot of power or influence.
Stability, success, aloofness, remoteness, the elevation of the spirit.
The course of your life, long life, someone or something from the past, protection.
An institute of authority, a company or business.
Governmental institution, particularly when paired with MOUNTAIN.

Monday, 21 June 2021

Today's Oracle 21st June 2021

Lenormand card No 10, Scythe


Danger is lurking from where the tip of the scythe points. However, if there are good cards nearby, the danger is alleviated. The scythe tells us that something will happen suddenly. This can be both a sudden ending and a sudden new beginning.

Break-up, great danger, accidents.

Renewal of inner knowledge without the fundament of understanding that knowledge, experiencing something one does not understand... a card which says to be careful, something that happens quickly and can bring much pain. It can also point to a harvest though.

Sunday, 20 June 2021

Today's Oracle 20th June 2021

Lenormand card No 36 Cross

This card tells you that destiny is about to test you and that with the question asked, the matter is of a karmic nature.

Suffering and misfortune, no hope for a situation, karma, destiny.

Symbol of guilt, Karma, Belief and Knowledge, Tests, unending space. Grand scale endings, Fate, lessons to learn.

Saturday, 19 June 2021

Today's Oracle 19th June 2021

Lenormand card No 27, Letter
A letter, i.e. a message, is on its way and will get to you soon. You learn of news, possibly via new communication methods such as e-mail, fax or text messages.
Shallow, not deep, something is new, information, creative ideas, message from within (inner voice).
News, mail.

Friday, 18 June 2021

Today's Oracle 18th June 2021

Lenormand card No 7, Snake

This card indicates betrayal, falseness, lies and detours. It can also stand for a girlfriend, sister, lady friend, etc.

Temptations, dark forces, sneakiness, lower nature of the soul, smart.

Betrayal, jealousy, cheating.

Untrustworthy, devious, suspicious.

Thursday, 17 June 2021

Today's Oracle 17th June 2021

 Lenormand card No 21, Mountain

At the place where the mountain appears there is a blockage. An obstacle has to be overcome and nothing is working at the moment. The card can also be an indicator of a powerful enemy.

Obstacle, danger, block, frustration, coldness, hard work.

Large, momentous.

Fixed, long-lasting or permanent.

Wednesday, 16 June 2021

Today's Oracle 16th June 2021

Lenormand card No 16, Stars
Another card of luck! Depending on the questions asked, it indicates that a matter will succeed. It is the card of success. It also stands for intuition, spirituality, psychic powers and astrology.
Cosmos, Universe, the point of life/being, the laws of the universe, spiritual aspirations, the melancholy of dreams, eternity, the call of angels.

Tuesday, 15 June 2021

Today's Oracle 15th June 2021

Lenormand card No 29 Lady / Woman

Lady / Woman

This card represents the woman asking the questions and is therefore the person card for women. If the person asking the questions is a man, the card symbolizes his present or future partner, i.e. the woman he feels closest to.

Friend, wife, significant other, girlfriend, love. Also intuition, passiveness, instinct, patience.

Monday, 14 June 2021

Today's Oracle 14th June 2021

Lenormand card No 11 Whips


The whips card brings arguments, i.e. scathing disagreements. If the card lies next to card 10 (SCYTHE), there is an increased danger of accidents.

Cleansing, two/dual, consequences, call to cleanse the soul, arguments, heated debate, strife.

Strife and conflict, arguments.

Self-discipline, self-punishment, feelings of unworthiness

Sunday, 13 June 2021

Today's Oracle 13th June 2021

Lenormand card No 20,  Park / Garden

Park / Garden

The park stands for places open to the public, for society and any place where a lot of people come together. This can be a concert, a hospital or a fair. Depending on the questions asked, this card is an indicator that many people are involved.

Creativity, meeting, party.

Society, connection, peace from thoughts and worries, multilevelled feelings, get-togethers, gathering places.

Social network, the public, nature of the crowd.