Sagittarius. December 4 features a New Moon with a solar eclipse in Sagittarius. Eclipses can be powerful triggers of events. The Sagittarius emphasis of this eclipse brings a spirit of optimism. This optimistic mood is reinforced by the square of Scorpio Mars with Jupiter in Aquarius on December 8, which signals great determination. Mercury square Neptune, however, indicates that the factual situation is unclear. Three days later, on December 11, Venus is in conjunction with Pluto. Desire is strong now, but so is the risk of great disappointment. Big gains are just as possible as big losses. The square of the Sun and Neptune on December 12 indicates events that are not so easily controlled.
Saturn and Uranus. Then, from the middle of the month, the Saturn-Uranus square is increasingly noticeable. The conflicts between freedom and security can hardly be ignored anymore and call for a fundamental change of attitude.
On the day of the Gemini Full Moon on December 19, Mercury is square Chiron, which turns direct at this time. Venus, on the other hand, turns retrograde on the same day and moves back toward Pluto, with which she again forms a conjunction on December 25. The Sun enters Capricorn on December 21. In addition, on December 24 the square of Saturn in Aquarius and Uranus in Taurus becomes exact again. Tense Christmas days await us, which can confront us with unfulfilled expectations, fears for the future and constraints. During these days, try to consciously take some distance from your feelings and give yourself enough space to find inner clarity. The profound collective changes in which we all participate can hardly be judged conclusively yet.
Jupiter in Pisces. Then, at the end of the month, Jupiter enters Pisces on December 29. In the following months, this will give the things that unite people a bit more weight than the things that separate them. The Sun is square Chiron on the 30th, and Mercury conjunct Pluto. On New Year's Eve, Mars will reach the position of the solar eclipse at the beginning of the month and will activate its themes again. By the end of the year, the realization may prevail that it is simply no longer possible to remain inactive and hope for better times.